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93 Cards in this Set

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In the inductive research model, observations tend to drive theory development. T or F
Researchers using qualitative method try to provide a degree of objectivity to their research report by minimizing the voice of participants. T or F
Qalitative research relies on logic of formal statistics arguments. T or F
When an individual refuses to participate, ethical guidelines suggest that researchers try other persuasive techniqies to encourage participation. T or F
Qualitative makes it easier to distance yourself from interactions enabling you to draw more objective conclusions. T or F
Qualitative sometimes uses numbers only as a descriptive property. T or F
Which is a qualitative method of research?
Communication from a social science perspective is?
All of the Above
Deductive and inductive research models begin with identifying th RQ/ problem? T or F
In reading academic journals, scholarly books, conclusions drawn by the authors are found in:
Discussion Section
What is not true?
Qualitative research is not empirically based
IRB or human subject review committee, can make what decisions?
All of the above
Informed Consent is when participants voluntarily agree to participate in your project after being given basic info of the process. T or F
In this model, after identifying the research problem, the researcher begins with a theory and then gathers evidence or data to asses whether the theory is correct.
Deductive Research Model
A normal part of doing research in the university context. Most universities require that research conducted by faculty and students whether externally funded or not.
What reports the results obtained from the methods and employed in a particular study and thus there are articles and experiments performed surveys taken, texts analyzed, and research conducted in natural settings?
Academic or Scholarly Journals
Simply a generalization phenomenon, an explanation of how or why something occurs:
A process by which verbal and nonverbal messages are used to create meanings:
This means names and other pieces of info that can identify research participants are never attached to the data and sometimes never known to the researcher:
These are straightforward systems that group sites by categories and subcategories and search for information. An end user would go from a very general group into more specific subgroups until you have reached the type of info sought:
Portal Directories
In the inductive research model, observations drive theory development. T or F
An in depth interview allows the researcher to get an understanding of not only the problem being studied but also the person being interviewed. T or F
Qualitative research methods are referred to as naturalistic research such as survey, field research or participaiton observation. T or F
Research methods using qualitative methods try to provide a degree of objectivity to their research report by minimizing the voice of the participant. T or F
Quantitative research relies on logic of formal and statistical arguments. T or F
When an individual refuses to be a research study participant, ethical guidelines suggest the researcher use persuasion methods to change the individual's decision. T or F
The primary advantage of qualitative methodologies is that it is easier to distance self from respondents and interaction enabling you to draw more objective conclusions. T or F
In the best of all worlds, the in depth interview is conducted at the interviwee's home or office. T or F
External validity is more important than internal validity. T or F
While quantitative research uses numbers, qualitative research only usues numbers as a desciptive property. T or F
A focus group provides a fairly quick but most expensive way to get at questions or concerns. T or F
A focus group is a facilitator led group discussion used for collecting data from a group of participants about a particular topic in a limited amount of time. T or F
The obvious benefits to ethnography are the rich, deep descriptions it offers. T or F
A good literature review goes beyond a simple description of previously published work to include analysis, synthesis and critique of the work. T or F
Which is an example of qualitative research methods?
All of the above - Textual analysis - Focus groups - In-depth interviews
Communication research from a social science perspective is:
All of the above
In reading journals, scholarly articles or books, conclusions drawn by the arthor are in the:
Discussion section
Which is NOT true?
Qualitative research is not empirical (Qualitative IS empirical)
Probability sampling means the selection of participants is:
Respect for persons is exhibited when:
All of the above
Informed consent is:
Participants voluntarily agree to participate after being given a description of the process and their involvement
Field notes are:
All of the above
According to the film Journey with George, Bush's favorite meat was:
Often employed by anthropologists to describe cultures different from their own:
Refers to how well research measures what they intend to measure and asks whether categories or variables are designed such that they lead to accurate findings about the phenonomenon being studied:
Internal Validity
Is the most controlled of all qualitative research methods, but also the most expensive:
In-depth Interview
Means that any information the research participant reveals is controlled in such a way that others do not have access to it:
Researchers use this, or the use of several kinds of research methods, to bring credibility to their findings:
Among obsercational roles in ethnography research, this is fully involved in the social setting and does not let people know they are being studied:
Complete Participant
Is a generalization about a phenomenon; an explanation of how or why something occurs:
This is a way of investigating a particular research question or hypothesis:
Research Method
This includes a summary of the literature the researcher sought and studied to design and develop his/her own study:
Literature Review
This concerns general findings from a research study and asks whether conclusions from a particular study can be applied to other people, places and times:
External Validity
Mean, variation, and variance are measures of central tendency. T or F
In the inductive research model, observations tend to drive theory development. T or F
The in-depth interview allows the researcher to get an understanding of not only the problem being studied but also the person being interviewed. T or F
Qualitative methods are also referred to as naturalistic research, including ethnography, in-depth interview, or focus group. T or F
Researchers using qualitative methods try to provide a degree of objectivity to their researchers report by minimizing the voice of participants. T or F
When an individual refuses to participate, ethical guidelines suggest that researchers try other persuasive techniques to encourage participation. T or F
The primary advantage of using qualitative methods is that it is easier to distance yourself from the interaction and the interactant enabling you to draw more objective conclusions. T or F
A panal survey design occurs when a researcher samples different people over time, but only those people who meet certain characteristics. T or F
While quantitative research uses numbers to represent and summarize data, qualitative reasearch uses numbers only as a descriptive property. T or F
Regardless of the researcher's level of experience, it is always wiser to develop a new and unique questionnaire or scale rather than modifying or adapting existing questionnaires or scales. T or F
A focus group provides a fairly quick and the most inexpensive way to get at questions or concerns. T or F
A focus group is a facilitator-led group discussion used for collecting data from a group of participants about a particular topic in a limited amount of time. T or F
Generalizability is the extent to which conclusions developed from data collected from a population can be extended to the sample. T or F
An obvious benefit to ethnography is the rich, deep description that it offers. T or F
Probability samples occur when every individual or message in a particular population has an equal chance of being chosen, regardless of any particular biases held by a researcher. T or F
These are samples from the population and provides a glimpse of how that set of respondents thinks, feels, or behaves at that particular time:
Cross-sectional survey
The standard deviation is the:
Indication of how close or far apart scores are from one another
Measurement is:
Everything the researcher does to arrive at the numerical estimate
This survey takes different samples from the same population at different points in time. With this type, a researcher can track an issue over time:
The advantage to this survey is the speed in which it is returned and the fact that the data can be directly inputted into statistical or spreadsheet package for data analysis:
Internet Survey
Likert Type Scales:
All of the above
This is a systematic, objective, and a quanitiative method for researching messages, including documents, speeches, media releases, video content, and scripts:
Content Analysis
In doing content analysis this should be reported when two or more coders assign communication behaviors to categories ( or two or more readers evaluate some communication act on a scale or index):
Intercoder Reliability
Internal consistency reliability is the degree to which:
Mulitiple items are consistent in measuring construct or sub-construct in a questionnaire or survey
A type of measurement level; for example: temperature
Interval Measurement
In doing content analysis, these are the things that are actually counted; much care needs to be taken when defining exactly what it is you are counting:
Units of Analysis
An instititional review board, or human subjects review committee, can make which of the following decisions?
All of the above
This is a type of random sampling. In this technique, the population is divided according to subgroups of interest, or homogeneous subgroup of the population with respect to its proportion to the whole:
Stratified Sampling
This is a quantitative system for collecting information. By asking questions, or having participants respond to stimuli statements, researcher can collect data that can be used to describe, compare, or explain knowledge, attitudes, or behavior:
None of the above
When the range is reported, it is impossible to determine how close or how far apart the scores are from one another. Thus, researchers use this as the standard calculation and representation of the variability of dataset.
Standard Deviation
Divide the population by the desired sample size to establish that every nth person shoud be selected; select a random number to establish where in the list to begin selection:
Systematic Sampling
Finding additional research participants by asking current participants to recommend indiviuals with similar characteristics:
Snowball Sampling
Using the individuals who offer to participate in a research study.
Volunteer Sampling
Ranking of preferences for political candidates:
Ordinal Measurement
A type of measurement level; for example, gender
Nominal Measurement
Type of mesaurement levels: for example, ranking of television markets
Ordinal Measurement
Type of measurement levels: Number of times the audience asks a speaker questions:
Ratio Measurement
This calculates the relationship, or correlation between scores at two administations of the same test, or measurement, to the same participants:
Test Re-test
This includes a summary of the literature the reseracher sought and studied to design and develops his or her research study:
Literature Review
This describes a concept in terms of its observable and measurable characteristics by specifying how the concept can be observed in actual practice:
Observational Definition