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26 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Clouds
the visible products of condensation and deposition within the atmosphere.
Cirrus or Cirro
Strato or Stratus
Cummulo or Cummulus
Nimbo or Nimbus
Fracto or Fractus
broken (into pieces)
High Clouds Definition
above 20,000 feet
composed of ice (low temperature)
prefix CIRRO
caused by deposition
Types of High Clouds
cirrus: wispy
cirrostratus: thin, the sun/moon shines through it, commonly called a halo cloud.
cirrocummulus: puffy, looks like fish scales
Middle Clouds Definiton
6500 to 20,000 feet
composed of ice crystals and super cold water
prefix ALTO
Types of Middle Clouds
altostratus: gray/off white, thick. no shadows.
altocummulus: patches that form lines/waves-large size, sharp features
Low Clouds Definiton
base to 6500 feet
fog from surface to 6500 feet
composed of water droplets
NO prefix
Types of Low Clouds
stratocummulus: large puffs arranged in layers
nimbostratus: dark gray clouds, showing precipitation
stratus: may cause drizzle, gray, stretching from horizon to horizon
Advection Fog
warm moist air over a water region-coastal.
occurs when land surface is cooler than water
Radiation Fog
due to night time radiation cooling
found in low lying areas
some occur over land, some occur over water
Frontal Fog
due to uplifted air in either a cool or warm front
widespread, long lasting
Steam Fog
evaporation fog
occurs over lakes and rivers
water warmer than land
Clouds of Vertical Development
cummulus: occurs as air rises 3000-6500 feet
resemble puffy cotton balls
cummulonimbus: SEVERE weather clouds
anvil shaped
Unusual Clouds
altocummulus lenticularis: also known as lenticular clouds, found near mountain ranges
banner: draped over top of mountain (like a banner)
contrail: from a plane
Types of Precipitation
virga: rain that doesn't make it to the ground
mist: moisture from fog
drizzle: small rain drops from stratus clouds
rain: falls from nimbostratus or cummulonimbus
freezing rain
hail:associated with severe weather
How it Rains: Collision Coalescence
tiny cloud droplets catching more tiny rain droplets
forms one drop
1 million collisions=1 raindrop
How it Rains: Bergeron Process
ice crystals falling
ice catches other flakes of ice, forming one large ice crystal
melts before hitting ground
Weather Modification
any change in weather by human activity
either intentional or otherwise
Weather Modification: Cloud Seeding
trying to simulate bergeron process by injecting silver iodine into clouds to create rain
Weather Modification: Fog Dispersal
used to burn off fog in WW2 by RAF along runways
may also seed clouds, creating rain to wash the fog away.
Weather Modification: Hail Suppression
church bells to break hail stones
trying to explode hail stones
cloud seeding to prevent hail
Weather Modification: Frost/Freeze Control
where crops are planted-warmer on hill slopes
smoke/mist clouds to shield/hold heat in
fans in orchards
hot caps to cover plants
spraying water on crops so that they freeze while warm