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150 Cards in this Set

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Define a Blended Family.
Family of a couple, one or both of whom were previously married, their kids, and the kids from any previous marriage.
Define Consumer Skills and name 3 capabilies for purchasing.
Consumer's capabilities to buy.
These are:
(1) understanding money
(2) budgeting
(3) product evaluation
Define Consumer Socialization.
When young people get skills, knowledge and attitudes that are useful in being a consumer.
Define Consumption-Related Attitudes.
How people feel towards marketplace stimuli like ads and sales people.
Define Consumption-Related Preferences.
Knowledge, attitudes and values that cause people to evaluate products, brands and retail centers differently.
Define Family Decision Making.
Decisions that involve 2+ family members.
What does the HLC/ Occupational Category Matrix show?
Problems that a household will most likely experience and provides solutions.
What is the Household Life Cycle (HLC) based on?
The age and marital status of the adults and the presence and age of kids.
Define Instrumental Training.
When a parent attempts to get certain responses through reasoning or reinforcement.
Define Meditation.
Happens when a parent changes a kid's first interpreation or response to marketing or a stimulus.
Define Modeling.
Happens when a kid learns appropriate, or inappropriate, consumption behaviors by watching others.
Define Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development?
Lists stages of cognitive development.
Define a Traditional Family.
A married couple and their kids.
What are 3 Influences on Household Purchase and Consumption Behavior?
1- Structure of household

2- Stage of HLC

3- Household decision process
What are the 2 types of Households?
1- Family

2- Nonfamily
Define Nonfamily Household.
A person living alone or with other who he/she is not related to.
Name the Stages of the HLC.
-Single I
-Young married
-Full nest I
-Single parent I

(Middle Aged)
-Single II
-Delated full nest I
-Full nest II
-Single parent II
-Empty nest I

-Empty nest III
-Single III
What are the 4 Stages of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development?
1- Sensorimotor Intelligence (0-2)
Motor behavior

2- Preoperational Thoughts (3-7)
Developing language

3- Concerte Operations (8-11)
Logical thought to problems

4- Formal Operations (12-15)
Apply logical to all problems
What are the 3 parts of Consumer Learning?
1- Consumer skills

2- Consumption-related preferences

3- Consumption-related attitudes
Define Adopter Categories.
5 groups of adopters of any given innovation based on the time at which they adopt.
Define Adoption Process.
Series of stages consumers go through.
Define Asch Phenomenon.
Theory that the naive subject always agrees with the incorrect judgement of others.
Define Aspiration Reference Groups.
Nonmembership groups with a positive attraction.
Define Blogs
Personalized journals where people and organizations can keep a running dialogue.
Define Brand Community.
Community based on a set of social relationships among owners of a brand.
Define Buzz.
The expansion of word of mouth.
Define Consumption Subculture.
Subgroup of a society that self selects based on shared commitment to a product class, brand or consumption.
Define Diffusion Process.
Innovation spreading throughout a market.
Define Dissociative Reference Groups.
Groups with negative desirability.
Define Early Adopters.
Opinion leaders in a reference group.
Define Early Majority.
Consumers who tend to be cautious about innovations.
Define Enduring Involvement.
A more long-term involvement with the product category than the non-opinion leaders in the group.
Define Group.
2+ ppl who share a set of norms, values, or beliefs and have certain implicitly/explicitly defined relationships to each other so that their behaviors are interdependent.
When does Identification Influence (Value-Expressive) happen. What is it?
Happens when individuals have internalized the group's values and norms.
When does Informational Influence happen?
Happens when a person uses the behaviors and opinions of reference group members as potentially useful bits of information.
Define Innovation.
A new practice or product.
Define Innovators.
Risk takers that try new things.
Define Laggards.
The last to adopt an innovation. Limited social interaction.
Define Late Majority.
Members who are skeptical about innovations.
Define Market Mavens.
People who start discussions with others about products and shopping and respond to requests for market information.
Define Multistep Flow of Communication.
Involves opinion leaders for a certain product area who seek relevant information from the mass media.
When does Normative Influence happen?
Happens when an person achieves group expectations to get a reward.
Define Online Guides.
Online opinion leaders
Define Opinion Leader.
A person who filters, interprets, or provides product and brand information to other people they know.
Define Primary Group.
Groups characterized by frequent interpersonal contact.
Define Reference Group.
A groups whose perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior.
Define Secondary Group.
Groups characterized by limited interpersonal contact.
Define Two-Step Flow of Communication.
One person receiving information from the mass media and passing it on to others.
Define Viral Marketing.
An online "pass-it-along" strategy.

It "uses electronic communications to trigger brand messages throughout a widespread network of buyers."
Define Virtual Community.
A community that interacts over time around a topic of interest on the Internet.
Define Word of Mouth (WOM).
Individuals sharing information with other individuals.
Define Ad Avoidance.
Ways for consumers to selectively avoid exposure to advertising messages.
Define Adaptation Level Theory.
Deals with the phenomenon of people adjusting to the stimuli to which they are exposed.
Define Affective Interpretation.
The emotion or feeling triggered by a stimulus such as an ad.
Define Ambush Marketing.
Involves any communication or activity that implies that an organization is associated with an event, when in fact it is not.
Define Attention.
Happens when a stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves, and the results go to the brain for processing.
Define Brand Extension.
Where an existing brand extends to a new category with the same name.
Define Brand Familiarity.
An ability factor related to attention.
Define Closure.
Presenting a incomplete stimulus with the goal of getting consumers to complete it. Making them become more engaged and involved.
Define Co-Branding.
Co-marketing, brand alliances, and joint marketing, where two brand names are given to a single product.
Define Cognitive Interpretation.
A process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning.
Define Contextual Cues.
Plays a role in consumer interpretation, independent of the actual stimulus in a situation.
Define Cross-Promotions.
Where signage in one area of the store promotes complementary products in another.
Define Exposure.
Occurs when a stimulus comes within range of our sensory receptor nerves.
Define Figure-Ground.
Presenting the stimulus as the focal object to pay attention to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background.
Define Hemispheric Lateralization.
Applies to activities that take place on each side of the brain.
Define Inference.
Goes beyond what is directly stated or presented.
When does Information Overload happen?
Happens when consumers are confronted with so much information that they cannot or will not attend to all of it.
Define Information Processing.
Where stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored.
Define Interpretation.
Assigning meaning to sensations.
Define Just Noticeable Difference.
The minimum amount that one brand can differ from another with the difference still being noticed.
Define Muting.
Turning the sound of the TV off during commercial breaks.
What 3 things does Perception include?
Includes exposure, attention, and interpretation.
Define Perceptual Defenses.
People don't passively receive marketing messages.
Define Perceptual Relativity.
Says that interpretation is a process not an absolute.
Define Permission Based Marketing.
Online offerings where consumers "opt-in" to receive email promotions.
Define Product Placement.
Shows how and when to use a product and it enhances the product's image.
Define Proximity.
Stimuli that are put close together are perceived as belonging to the same category.
Define Rhetorical Figures.
An unexpected twist in how the message is communicated.
Define Sensory Discrimination.
The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli.
Define Smart Banners.
Banner ads that are activated based on items used in search engines.
Define Stimulus Organization.
Refers to the physical arrangement of the stimulus objects.
Define Subliminal Stimulus.
A message presented so fast or so softly that one is not aware of seeing or hearing it.
Define Zapping.
Involves switching channels when a commercial appears.
Define Zipping.
Occurs when one fast-forwards through a commercial on a prerecorded program.
Name the 3 forms that Reference Group Influence can take.
1- Informational

2- Normative

3- Identification
Name the 3 Categories of Innovations.
1- Continuous innovation

2- Dynamically continuous innovation

3- Discontinuous Innovation
Explain a Continuous Innovation.
Adoption requires minor changes in behavior.

Crest White toothpaste
Explain a Dynamically Continuous Innovation.
Adoption requires moderate change in behavior.

GPS, Digital Camera
Explain a Discontinuous Innovation.
Adoption requires major changes in behavior

Becoming a vegan.
Name the 5 steps of the Adoption Process.
1- Awareness

2- Interest

3- Evaluation

4- Trial

5- Adoption
Define Accessibility.
Ease that information can be recalled from the long term memory.
Define Advertising Wearout
Happens when too much repetition makes consumers shut down.
Define Analogical Reasoning.
Happens when a consumer uses an existing knowledge base to understand a new situation/object.
Define Analytical Reasoning.
People use thinking to twist new information and existing information to make new associations and concepts.

The most complex form of cognitive learning.
Define Brand Equity.
The value consumers assign to a brand beyond the functional characteristics of the product.
Define Brand Image.
The memory of a brand.
Define Brand Leverage.
Refers to marketers capitalizing on brand equity by using an existing brand name for new products.
Define Classical Conditioning.
Response drawn by 2 objects that are frequently presented together.
Define Cognitive Learning.
Involves all the mental activities of humans as they work to solve problems or cope with situations.
Define Concepts.
Abstractions of reality that capture the meaning of an item in terms of other concepts.
Define Conditioning.
Learning based on the association of a stimulus (information) and response (behavior or feeling).
Define Elaborative Activities.
The use of previously stored information to interpret and evaluate information in working memory and add relevant previously stored information.
Define Episodic Memory.
The memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated.
Define Explicit Memory.
Characterized by the conscious recollection of an exposure event.
Define Extinction.
Forgetting due to no reinforcement for a learned response.
Define High Involvement Learning.
When a consumer is motivated to learn the material.
Define Iconic Rote Learning.
Associating 2+ concepts
Define Imagery.
Concrete sensory representations of ideas, feelings, and objects.
Define Implicit Memory.
Non-conscious retrieval of previously encountered stimuli.
Define Learning.
Change in long term memory or behavior.
Define Long Term Memory.
Unlimited permanent storage.
Define Low Involvement Learning.
When consumer has little/no motivation to learn the material.
Define Maintenance Rehearsal.
Repetition of information to hold it in the current memory for problem solving.
Define Memory Interference.
When consumers have trouble retrieving information.
Define Modeling.
When consumers see the outcome of others' behaviors and adjust their own accordingly.
Define Operant Conditioning.
Reinforced response that is repeated when the same or similar situation happens in the future.
Define Perceptual Mapping.
Takes consumers' perceptions of how similar brands/products are to each other and relates these perceptions to product attributes.
Define Product Positioning.
A decision by a marketer to try to make a defined brand image relative to competition.
Define Product Repositioning.
Significantly altering the way the market views a product.
Define Pulsing.
Frequent repetitions used any time it is important to produce widespread knowledge of the product rapidly.
Define Punishment.
Any consequence that makes it less likely that a response will be repeated in the future.
Define Reinforcement.
Anything that increases the likelihood that a given response will be repeated in the future.
Define Retrieval Failure/ Forgetting.
Happens in cognitive learning when information that is available in LTM cannot be accessed.
Define Schema.
A complex web of associations.
Define Scripts.
Memory of how an action sequence should occur.
Define Self-Reinforcing.
Says that consumers are relating brand information to themselves.
Define Semantic Memory.
The basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept.
Define Shaping.
Encouraging partial responses leading to the final desired response.
Define Short Term Memory.
A limited capacity to store information.
Define Stimulus Discrimination.
The process of learning to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli.
Define Stimulus Generalization.
Rub Off Effects
Happens when a response to one stimulus is elicited by a similar but distinct stimulus.
Define Vicarious Learning/Modeling.
Happens when consumers observe the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjust their own accordingly.
Define Approach-Approach Conflict.
When a consumer who must choose between two attractive alternatives.
Define Approach-Avoidance Conflict.
When a consumer facing a purchase choice with both positive and negative consequences.
Define Attribution Theory.
Understanding why consumers assign particular meanings to the behaviors of others.
Define Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict.
A choice involving only undesirable outcomes.
Define Benefit Chain.
Where a product/brand is repeatedly shown to a consumer who names all the benefits that possession or use of the product might provide until the consumer can no longer identify additional benefits.
Define Brand Personality.
Human characteristics that become associated with a brand.
Define Consumer Ethnocentrism.
Regarding a consumers' biased against the purchase of foreign products.
Define Demand.
The willingness to buy a particular product or service.
Define Emotion.
Feelings affecting behavior.
Define Five-Factor Model.
Theory that identifies 5 basic traits that are formed by genetics and early learning.
Define Laddering.
Projective technique used to construct a means-end or benefit chain.
Define Latent Motives.
Motives the consumer doesn't know they have or will not admit they have it.
Define Manifest Motives.
Motives that are known and freely admitted.
What are the 5 parts of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
5- Self-Actualization
4- Esteem (status)
3- Belongingness
2- Safety (shelter)
1- Physiological needs (food water)
Define Means-End Chain.
Where a product or brand is repeatedly shown to a consumer who names all the benefits that possession or use of the product might provide until the consumer can no longer identify additional benefits.
Define Motivation.
Reason for behavior.
Define Projective Techniques.
Designed to provide information on latent motives.