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45 Cards in this Set

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A state in which each persons behaviors affect everyone else in the relationship.
the resources we put into our relationships.
Dialectical tensions
Conflicts between two important but opposing needs or desires
being in only on romantic relationship at a time and avoiding romantic or sexual involvement with others.
sexual involvement with someone other than your spouse
Initiating stage (part of relationship development)
the stage of relationship development when people meet and interact for the first time.
Experimenting stage (part of relationship development)
the stage of relationship development when partners have conversations to learn more about each other
Intensifying stage (part of relationship development)
The stage of relationship development when people move from being acquaintances to being close friends
Integrating stage (part of relational development)
the stage of relationship development when a deep commitment has formed and there is a strong sense that the relationship has its own identity
Bonding stage ( part of relational development)
the stage of relationship development when the partners publicly announce their commitment.
CMP theory
theory developed to explain how people manage the tensions between privacy and disclosure
Differentiating stage
stage of relationship dissolution, differences seen as annoying and undesirable.
circumscribing stage
quality and quantity of communication decreases.
stagnating stage
when they barley communicate
avoiding stage
creating physical and emotional distances
Terminating stage
relationship deemed to be officially over
family of origin
family in which you grew up in
family of procreation
the family you start as an adult
an arrangement of people who interact with one another in complex interdependent ways.
confirming messages
behaviors that indicate how much we value another person
Interpersonal conflict
an expressed struggle between interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals
Five basic characteristics of conflict in personal relationships:
It's natural
It has content, relational and procedural dimensions
It can be direct or indirect
It can be harmful
It can be beneficial
content dimensions
the specific topics from which the conflict arose.
relational dimensions
the implications the conflict has for the relationship.
procedural dimensions
the rules or expectations we follow for how to engage in conflict.
conflict about conflict
Three most common sources of conflict
1. Personal criticisms
2. Finances
3. House hold chores
Passive agression
a pattern of behaving vengefully while denying that one has aggressive feelings.
Demand-withdraw pattern
A pattern of behavior where in one party makes demands and the other party withdraws from the conversation.
disinhibition effect
the tendency to say or do things in one environment (such as online) that one would not say or do in most other environments.
symmetrical relationship
a relationship between parties of equal power.
complementary relationship
a relationship between parties of unequal power.
one-up message
a verbal message through which the speaker attempts to exert dominance or gain control over the listener
one-down message
a verbal message that reflects acceptance of, or submission to, another person's power.
one-across message
a verbal message that seeks to neutralize relational control and power.
reward power
power based on the ability to reward for compliance.
Coercive power
power based on the ability to punish for noncompliance
referent power
power based on liking, admiring, and being attracted to the powerful party.
legitimate power
power based on rightfully granted status or position.
Expert power
power based on special knowledge training, experience, and/or expertise.
"four horsemen of the apocalypse" are,
Stone walling
the expression of complaints about another party.
the expression of insults and attacks on another's self-worth.
the tendency to deny the validity of criticisms directed at the self.
the behavior of withdrawing from a conversation or an interaction