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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the major beliefs of the Republican Party?

A political party that believes that the federal government should play a small role in people's lives. Less taxes.

What is a platform?

A document stating the aims and goals of a political party.

Give an example of media informing the public about government.

Watch dog- exposing illegal activity

Give an example of how an individual can influence government.

Petition- call, email, write a letter

Give an example of how interest groups can influence government.

Money, money, money. Endorsing/ donating. Lobbyists.

What is bias?

Favoring one view over another.

What is symbolism?

Use of something to represent ideas- drawing/ pictures.

What is propaganda?

Media used to spread ideas. (biased)

What is the difference between direct and representative democracy?

Representative- vote on someone to represent.

Direct- people involved directly.

Explain the major similarity between socialism and communism.

Government controls all aspects of life.

A type of government in which the leadership is comprised of the few wealthy elite is called a _________.


What is monarchy?

Hereditary king or queen.

What is autocracy?

Absolute power. One person has all the power.

What is a Federal system of government? Give an example.

United States/ strong central government shares power.

What is a confederal system of government? Give an example.

States hold all the power/ U.S under Articles of Confederation.

What is a unitary system of government? Give an example.

One central government can dissolve or create other governments/ France.

What is the term for a system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by parliament?

Parliamentary/ Great Britain.

What term means that all citizens are accountable to the law?

Rule of law.

Why is rule of law fundamental to the American legal system?

Equal treatment from the homeless to the President.

Why is it an obligation or a duty for citizens to follow laws?

Promote general welfare and insure domestic tranquility.