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22 Cards in this Set

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Blood Connective Tissue

located within blood vessels. function is to transport respiratory gases, wastes, and other substances

Hyaline Cartilage

located on ventral ends of ribs, in the larynx, trachea and bronchi, nose cartilage, synovial joints of long bones. functions support and reduces friction between bony surfaces and within joints.

Dense Regular Connective Tissue

located in tendons and ligaments, covering around skeletal muscles. functions anchors skeletal muscle to bone, attaches bone to bone, packages skeletal muscles, stabilizes bones within a joint, are to resist pulling forces; especially in one direction. not 3D strong

Areolar Connective Tissue

located between skin and skeletal muscle. functions to provide structural support to other tissues and to organs in 3-D; in all directions.phagocytes protect against pathogens, holds tissue fluid. this is loose connective tissue.

Adipose Connective Tissue

located under all skin most in abdomen,buttocks, and breasts and around some organs such as kidneys and eyeballs. functions to protect certain organs and other structures, insulates against heat loss through the skin, stores energy as reserve fuel. loose connective tissue. 3-D protection.

Reticular Connective Tissue

located in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver, kidneys. functions support via netlike cobweb structures for many cell types

Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

located in dermis of the skin and around muscles.. function to resist stresses applied in many different directions, 3-d strong

Elastic Cartilage

located in external ear, auditory canal. functions to support and easily returns to original shape. flexible because of many elastic fibers.

Fibrous Cartilage

located in intervertebral disks; pubic symphysis; pads within knee joint. functions as a shock absorber in a joint, resists compression. collagenous. most collagen fibers. r

Bone Tissue

located in bones. dense supportive connective tissue. stores calcium and fat. marrow contains stem cells that produce all blood cell types. produce solid matrix of calcium salt deposit. around collagen fibers.

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

located in all the major muscles of the body such as biceps brachia, gluteus maximus and pectoralis major. functions to contract muscles

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

located ONLY in the heart. functions as contraction of muscles; intercalated discs. branched

Smooth Muscle Tissue

two types: visceral and multiunit; visceral is located in walls of hollow organs such as stomach, intestines, urinary bladder.. ; multiunit in walls of large arteries; trachea, muscles in iris and arrector pili muscles attached to hair follicles. functions to contract muscles

Nervous Tissue

located in brain and spinal cord. functions to conduct electrical impulses to other neurons, muscles, or glands to regulate their function. neurological tissue

Epithelial Tissues

Simple Columnar, Simple Cuboidal, Simple Squamous, Stratified Squamous, Psuedostratified, Stratified Columnar, Glandular, Transitional

Location and Function of Simple Squamous

located lining the internal surface of ventral body cavities, blood vessels and heart, kidney tubules, alveoli of the lungs. functions to allow substances to either diffuse easily through the cell or be filtered through it; secretion. reduces friction

location and function of simple cuboidal

located in ducts of glands, parts of kidney tubules; follicles of thyroid gland; functions secretion and absorption.

location and function of simple columnar

located in uterine tubes if ciliated and non ciliated in stomach, small intestine,large intestine,gallbladder

local function Pseudo stratified Columnar

two types. ciliated and non ciliated. ciliated located in nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi; conciliated located in ducts of male reproductive tract

local function Stratified Squamous

two types. keratinized and nonkeratinized. keratinized located in epidermis of skin. non keratin located in lining of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, anus and vagina.

local function stratified transitional epithelium

located in linking of ureteres, urinary bladder, urethra and renal pelvis. functions to easily allow stretching and recoiling.

What is connective tissues?

tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs, typically having relatively few cells embedded in an amorphous matrix, often with collagen or other fibers, and including cartilaginous, fatty, and elastic tissues.