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42 Cards in this Set

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ideology as a practice
ideology is far more important and it is material, we enact it in our daily lives, harder to resist
recruits individuals as subjects through interpellation or hailing
two mechanisms to get people to behave according to althusser
rsa (repressive state apparatuses)-police, criminal courts, and prison system (force)
isa (ideological state apparatuses) institutions which individuals internalize and act in accordance with
examples of ISAs
schools, religions, family, legal system, politics, mass media, sports
how ISAs work
doesn't represent real world per se, but humans relation to the real wold/perceptions
can't know real world directly-what we know are representations of our relation to the world
ideology is fundamentally material-enacted through practice
althusser-hailing-siren sounds behind us
ad creates an offer or demand
roland barthes subjects
denotation, connotation, myth, photographic message
dominant ideologies of our time: seemingly natural views about masculinity, femininity, success, science, depression, etc.
a culture's way of thinking about something
first order signification
signifier: elements of an image
signified: what it means on most basic level
second order signification
signified of first order signification linked to a second set of signifieds-more elaborate/ideologically framed message or meaning
commutation test
ID significant or distinctive features within a paradigm or syntagm
define its significance
process approach
comm=transmission of messages
concerned with how senders and receivers encode and decode, how transmitters use channels and media
process by which one person affects the behavior/state of mind of another
intention=crucial in deciding what constitutes a message
shannon and weaver
(Pierce) indexical-direct link between sign and object
iconic-resembles object in some way
symbolic-no connection or resemblance, arbitrary
denotation: literal meaning
connotation: sociocultural and personal associations
technology=dangerous, changes our interactions with one another, change the pace or scale in which we relate to family, friends or info
hot and cool media
hot-extends one sense in high definition (photo)
cold-extends sense in low definition (cartoon)
social relations, around the production and exchange of goods, is what produces society, ideology and political structures
base: material relations, social relations around production which produces class structure
superstructure: representations, ideology (misrepresentation of reality legitimizing the status quo)
commodity fetishism
marx: capitalism---reduction is actual human labor
labor=commodity to be bought and sold
production has mastery over people
semiotic approach
comm as the production and exchange of meanings
how messages interact with people in order to produce meanings\concerned with the roles of texts in our culture
message is a construction of signs which produce meanings
shannon & weaver model
source is the decision maker and decides which message to send. selected message is then changed by the transmitter into a signal which is sent through the channel to the receiver
linear model...comm seen as a transaction
suggests there is a sender and a receiver and that something is sent
gerbner model
adds perception, culture, medium and power to shannon & weaver model
person 1 perceives event E
perception is filtered and is one step removed from original event to E1
person 1 selects channel
the message=the form+content (Signal or S)
person 2 receives and decodes/filters (SE2)
lasswell model
who says what in what channel to whom with what effect?
technical/physical means of converting the message into a signal capable of being transmitted along the channel
predictable and conventional
reduces information
opposite of redundancy
result of low predictability
constitutes a communication problem
major source of redundancy
transmission of the receiver's reaction back to the sender
who has access to media
outside things that make the message less clear
difference between code and channel
channel: medium
code: what's being communicated through medium
key problems with process approach
assume the meaning is in the message-others say it's at least as much in the culture or in the viewer
language is constitutive of reality-divided into arbitrary categories by every language
signs can be motivated (direct relationship between signifier and signified)-indexical and iconic or arbitrary-symbolic
de saussure
the signifier is the sign's embodiment as we perceive it
signified is mental concept to which it refers
signifier and signified like two sides of a sheet of paper
selection from within a set of similar items
organization of items in a sequence
size of frame and social distance
intimate distance-face/head only
close personal-head and shoulders
far personal-waist up
close social-whole person
far social-whole person with space
offer-absence of gaze at viewer
demand-gaze at viewer
involvement/detachment (photo)
involvement-frontal angle
detachment- oblique angle
viewer power
represented participant power
viewer: high angle
equality: eye level angle
represented participant power: low angle
ogden and richards
problem with his theory
conduit metaphor: ideas/meanings are objects
linguistic expressions are containers and communication is sending
words indicating physical motion used for concepts
problem: understanding or learning is seen as passive
rich media, poor democracy
key indicator of health of democracy=journalism
corporations-system with lack of competition, standardizing of opinion, high in sensationalism and low in info
information definition according to shannon & weaver
measure of predictability/randomness
highly predictable=low info
many choices-low predictability-highly entropic-lots of info