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26 Cards in this Set

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Who was Augustine?

- 5th century bishop of hippo - in roman North Africa

- resisted vandal invasion

- wrote confessions about his early sinful life

- wrote city of God about the coming judgment on Rome

- considered to be the greatest Roman Catholic theologian

What is Valhalla?

- the eternal resting place for deceased Viking chieftains

- literally means "Hall of the slain"

Who is Thor?

- the God of Thunder in Norse mythology

- Oden is his father

- thunder was the sound of his rolling chariot

- Thursday is named for him

The "two swords" that were struggling were?

The church and state

What is lay investiture?

- the Kings right to confer symbols of authority on church officials

- the pope would crown him

- the church would surrender all its secular property and rights to the empire

- the pope decreed against it, Henry V supported his wish

What are the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church?

1. Baptism

2. Confirmation

3. Eucharist

4. Penance

5. Extreme unction

6. Holy orders

7. Marriage

What is Papal infallibility (ex cathedral)

When the pope is seated on the seat of Peter and is speaking of the bible or moral issues, he is infallible. Divine intervention of the holy spirit causes this. This idea is rejected by Protestants because only God is infallible.

What is the four steps of the penitential system?

- contrition

- confession

- penance

- absolution

What is the treasury of merit?

- a storage place for the extra good deeds of saints.

- can be drown from by other Catholics

- can be earned through doing penance, saying prayers etc.

- shortens time spent in purgatory

What is purgatory?

- Roman Catholics serve time in purgatory after death

- they are purified of their sins in purgatory

- this cleansing can take many years

- stopping place before heaven

- the saints do not go there

- you can accumulate merit to shorten your time there

What is limbo?

Limbo is a place souls who are excluded from heaven through no fault of their own can go.

- limbo is for in baptized infants

- it is situated on the edge of hell

What is transubstantiation?

Roman Catholic belief says that the wine and bread of the Eucharist literally become the blood and body of Christ.

- the communion is blessed by the priest and the Holy Spirit makes it happen

- a bell rings to signify the transformation

What makes a monk different from a friar?

Monks had no direct contact with the secular world, they belonged to a specific community and led a secluded life whereas Friars stayed in society.

Who was St. Anthony?

- an Egyptian "saint" who renounced society and became a hermit

- founder of eastern monasticism

- lived to be 105 years old

Who was st. Benedict of Nursia?

- founder of western monasticism

- established 3 basic vows: poverty, chastity, and obedience.

-lived in a cave for three years

- lived a communal life and stressed physical labor

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

- born near Dijon, became a monk in the Cistercian monastery

- became abbot of a monastery at Clairvaux

- he is said to have established the order of the Knights of Templars

- wrote of the love of God

- preached the disastrous 2nd crusade

What are Cistercians?

- Roman Catholic monastic order found at Citeaux

- founded by s group of Benedictine monks

- also called the white monks

- wanted to establish a community that would follow the rules of st. Benedict of Nursia.

Who was St. Francis or Assisi?

- son of an Italian merchant

- stripped off his clothes after being sentenced by ecclesiastical court

- became a monk, founded an order of Franciscan monks.

- wrote canticle of the sun

Who was St. Dominic?

- Spanish theologian, educated at the university of Palencia

- founded Friars (Dominicans)

- died during a missionary campaign in Italy

- determined that the Friars would be better educated and organized

What were relics and what was believed about them?

Articles such as pieces of the true cross, drops of Virgin's milk, Peter's teeth, saints bones etc.

it was believed that praying over these would amplify the power of prayer

What is Islam?

- major religion founded in Arabia by Mohammed

- the word Islam means "to surrender"

- the Koran is their sacred scripture

- they practice the "5 pillars of wisdom"

- they believe in the "5 articles of faith"

- has 6 prophets included Jesus and Mohammed who was considered the greatest

What is a Muslim?

- people who practice Islam

- their holy cities are Mecca and then Jerusalem

- they serve Allah and Mohammed their prophet

- they are forbidden to drink alcohol

- they fast during the daylight hours during the month of Ramadan

Who is Mohammed?

- born in Mecca and later adopted by his uncle

- aristocratic

- considered to be the greatest and last prophet to Islam

- married his employer, Khadija when he was 25

- founder don't Islam, one of its 6 prophets

Who is Allah?

- Muslim name for God, the creator.

- the one who rewards and punishes

- core of Islam is the submission to the will of Allah

- one of the 5 articles of faith

What is the Kaaba?

- in Mecca, holy to Muslims

- black tent/building, the Kaaba may house a meteorite

- where they receive divine guidance from Allah

- everyone tries to kiss it on their pilgrimage

What are the 5 pillars of wisdom?

1. Faith

2. Alms giving

3. Fasting

4. Pilgrimage

5. Prayer