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109 Cards in this Set

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When was the Athenian Agora destroyed?

480 BC

Who organized the Athenian Agora


What are memorial displa?

- statues made of bronze made for personal honour

When was the Stoa Poikile built?

470 BC

What are commerce?


What Stoa became the museum of Ancient Agora?

Stoa of Attalos

What is Ostraka?

Pottery sherds used in the practice of ostracism (exiling someone)

When was the last ostracism?

417-415 BC

What were the gifts Poseidon and Athena offered?

Poseidon - salt water spring

Athena - Olive Tree

What is the date of Athens?

566-480 BC

What is the date for the peplos kore?

- 530 BC

- dedicated to Athena and Acropolis

What is the date for the Kritos boy? What was it a shift to

- 475 BC

- naturalism

When was the destruction of the Acropolis?

480 BC

Who rebuilt the Acropolis?

Athenian general Perikles

What was the name for the monumental gateway at acropolis? What was the date?

- Propylaia

- 438-432 BC

What is the date for the Parthenon?

448-432 BC

What was on the east pediment of the Parthenon?

Birth of Athena

Who sculpted the Athena Parthenos?


What was the ionic frieze on the parthenon?

procession to present Athen with new peplos

When did Macedonians dominate Greek?

From 338 BC

Who was Alexander the Great the son of?

King Philip

When did Alexander the great rule?

336-323 BC

How did they identify the Tomb of Philip?

- lots of gold

- c. 340, he died 336 BC

- deceased male in 40s

- similar skull injury

- gold oak crown

- gold larnax

Who was the sculptor of the portrait of Alexander?


Where was the Alexander Mosaic?

House of the Faun, Pompeii

Who ruled Alexandria after Alexander funded it in 323 BC?


What is the date of the Altar of Zues? Where is it now?

- 175-150 BC

- Berlin

When was Rome a monarchy?

753-509 BC

When was Rome a Republic?

509-27 BC

What is Septimontium?

The 7 hills of Rome

Who was the hero depicted by Vergil in the Aeneid? What city did he found?

Aeneas; founded Lavinium

What is Roman art?

Product of Greek and Italic influences

What is the Capitolium Triad?

- Juno (Hera)

- Jupiter (Zeus)

- Minerva (Athena)

When did Augustus rule?

27 BC - 14 AD

What does Augustus mean?

"first citizen"

What was the deadliest part of the eruption at Mt. Vesuvius?

Phase 2: ground surge (high temperature and speed)

Who created casts of the bodies from the eruption at pompeii?

Giuseppe Fiorelli

When was Pompeii colonized by Rome?

80 BC

Where is the earliest surviving amphitheatre?


What was special about the House of Faun?

- its size

- 2 atriums

- 2 peristyles

- therefore must have been a very wealthy owner

Patron and _____ relationship was very important, and was a demonstration of _______ and ______.

client; social power; wealth

What is the 1st style of Pompeian wall painting?

- Masonry

- 2nd c, BC - 80 BC

- imitates polychrome marble facings

What is the 2nd style of Pompeian wall painting

- Architectural

- 80 - 20 BC

- artificial architecture and landscape beyond

What is the 3rd style of Pompeian wall painting

- Colour field; ornamental

- 20-10 BC

- fanciful no attempts at emulating natural world

What is the 4th style of Pompeian wall painting

- Mix of 2nd and 3rd plus mythology

- 10 BC - 79 AD

Whats otium?

Leisure, free time, peace of mind

What villa is the J.Paul Getty museum based off of?

Villa of the Papyri

Who was the original owner of the villa of Papyri?

L. Calpurnius Piso

What are the two features of Roman architecture?

- master of the arch

- mastery of concrete

What are some things found at Villa A AT Oplontis?

- 2nd style paintings

- Venus binding her sandal

- centaur fountains

Give some details on the Pantheon.

- AD 118-125

- Emperor Hadrian

- interior more important

- 47 m is diameter and height

What is venationes?

games with animals

Whats the difference between Roman and greek games?

Roman games were a spectator sport and greek games were for participation

What are the super impressed orders of the Colosseum?

- doric

- ionic

- corinthian

- corinthian pilasters

How many exits/entrances did the Colosseum have?


Explain the features of a Murmillo?

- bare torso, arm guard and leg padding on the right side, helmet, tall shield, short sword (gladius)

- one of the heaviest armed types

Whats the date of the Altar of Augustan Peace?

9 BC

What were some things found on the Altar of Augustan Peace?

- Augustus's family

- Mars and Twins

- Aeneas

- Roma

What were typical of Roman portrait statues?

- addressing an army

- giving a speech

- body is standard

- face is individualized

What is the date for the Venus de Milo?

ca. 100 BC

What did the portrait of Livia, Augustus's wife show?

- blank expression, which was the cultural ideal of Roman women specially for the elite

What are some types of Roman burial practices?

- cinerary urns

- sarcophagi

- tomb markers

- monumental tombs

Who was the portonacci sarcophagus made for?

- AD 200

- most likely made for a general, unfinished face so it was meant to be sold later

What does "dis manibus" mean?

to the gods below

What are some features of the Tomb of the Baker?

- c. 50 BC

- freedman

- cylindrical grain measures

Who built the pyramid of Cestius?

Gaius Cestius, c. 15 BC

What was the mausoleum of Augustus for?

Meant for the remains of family, eventually housed the remains of subsequent Roman Emperors

Across the river from the mausoleum of Augustus is what?

Mausoleum of Hadrian

What did the bath ritual involve?

- tepidarium: warm room, not always a bath

- caldarium: hot bath

- frigidarium: cold bath

What did Romans use to scrape dirt an oil off themselves before going to the the bath?


Who was a critic of bath?


What heated the baths?

Hypocaust system

Which type of bath was privately owned? Thermae or Balneae?


What were the first imperial baths?

Baths of Agrippa

Where were the baths of Trajan?

Oppian hill (104-109 CE)

What did the baths of Caracalla have in the basement?

- run of water for grain mill and laundry service

What two sculptures were found in the baths of Caracalla

- Farnese hercules

- Farnese bull

Who built the library of Celsus? date?

- Celsus built it for his father, AD 117-120

When was Hadrians wall built?

AD 128

What is one of the forts along the Hadrian wall? What was found there?

- Vindolanda

- 752 wooden tablets

When was the tetrachs?

284-305 AD

What rulers made up the Tetrach?

A: Diocletian and Maximian

C: Constantius Chlorus and Galerius

Where was the battle between Maximian and Constantine, who won and when was it?

- Milvian Bridge

- Constantine

- AD 312

The head and limbs of the colossal constantine were made of _____ and the torso of _____. What is this technique called?

- marble; wood and brick

- acrolithic

When did constantine legitimize Christianity in Rome?

AD 313

What are some elements of the arch of Constantine?

- Trajanic dacians

- Hadrianic roundels

- Panels of Marcus Aurelis

- Constantine: details of seige, triumphial arrival

What was the 313 Edict of Milan

Allowed religious freedom

When did St. Peters die?

June 29th AD 64/67

What was the Stoa Poikile used for?

display of military memorials

What is the name for the shrine to Athena Polias?


Who were the successors to Alexander the Great?

- Ptolemy

- Seleukos

- Antigonos

Who was a descendent of Ptolemy?


What is a Natatio

Swimming pool

What pose were most of the victims in from the eruption at Mt. Vesuvius?

Boxer pose

Whats the date for the arch of Constantine?

312-315 AD

Who was the wife of emperor Trajan?


What are some problems with the Getty Kuros?

- hair looks 6century BC

- body looks 5th century BC

- base larger than usual

- legs larger than usual

- type of marble

Who successfully invaded Britain? When?

Emperor Claudius, AD 43

What is the date for the Masouleum of Augustus?

28 BC

When did Constantine make Byzantium the capital of the Roman Empire?

AD 324

Who was the hypocaust system credited to?

Sergius Orata

Date for the baths of Diocletian?

298 - 306 CE

When were the last great baths built? By who?

315 AD, Constantine

The Getty Aphrodite is dated to ? Bought for how much ?

- 425-400 BC

- 18 mill

what is columbarium?

Niches for ashes of an individual

How can you depict the difference between; Villa A, House of Marine Venus and House of the Vettii?

- Villa A looks most run down

- Marine venus has paintings on the wall

- Vettii looks brand new

What are the sculptures of the Metopes on the Parthenon?

East Metope: Gigantomachy

South Metope: Lipiths and Centaurs

West Metope: Amazonomachy - Greeks vs Amazons

North Metope: Trojan War

What Baths took up 300 acres, via Appia Antica ? what was the year they were constructed?

Baths of Caracalla; built 198-211 (or) 212 - 219 CE

Basilica 306