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17 Cards in this Set

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what’s government?

a government is composed of the formal and informal institutions, ppl, and and used to create and conduct public policy

forms of govt

anarchy, autocracy, oligarchy, and democracy

what’s anarchy

lack of govt

what’s autocracy

rule by one

what’s oligarchy

rule by a few

what’s democracy

rule by the ppl

what’s theories of democratic government

theories about who has power and influence over public policy and decision making at the local, state, and national levels of government

what’s traditional democratic theory

depends on the consent of the governed which is given directly or through representatives. include criteria for the measure of how democratic

what’s pluralist theory

interest groups compete in the political area with each promoting its policy preferences through organized efforts. Conflict among groups results bargaining and compromise

what’s elite theory

small number of powerful elite form an upper class, which rules in its own self interest

what’s bureaucratic theory

hierarchical structure and standardized procedures of modern governments allow bureaucrats, who carry out the day to day workings of govt, to hold the real power over public policy

what’s hyperpluralism

democracy is a system of many groups having so much strength that government is often pulled numerous directions at the same time causing gridlock and ineffectiveness

what’s the articles of confederation

(1781-1789) first national constitution for governing the American states

what’s constitutional convention

in philadelphia in may of 1787, for the purpose of revising the articles of confederation

what’s virginia plan

•bicameral legislature

•lower house elected by the ppl

•upper house chosen by lower house from nominees submitted by state legislatures

• each house based on population

•single executive chosen by legislative branch, limited to 1 term only, could veto legislative acts, removal by congress

•judges chosen by legislative branch

what’s new jersey plan

•unicameral legislature

•representation equal among states

•plural executive chosen by legislative branch, no veto powers, removal by the states

•judges appointed for life by the executive

weaknesses of the articles of confederation

•created a league of friendship bwt the states

•congress couldn’t regulate interstate trade or foreign commerce

•no separate executive to enforce the acts of congress

•no national court

•states and the national government had the authority to coin money

•each state had one vote regardless of population

•9/13 states required to pass legislation

•unanimous consent required to amend the aoc