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62 Cards in this Set

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Circulatory System Functions
Pump, Blood Transport System around Body, Carries O2 and nutrients to cells, and carries away waste products
Heart, Blood, Capillaries, veins, arteries, and lymph
Muscular organ that is the size of a closed fist that weighs 12-13 oz and is located in the thoracic cavity.
Instrument used to hear the heartbeat
A double pump that circulates the blood at rest 2oz blood with each beat. Ave- 71 beats per minute, 100,000 beats a day
Double layer of tissue that surrounds the heart
Muscle of the heart
Smooth inner lining of heart
Partition (wall) that separates R from L half
4 Chambers of Heart
Upper Chambers- R and L Atrium

Lower Chambers- R and L Ventricle

Valves of Heart
4 heart valves permit flow of blood in one direction
Carry oxygenated blood away from heart and to the capillaries , elastic muscular and thin walled, transport blood under high pressure
Largest artery in body
Coronary Arte
First branch
Arterial Blood
Oxygen Rich
Carry deoxygenated away from capillaries to heart, less elastic and muscular than arteries,
Thin Walled Veins
Collapse easily when not filled with blood
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
Bring deoxygenated blood to R Atrium
Smallest blood vessels can only be seen with a microscope, walls one-cell thick allowing for selectively permeability of nutrients, oxygen, CO2, and metabolic wastes
Major Blood Circuits
General(Systematic) to rest of body and Cardiopulmonary exchange with lungs
Right Atrial Contraction
Blood Flows from your right atrium through tricuspid valve in the right ventricle. When ventricles are full tricuspid valve shuts to prevent backwards blood flow when the ventral contracts
Right Ventricular Contraction
Blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs.The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood into the left atrium .
Left Atrial Contraction
Blood Flows from your left atrium to the left ventricle through the open mitral (bicuspid) valve
Left Ventricular Contraction
Blood leaves the heart through the aortic valve into the aorta and to the body
Right Heart
Deoxygenated blood flows into the heart from vena cava > Right atrium > Tricuspid Valve > Right ventricle > Pulmonic valve > lungs (For oxygen)
Left Heart
Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs to the left atrium via pulmonary veins > mitral (bicuspid) valve > left ventricle > Aorta Semilunar valve > Aorta > General circulation (To deliver oxygen)
Coronary Arteries
Supply heart with oxygenated blood
Heart Sounds
"The first sound (Lubb) is caused by the valves closing between the atrium and the ventrals

The second sound (Dupp) is shorter and higher pitched. It is caused by the semilunar valves and the pulmonary artery closing"

Flow of blood
(Right) Superior vena cava>inferior vena cava> Right atrium > Tricuspid valve> right Ventricle > Pulmonic valve> Pulmonary artery > lungs CO2 and O2 exchange > (Left) Pulmonary vein > left atrium > mitral (bicuspid) valve> left ventricle> Semilunar aortic valve > Aorta > body
SA Node
Located in R Atrium, sends out electrical impulse that begins heart. Impulse spreads over atria making them contract (making blood flow downward). Then travels to AV Node
AV Node
Conducting cell groups between atria and ventricle. electrical impulse is carried to conducting fibers in septum > Bundle of His
Bundle of His
Divides into R and L branches to network of branches in ventricles (Purkinje Fibers)
Purkinje Fibera
Ventrals Contract…heart then rests briefly
Cardiac Cycle
Represents one heart beat each beat takes 0.8 seconds 72-80 bpm
Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG)
Device used to record the electrical activity of the heart
Contraction Phase
rest phase
Blood Pressure
Surge of blood when heart pumps creates pressure against walls of arteries
Average systolic pressure
Average diastolic pressure
Pulse Sites
Brachial (Arm), Carotid (Neck), Radial (Wrist), Popliteal (behind knee), Pedal (Foot)
Angina Pectoris
Chest Pain caused by lack of oxygenate o heart Rx: Nitroglycerin
loss of elasticity and thinking of artery walls
MI/ Heart Attack
Lack of blood supply to myocardium causes damage. Blockage of coronary artery or blood clot
Plaque build up on anterior walls
Prevents more clots from happening
Congestive Heart Failure
Ventricles unable to contract effectively and blood pools into heart causing it to back up into the lungs.

Rx: Drugs to increase heartbeat and diuretics to reduce fluid

Procedure to help open clogged vessels. May also be called “Balloon Surgery”
Coronal By-pass
Healthy vein from the leg removed and attached before and after the coronary obstruction, creating an alternative for blood supply to the myocardium
Heart Transplants
"Why? Irreparably damaged myocardium, valves or blood vessels, or a baby/child with congenital heart defect.

Rx: Immunosoppressants"

Demand Pacemakeer
Fires only when the heart drops below program minimum
Tiny expandable stainless steel tube that hold coronary artery open following aginoplasty
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Used in presence of cardiac arrest
Electrical shock to bring heart back to a normal rhythm
Automated External Defillator
ballooning of an artery, thinning and weakening
Varicose Veins
Swollen, distended veins- heredity or due to posture, prolonged periods of standing, physical exertion, age, and pregnancy
Prevention for Varicose Veins
Wear sunscreen,elevate legs when resting, and wear elastic support stockings
High BP, “Silent killer” no symptoms, leads to strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. 140/90 or higher