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8 Cards in this Set

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What are essential drugs

These are drugs that satisfy the health care needs of the great majority of the people and which should be available at all times in adequate amount and appropriate forms

The first WHO list of essential drugs was produced in?


The objective of the essential drug system is to?

Provide regular supply of drugs which are - safe, effective, affordable, of acceptable quality and needed by majority of the population.

List the specific objectives of the essential drug system


The overriding principle I estimating types and quantities of essential drugs need has been?

1. The disease pattern

2. Patient attendance

3. Standard prescription schedules

Selection of essential drugs is a...... process


List the criteria for selection of essential drugs

1. Drugs must be of proven efficacy and safety

2. Side effects sit be minimal

3. The quality and availability of dosage form should be assured

4. The dosage form should have reasonably long stability under the expected conditions of storage

5. Tablets should be preferred to syrups and solutions because they can keep better

6. Drugs formulated in single compounds are preferred

7. The drugs should be in generic names as much as possible

8. They must be financially affordable

Advantages of essential drugs program

1. It encourages a more rational use of drugs

2. It gives better possibility to define real health needs of the population

3. It make better management of drugs

4. It makes for more cost effective drug control

5. It stimulates local drug formulation and production as well as local drug analysis capabilities

6. Wastages and shortages are eliminated