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44 Cards in this Set

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1. When was the first reported discovery of coffee cherries and where?

AD 800-900, Ethiopia

Who nicknamed coffee 'the gift from the lord'?

Monks because the extra boost of energy allowed them to pray longer

Who brought coffee into Europe?

A venetian monk brought it back to Italy after enjoying it in Turkey

Who were the first to transport and cultivate coffee commercially?

The Dutch

What does CSCE stand for?

Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange (The New York Coffee Exchange, 1882)

Who invented the first espresso machine and when?

Luigi Bezzera, 1901

Who discovered how to decaffeinate coffee?

The Germans

Who invented the first coffee filter?

Melitta Bentz

Who is the 'Father of Espresso'?

Dr. Ernesto Illy, who develped the first Espresso Machine

Why are cappuccinos nicknamed 'little hood'?

The coffee's brown color and the pointy cap of foam reminded the Italians of the brown robed Capuchin monks often seen walking amid the people

When and where did Starbucks open it's first shop?

Pike Place Market

Seattle Washington


When was the second Starbucks opened?


What are the flavor Characteristics of Latin America?



What are the flavor Characteristics of Africa/ Arabia?




What are the flavor Characteristics of Asia/ South Pacific?



Once a coffee plant has reached maturity, what are the steps in it's yearly cycle of producing coffee cherries?

1. Flowering: occurs once a year with jasmine scented blossoms

2. Ripening: Afer the blossoms fall off, clusters of green cherries begin to grow and they turn a dark red color as they ripen

3. Harvesting: coffee cherries hand picked once a year

What are the two main ways green coffee is sorted

by hand or by machine, based on color and density

The Washed Processing Method

After harvest, the cherry pulp is removed from the bean then placed in a fermentation tank to remove the sticky mucilage layer. The beans are then placed on the patio to dry

semi-Washed Processing Method

After haverst, the cherry pulp is removed from the bean by hand-cranked de-pulpers, then rinsed and laid out on a patio to dry. Transferred to a dry mill, the beans, still in parchment, are laid out to continue to dry. The parchment is removed and the beans are returned to the patio for further drying

Natural Processing Method

After harvest, the cherries are laid out to dry with the pulp left on the bean. After they are dry, the outer layer is removed, leaving the green coffee bean. The beans are then laid out to continue drying.

What are the four fundamentals of CAFE practices, which two are prerequisites?

Economic Accountability/ Transparency (Prereq)

Product Quality (Prereq)



What is the difference between Fair Trade and CAFE Practices

CAFE practices are starbucks established standards to ensure ethical buying guidelins vs Fairtrade which is decided by outside sources

How is coffee certified as Fair Trade

To be cerified as Fairtrade the coffe must be produced only by farmers who belonf to farmer-owned, democratically run coffee cooperatives and associations listed on the fair trade registry

What does "Organic" mean?

No pesticides, herbicides, fungicides of chemical ferterlizers are used in the growing process or development

What is "Certified Organic"?

The farm has to be certified by a third party, it can sometimes take up to three years.

Why do we roast each coffee individually?

Each coffee requires a unique roast profile to bring out the best flavor possible, to create a cup of coffee tha is at its peak of aroma, acidity, body and flavor

On average how many times does starbucks sample coffee before it reaches the store?

Minimum of 3

What are the two most recognized species of coffee ande which one does Starbucks purchase?

Arabica and Robusta. Starbucks only uses Arabica

What are the three differences between Arabica and Robusta coffee

Arabica: 60% of world's production, grows at higher altitudes, approximately 1% caffeine by weight, more refined flavor

Robusta: 40% of world's production, grows at lower altitudes, approximately 2% caffeine by weight, less refined flavor

How does the processing impact the flavor of the coffee?

Washed: develops acidity

Semi-washed: contributes to lower acidity and fuller body

Natural: Contributes to flavor notes of berry

What is the purpose of Farmer Support Centers (FSCs)?

These are resources for famers in origin countries to help develop and promote responsible methods of growing high-quality coffee. FSCs help famrers improve the quality and size of their harvest and implement CAFE Practices guidelines

What impact does roasting have on acidity and body?

Lighter roasted coffees tend to have higher acidity and lighter body

Darker roasts feature fuller body and acidity

How long is coffee typically aged?

3-5 years

How is coffee typically aged?

Green coffee is stored in warehouses for 3-5 years to further develop it's flavor

Decaf Processes used by Starbucks

Direct Contact Method

SWISS WATER® Process Method

Natural Decaffeination Process

Direct Contact Method

Most common method, uses methylene chloride because it is selective in removing caffeine, greater amount of the coffee's flavor and quality are maintained during the process

SWISS WATER® Process Method

Removes caffeine by soaking the beans in warn water to create "flavor-charged" water" and then the water is run through a carbon filter that captures the caffeine molecules

Natural Decaffeination Process

Uses carbon dioxide and ultrapure water to naturally decafeinate the coffee

What advantages are there to blending coffees after roasting vs blending pre-roasting?

The various glavors intended can be lost in blending pre-roast, by blending post-roast they can change the flavor profile of the coffees and enhance various levels of acidity and body to create the intended flavor profile for the individual coffee

What is the main variable you control and need to calibrate in producing quality espresso shots?


What factors contribute to the need to calibrate the espresso machine throughout the day?

How long the beans have been in the machine

Temperature in store

Changes in humidity level

Three primary components of milk and how each contributes to properly steamed milk

Sugar/ lactose: sweetness

Fat: body

Protein: Foam/ texture

How do you do a coffee tasting:

Smell: waft the aroma

Slurp: spraying the coffee across your palate and also sending aromas to the nose

Locate/ Identify: where the coffee hits your tongue and the where you are experiencing specific flavors


The End

*Clap clap clap clap clap*

(I made this card on accident and I don't know how to delete it and this thing won't let me publish this without anything right here soooo... you're welcome. Starbucks be with you.)