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65 Cards in this Set

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Name the order of the Tudor monarchy
Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I, Elizabeth I
Who was Henry VII?
he was the first Tudor monarch after the War of the Roses.
What did Henry VII do? What did he encourage? How?
he rebuilt England's commercial wealth. He encouraged foreign trade by: improving tax collection, encouraging careful gov't spending, and avoiding wars
Who was Henry VIII? What did he do? How many times did he get married?
Second Tudor and son of Henry VII. He was the most powerful monarch. He fought wars in Europe. He began English naval power. He married 6 times. He increased the power of the House of Commons
Who rules after Henry VIII's death(for a short time)? Who becomes queen afterwards? Who did she marry?
Edward VI ruled for a short period after Henry's death. then, Mary became queen and married Philip II of Spain.
Mary I did what?
She restored Catholicism, and she went to war with France and lost.
Who became queen after Mary? What did she use her power for? What did she support?
Elizabeth I. SHe became queen in 1558, she used her power for the common good of all English citizens. She supported the arts. Poets and writers wrote about her.
Who did Elizabeth I marry? WHen did she die?
no one, she never married. because she did not want to give up her power. She died in 1603.
Who became the ruler of England after Elizabeth died?
King James I, he founded the Stuart dynasty
What did the Council of Nobles do?
They handled National bureaucracy - handled foreign relations, regulated prices, etc.
What did the Justices of Peace do?
They enforced the queen's laws, most of the justices belonged to the rural landowning class, they also maintained peace, collected taxes
What was the Social rank under Elizabeth?
- Queen and Court
- Nobles and Gentry
- Yeomen-farmers
By Elizabeth's time, England had lost much of what? What did she continue to do to protect england from invasion?
by her time, ENgland had lost much of its European land claims. She continued to finance a strong navy to protect England from invasion
Who became king of England after Elizabeth died?
What did James I constantly ask Parliament for? Why?
he constantly asked for money. he spent large sums of money on himself and gov't.
What did James I do when Par. refused to give him money?
He sold titles of nobility
How did James I put England into debt?
he agreed to make war debt payments to Spain in order to end the war
What did the Puritans want from James I? What did they do?
they wanted to rid the church of all Catholic rituals, they presented James with a list of reforms (which he rejected and threatened to force them out of England). They eventually left and settled in North America
Who was the son of James I?
Charles I
Who did Charles I oppose?
Who did Charles I marry?
he married Henrietta Marie(Catholic) the sister of Louis XIII
What did Charles I request from Par.?
he requested money from Par. to fight the French and Spanish. They denied him the money.
What did Charles I do when Par. denied him money? What did Charles do to earn money?
he dissolved Par. to raise money, he forced landowners to give loans to the govt. those who refused to do so were imprisoned
What laws did Charles instate?
he demanded billet(housing troops in private homes), he instituted Martial law(temp. military rule w/ limited indiv. rights)
What was the first document that Par. made Charles I sign before they would give him money? Did he obey the document?
The Petition of Right; he ignored the Petition and dissoved the Par. again
The Petition of Right was signed by Charles I, what were the conditions of the petition?(first document)
it forbid the king from enforcing taxes and loans w/o the consent of Par., could not imprison anyone w/o just cause, troops could not be housed in a private home w/o the owner's consent.
When did the Scots invade England?
How long did the Short Parliament last?
3 weeks
How long did the Long Parliament last?
20 years
The Irish were persecuted because they remained what?
Roman Catholic
The English seized land from the Irish and gave it to whom?
the English and Scot settlers
When did the Irish rebel?
Puritan strength grew in Parliament. They sent Charles I what? What did this do? (the 2nd document sent to Charles)
they sent Charles the 19 Propositions that made Parliament the supreme power in England. He refused the agree and led troops into the House of Commons to arrest 5 leaders.
Charles I gathered an army of what?
an army of nobles and landowners
Where did Parliament gather people from? Who was their leader?
from the South and East of England. Oliver Cromwell was their leader, he was very religious and a great military leader
When did Charles I surrender? When was he tried, sentenced, and executed?
in May 1646; in 1649
Who ruled after the Civil War?
Oliver Cromwell, as a military dictator. he instituted laws that rid the country of all merrymaking(no gambling, no drinking, no card playing, and everyone had to attend church
Who ruled from Oliver Cromwell?(not his son)
the people of England and Parliament wanted a monarch to rule. Charles I's son, Charles II was asked to come back to rule
What did Charles II do?
he restored merrymaking
Who ruled after Charles II?
James II, he was Charles II's brother. He was openly Catholic.
James II's being openly Catholic led to what?
the development of political parties - Whigs(James' opponents) & Tories(James allies).
Who takes over after James II?
William and Mary
What is divine right?
the theory that royal power came from God
Who is James I? What did he believe?
He is the 1st Stewart King and the King of the Scots. he believed that he had absolute authority to govern England as he saw fit. He declared that royal authority came directly from God.
What was one major achievement of James I?
he ordered several committees of Bible scholars the task of creating a single authoratative text. It is noted for the elegance and power of its language. It was printed in 1611. (King James Version)
Who was Charles I? What did he do?
James I's son, the second Stuart king to rule England. he fought several costly wars and heavily taxed the English people
Who were the Roundheads?
Puritan townspeople and merchants who supported Parliament against Charles I.
What was the New Model Army?
Oliver Cromwell's military machine. THey defeated the king's forces.
Why did James I clash with Parliament?
because he needed money, but they had no desire to give any to him
Why did CHarles I clash with Parliament?
because he was in need of money. he signed the document(Petition of Right) because Par. refused to give him money until he signed the petition
What did William Laud force Charles' Presbyterian subjects in Scotland to do? What happened as a result of this?
to follow the Church of England's style of worship. as a result, the Scots gathered a huge army and threatened to invade England.
During the English Civil War, what was the name of the group that was loyal to the king? and the other side, Puritan people?
Royalists or Cavaliers; Roundheads
What is Habeas Corpus?
it gave every prisoner the right to obtain a writ or document ordering that the prisoner be brought before a judge
What was the Bill of Rights?
this doc. listed many things that a ruler could not do. These included: no suspending of Par.'s laws, no levying of taxes w/o a specific grant from Par., no interfering with a member's freedom of speech in Parliament, no penalty for a citizen who petitions the king about grievances, no standing army to be kebt in time of peace, no posting of excessive bail in royal courts
Who was Charles II?
the elder son of Charles I, he was invited to return from exile. He was known as the "merry monarch"
Who was John Milton?
he ws the greatest writer of the Restoration period. He was a poet who was aged and blind. He was also a devout Puritan. His greatest poem Paradise Lost, was published under Charles II's rule
Who were the TOry and Whig?
Tory-supported James II
Whig-they opposed James II
Who was James II?
he took over after Charles II died. He was openly Catholic and appointed several Catholics to high office
What was the Glorious Revolution?
when William and Mary marched w/ their troops to London(nobody stopped them because John Churchill, the general of the English army, had joined their side). Seeing this, James II fled to France where he remained until his death. AKA the bloodless revolution
Who was Thomas Hobbes?
he wrote his most famous work, Leviathan, in 1651, 2 years after the beheading of Charles I
Who was John Locke?
he believed that people had the gift of reason. he said that governments were formed to protect 3 basic human rights: the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to property
Why was Charles II considered a moderate leader?
because he did not try to restore the idea of the divine right of kings.
What kind of gov't did Thomas Hobbes want? John Locke?
Thomas Hobbes-Absolute monarchy
John Locke-democracy
GIve the order of the Tudor dynasty
Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward I, Mary I, Elizabeth I
Give the order of the Stuart DYnasty
James I(son of Mary Queen of Scots, known for KJV BIble), Charles I(signed Petition of Rights and 19 Propositions; caused English Civil War), Charles II(from France, known as the Merry Monarch), James II(openly Catholic, was overthrown by William and Mary(his daughter from his first wife).)--Glorious Revolution