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27 Cards in this Set

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Communications Model
I. Speaker ->
a. Topoi
b. Sends: the message
i. Topic
ii. Filter – live, pre-recorded, etc
iii. Situation
II. To: the audience – defined by demographic, values, etc
a. Sends Back: Feedback
Popular culture
that which is around us, new and old, sticks around or brief
considerations of a speaker’s credibility (believability) and trustworthiness, audience driven, example: Bristol Palin on DWTS, trying to redefine her brand and portray herself as part of a mainstream family, “with it”
deductive argument, main idea first than support. The best argument is argument that feels, example: Frank Sinatra “New York New York” vs. “Empire State of Mind”
Willing suspension of disbelief
Suspend inhibitions, justifies the use of fantastic or non-realistic elements in
works of fiction
Third eye
when you hold something back when watching something critical, you suspend your attitude
general forms an argument may take, possibilities, regardless of their content, choices
Celebrity culture
new definition of celebrity is a famous or well-publicized person –pseudo-event created by the media
Q Factor
likeability, familiarity
Relationship between brand and ethos
brand implies a promise, that you say what you will do, credibility of a product
Types of Images
Positive image – San Diego, Michael Jordan
Negative image – Bernie Madoff, OJ Simpson
Mixed Image – most people belong to this group, Tom Cruise
Contraditor image – has a positive image of something bad
Environmental rhetoric
what the environment tells you or communicates to you
through the environment, nonverbal, example: supermarkets (lighting, placement of products, "Maze")
considerations of a speaker’s credibility (believability) and trustworthiness (moral character, intelligence, set of values), audience-centered
Institutional rhetoric
communication that is required by an institute (i.e. when you enter the store, employees have to say “how are you” even if they don’t mean it) – IR is usually passed down by corporation
Perception, cluster of attributes, fabricated
Identification, promise of quality, consistency
Perspective by incongruity
Putting contradictory elements together to illuminate differences
Distribution channel
the means through which various modes of communication are given visibility, the way we receive info. (prism) (TV (DC for the people), film (classical dream) web (cutting edge), poetry, music)
Logical Buying method
Awareness set
Consideration set
Audit Model
look at topoi, information seeking about business/pop culture. Use target groups, focus groups
Competition, Trends, SWOT, Main issues, Strategy, Vision Statement implementation
Consumption ladder
Whales: box seats – special privilege
Dolphins: club seats – mass market; seekers, collectors, interactors
Minnows: bleachers – invisible, small
Concept of the entertainer
Type (All American boy, girl next door) and character (how the type is handled personally)
Ambiguous truth. Not a spontaneous event, planted primarily for the immediate purpose of being reported or reproduced. More dramatic, easier to disseminate and make vivid, can be repeated at will, cost more to create – they are made worth believing because of
Hero vs. Celebrity
celebrity is always a contemporary; hero requires a
generation to become established.
3 P's
Phases of transformation
Concept Development: Pick character and the type (type is genre like, character is how the
specific type is handled personally), define market size, audience size, marketing requirements
Brand Testing: Can as aspirant successfully become the role and type? Test brands, focus groups, high and low levels of exposure
Concept refinement: Coaching aspirants stretchable characteristics to meet the expectations
of the sector and of the market – appearance, voice, movement, behavior, material
Brand realization: How extensively and permanently the aspirant is transformed is central to the pursuit of high visibility
Boorstin's Image
We are suffering from extravagant expectations.
Synthetic, believable, passive, vivid, concrete, simplified, ambiguous. (Some boy put vaginas covertly surrounding area)