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60 Cards in this Set

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activation unit
become active in certain environmental events

Used in Connectionist Models
the way the eyes process information and reacts to images
backward masking
A stimulus that came on afterward masks what came on before.
bottom-up processes
aka data driven processes.

Processing small bits of data to form meaning.

We do not simply perceive data sets.
cognitive demon
Detect objects pattern based on features
computational demon
Detect features based on element matching
conceptually-driven processes
High level reasoning
connectionist model
The central principle is that mental phenomena can be described by interconnected networks of simple units.
data demons
Detect the make-up of a feature.

Encodes sensory patters (feature elements)
data-driven processes
aka bottom-up processes
to decrease usually gradually in size, quantity, activity, or force

Sperling's Iconic memory matrix.
decision demon
Retrieve meaning of pattern
dorsal “where” stream
Identifies where an object is in space
echoic memory
Auditory sensory memory
the visual cue erases (or merges) with the letter

(Averbach and Coriell matrix with underline and grid circle)
feature theory
Detecting features of patterns.

We recognize simple features of a pattern.
foveal vision
Does not exhibit lateral inhibition.

The reason why there is 100% reporting for the letters in the middle of the matrix
3-D primatives

Used to construct whole physical objects
hidden layer
in between the input and output layer

A processing layer.
iconic memory
Visual persistence

a pattern of visual information persists for a short duration
input layer
A bunch of units that respond to an external stimulus
recognition by components

Recognition occurs with successful decomposition to primitives
lateral inhibition
a sensory limitation, not memory inhibition.

The reason why participants did not score 100% on the 2x12 matrix
link weight
Some links count more than others.

Heavier weight - connect to more units.

Determine amount of activation that is transmitted
modality effect
superior end-of-list recall when items presented in auditory mode.
negative after image
The negatives of the true colors.

red - green
blue - yellow
non-recoverable objects
Objects that had a large amount of the drawing missing.

Had 25% correct guess rate

Biderman researched the locus of deletion in an attempt to see whether vertices or midsegments led to better retrieval.
non-selective readout
Randomly passing information into memory

ie - Sperling flashing matrix

Occurs before selective readout
output layer
Corresponds to the response of a system
Demons are the processing units of the mind.

Proposed by Selfridge

A form of feature approach
partial report
A tone tells which row of letters the participant needs to report.

Performance - all three items are consistently reported.

Supports the notion of large capacity of iconic memory
attaching meaning to patterns of sensations
A term used to identify stimuli that have not had meaning attached to it.
Do not have awareness of sensory inputs
receptive field
A stimulus to which a neuron response is maximal

Mostly involved with visual processing.

Provides support that we are sensitive to features in our cognitive world.
report cues
The cues used by researchers to indicate which row they need to repeat.

The longer the cue takes to stimulate, the less the person is able to repeat what he has seen.
selective readout
sensory information is guided into memory by consciousness
recoverable objects
Objects that have recognizable features

Have a small percentage of degregation.
Basic components that are used to construct whole physical objects are geons.

Geons = 3-D primatives
the detection of physical energy that impinges on an organism

Not constantly aware of this
sensory memory
Not conscious memory
sensory register
Large Capacity
Brief duration
Veridical format
One per sense modality
suffix effect
interference by end-of-list signal greater when word used compared to when tone used.

Why? Spoken word pushes the other word after it out of memory.
Veridical format

Has no meaning attached to the stimuli
template theory
For any particular pattern of sensory data, you match it with prior data and look for the meaning

Cumbersome theory.
unit link
Fully interconnected with input layer, hidden layer and outer layer.

- They are weighted
ventral “what” stream
Identifies what an object is
veridical format

A raw pattern of sensory input

Has no meaning attached to it.
visual agnosia
Two forms: Apperceptive and Associative

The inability to perceive objects.
whole report
Used by Sperling.

Asked the participant to identify all of the letters that appeared in the matrix
Apperceptive agnosia
Not able to perceive object at all
Not able to identify object
three-eared man technique
Presented three different pieces of sound info so that it sounds like it came from different locations.

Both sides - experienced as central location

Proved that echoic memory is twelve times as long as iconic memory.
Adjustment of the weights through feedback.
Delta rule
Rule that is applied to determine how much we change the weights
Training set
Show similar patterns and adjust its accuracy

looking for ~95%
neural network
aka connectionist models.

How neurons interact and communicate with each other
PDP models

parallel distribution processing
Flow of activation through the links in parallel, in a distributed way
Beauty of connectionist Model
it learns what it knows, it is not programmed in.
Graceful degregation
In connectionist model - can remove information and continues to operate without impairment.

Akin to our brain.