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49 Cards in this Set

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3 Useful features of ration data
-shape of distribution
-central, average, or typical value (mean, median, mode)
Histograms (steps)
Display the shape of distributions
1. Divide data set into intervals, equal width
2. Count # of cases per bin
3. Bar height= # of cases within that bin
Unusual cases
Skewed to right/left/symmetric
fewer values on right vs. fewer values on left
2 peaks
1 peak
The most common value
- can also be used for ordinal or nominal data
Mode strengths
East to understand & calculate
Mode weaknesses
-Not practical for a large # of categories
-Does not provide a lot of information
The average, center of gravity as a distribution
Mean formula
E=sum of Xi
N=total # of cases
Strengths of mean
Simple to calculate & can tell you a lot about a distribution
The value of the score that divides the date in half
Median strengths
Less sensitive to outliers than the mean
Difference between minimum value and maximum value
Range strengths
Easy to calculate & understand
Range weaknesses
Only depends on large & small values
Interquartile Range
Difference between the upper & lower quartiles
Strengths of IQ range
Less influenced by largest & smallest values than the range
Weakness of IQ range
Hard to calculate & explain
Standard deviation (steps)
Average distance from the mean
1. calculate mean
2. Find deviation from mean for each value
3. Square these deviations
4. Sum squared deviations
5. Divide by n-1
6. Take square root of variance
The standard deviation squared
Variance formula
Xi: case value
M: mean of cases
E: sum of (Xi-M)2
N: total # of cases
Standard deviation
s=Square root of s^2
(square root of the variance)
Frequency curve
Taking a smooth curve along the top of a histogram to represent the data
Normal curve
A distribution whose frequency is bell shaped
- allows us to easily estimate the proportion of people within any given interval on the curve
- we can also calculate what value corresponds to a given percentile and vice versa
Standardized score (z-score) (formula)
# of standard deviations the observed value falls from the mean
Z score= (X-M)/S
X: value
M: mean
S: standard deviation
Positive standardized score
Means a score is above the mean
Negative standardized score
Means a score is below the mean
Standard normal curve
normal curve with a mean of 0 and SD of 1
Empirical rule
- 68% of values fall within 1 SD from the mean
- 95% of values fall within 2 SD from the mean
- 99.7% of values fall within 3 SD from the mean
To find an observed percentile:
1. Look up observed percentile & find corresponding standardized score
2. compute the observed value =mean- standardized score * standard deviation
Reasons to use graphs
-Can convey a story relatively quickly
-They can also reveal things that would be difficult to see by looking at raw numbers
-They can obscure meaning
Common problems with graphs
-Range of values displayed
Graphs used for categorical data
Pie chart
Bar graph
Graphs for ratio data
Stem-and-leaf plots
Line graphs
Pie chart
Shows the percentage of cases in each category
-usually display 1 categorical variable
Bar graphs
Also show the percentage of cases in each category, but can show more than 1 variable
-height of bar=percentage of cases in each category
-sometimes designed to show percentages within a given category as well (all bars same height, split into 2 different categories)
Like a bar chart, but uses a picture instead of a bar
-used in magazine articles, can be misleading
Why can pictograms be misleading?
-should be avoided b/c they can be confusing
-height of bars represents value, but eye can be fooled into thinking area of figure represents the relevant value
-can be hard to read
Line graphs
Display lines indicating changes over time
Scatter plots
Display the relationship of 2 measurement variables
-show one "dot" for each pair of values for the 2 measurement variables
Well designed pictures
-data should stand out clearly
-clear labeling: tile, source of data, axes or categories
Deterministic relationships
1 variable perfectly predicts another
Statistical (probabilistic) relationships
There is a relationship but it is not precise
positive, negative, no relationship
-express relationships with a single #
Correlation coefficient (Pearson Product-Moment correlation)
Measures strength of relationship between 2 measurement variables
Pearson product-moment correlation
Range between -1 and 1
-correlation of 1= perfect linear relationships
-0= no linear relationship
Correlation coefficient
Calculated based on the formula for z-scores