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31 Cards in this Set

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Describe Ellis' A B C model
A = antecedent event
B = belief about the event
C = behavioral or emotional consequence
Implosive therapy involves
repeatedly imagining a feared stimulus C S in the absence of the stimulus U S that initially caused the fear to eliminate the conditioned fear response.
Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s 5 stage Minority Identity Development model
3.resistance and immersion
5.synergetic awareness or integrative awareness
symmetrical vs complementary communication
symmetrical is equal but can escalate to one upsmanship
complementary is inequal one person is dominant the other submissive
Minuchin's 3 boundary issues:
DETOURING occurs when parents focus on the child either by overprotecting the child or blaming (scapegoating) the child for the family’s problems. (2) STABLE COALITION occurs when a parent and child form a cross-generational coalition and consistently gang up against the other parent. (3) TRIANGULATION (also known as an unstable coalition) occurs when each parent demands that the child side with him/her against the other parent. In this situation, the child is constantly being pulled in two directions.
Object Relations
An important therapeutic tool for object relations family therapists is the interpretation of transferences, which are believed to underlie family dysfunction. According to Framo, therapy involves three stages – early, middle, and terminal. Interpretation and working through of the transferences of family members to each other and to the therapist are the primary goals of the middle phase
Premature termination rates are higher for ______________ but lower for _____________.
African Americans
Asian Americans
ethnic matching of client and therapist may _________ premature dropout but has less effect on other outcome measures
Sue and his colleagues (1991) found that mental health service outcomes were best for ___________, followed by ____________. ____________, ______________.
Mexican Americans
Anglos, Asian-Americans, and, lastly, African-Americans
culturally-encapsulated counselors
1. define everyone’s reality according to their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes 2. disregard cultural differences 3. ignore evidence that disconfirms their beliefs 4. rely on traditional techniques and strategies to solve problems; and 5. disregard their own cultural biases
Berry's four levels of acculturation
integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization
Helms white racial identity development involves six stages
contact, disintegration, reintegration, pseudo-independence, immersion-emersion, and autonomy CDRPIA
Troiden’s Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model distinguishes between four stages
feeling different, identity confusion, identity assumption, and identity integration.
the most common mental health problems among older adults are
anxiety, severe cognitive impairment, and depression.
For Elders, there is evidence that some treatments are especially effective for certain conditions
1. behavioral and environmental interventions effective for behavior problems associated with dementia 2. memory and cognitive retraining effective for dementia 3. cognitive, behavioral, and brief psychodynamic therapies effective for depression.
Helms white racial identity development involves six stages
contact, disintegration, reintegration, pseudo-independence, immersion-emersion, and autonomy CDRPIA
Troiden’s Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model distinguishes between four stages
feeling different, identity confusion, identity assumption, and and identity integration.
the most common mental health problems among older adults are
anxiety, severe cognitive impairment, and depression.
For Elders, there is evidence that some treatments are especially effective for certain conditions
1. behavioral and environmental interventions effective approaches for behavior problems associated with dementia; 2. memory and cognitive retraining effective for dementia 3. cognitive, behavioral, and brief psychodynamic therapies effective for depression.
Cross's Black Racial Identity Development Model 4 stages
1. Preencounter
2. Encounter
3. Immersion-emersion
4. Internalization
5. Committment
Goals of IPT
symptom reduction
and improved interpersonal functioning
View of IPT
Depression is related to problems in social roles and interpersonal relationships that are due to lack of strong attachments early in life
IPT focuses on one of four problem areas
grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits
Prochaska and DiClemnte's Transtheoretical Model of Change, 5 stages
1.precomtemplation no insight no change necessary
2. contemplation considering change in next 6 months
3. preparation clear intent to take action in next month
4. action is taking steps
5. maintenance change has lasted for at least 6 months and is working on relapse prevention
Prevalence of Depression
equal in prepubertal girls and boys
twice as common in adolescent and adult females than males
CBT treatment of PTSD and acute stress disorder
the use of stress inoculation when symptoms primarily involve chronic arousal; prolonged exposure when dissociative symptoms predominate; and both techniques when the individual presents with the full clinical picture of this disorder. a multimodal strategy that incorporates anxiety management techniques, exposure, and cognitive restructuring.
What are the signs of phencyclidine withdrawal?
Phencyclidine use is not associated with a withdrawal syndrome.
Nicotine withdrawal involves
a dysphoric mood, increased appetite, and insomnia, but its other characteristic symptoms are irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, and restlessness.
Symptoms of Opioid withdrawal
a dysphoric mood, nausea and vomiting, muscle aches, diarrhea, and fever
What are the symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal?
Dysphoria,‭ ‬vivid and frightening dreams,‭ ‬insomnia or hypersomnia,‭ ‬fatigue,‭ ‬psychomotor agitation or retardation,‭ ‬and increased appetite
Maslow's hierarchy of needs