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43 Cards in this Set

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logical developments
a. iconoclasm
b. filoque
c. Great schism
d. clerical celibacy
e. tasubstantination
f. maiology
g. scholasticism
oppositition to holy icons.
Leo III banned use of icons in woship: 730
2nd council of nicea held in opposition of Leo III (iconodules) and won
who was the biggest supporter of icons?
John of Damascus
Filoque Clause
West inserted final saying to the nicene creed "and son"
-suggested that father and son are Holy spirit, which angered East.
-Led to Schism of Photius: divided E and W until Photius's death. Pre-cursor of final seperration of church.
Great Schism
official seperation between E and W church, mainly caused by filoque clause.
-too many differences made it impossible to mend the situation
What are some of the differences between the E. and W. churches?
-East used leavened bread, West used unleavened.
-East allowed priests to be married, West did not.
-East saw state over church, whereas West saw church over state.
clerical celibacy
East allowed priests to be married, West did not
"substance or being" change in substance.
What is the catholic position of the Eucharist?
the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of christ after concencrated by the priest.
4th lateral council
Made transubstantiation official view of Catholic Eucharist. 1215
Real Presence
still bread and wine, but also body and blood.-Utheran position
Mere Remeberence
present in our minds but bread and wine are not physical body and blood of christ (some protestant news)
the study of the virgin mary (high during middle ages)
worship of the virgin mary
-common in Roman catholics, not protestants
dedicated to the virgin mary
Plato vs. Aristotle
up to this point, W. were Platonists, began to follow aristotle
more other worldly, eternal
more physical.
both essence and accidence
-we have invented ideas from the world we see (such as categories)
Anslem of Canterbury
Ontological argument: b/c the greatest possible being imaginable would have to include property of existance, God must exist.
-holiness of God demands a sacrifice (jesus)
Sic et Non ("Yes and No")
-examined all argumetns before coming to a decision.
-became model for many
Thomas Aquinas
-followed Abelard
-quoted different views but then added his own solutions to the end
-summary of christian doctrine
William Occam
Occams Razor
reason alone can prove nothing about God
-Gods actions cant be interpretted
-councils and popes err, so the only authority is the Bible
Occam's Razor
whatever is least complicated explanation is the best
ad fontes (back to the sources)
-start of the end of the middle ages
-rebirth of Greek and Roman classics forgotten in the West.
-marked the rebirth of critical thinking
Renaissance Art
emphasis on realism and human forms
apllied to those influenced by the spirit of the Renaissance, valued study of humanities, art, lit, music, history, religion
Efforts to reform the church
began in monastaries
Rule of Benedict
St. Francis
St. Francis
abandoned riches for poverty
monks should live in real world
-Mendacit orders: christ had nothing, monks and christians should live the same way.
-order of friars
debated heretics, teaching correst doctrine
-Albert the Great
-thomas acquinas
hoped to change themselves through direct contact with the divine
-Hildegard of Bingen
-Meister Eckhart
-Catherine of Siena
-Joan of Arc
these are mystics!
Hildegard of Bingen
Saw visions, recorded them into "God's Mysteries"
-director of a covenant
Meister Eckhart
dominican monk from Germany
-each human soul contains a spark that was somehow identified with God.
-hero for non orthodox people
Catherine of Siena
nun who Wrote letters to pope and political figures
Joan of Arc
led french to defeat english
Symeon the new Theologian
hesyonasm: Silence
style of meditation in E. orthodox monistaries
Conciliar Movement
councils are superior to the pope
-council of pisa
-council of constance: started movement
-5th lateral council
5th lateral council
invalidated council of pisa, declared movement invalid.
Forerunners of Protestant reformation
-Peter Waldo
-John Wycliff
-John Hus
-Girolamo Savonarola
Peter Waldo
believed christians should live simple lives of poverty
-preached publicly
-took bible literally
-opposed oaths, purgatory, and veneration of icons
John Wycliff
oppossed catholic Eucharist idea: christ is mystically present, but the bread and wine are still present as well.
-first english translation of the bible
Jan Hus
Bible is the final authority for all christians, including popes
-opposed indulgences: only God can forgive sins
-killed at council of constance (trap) burned at stake
Girolamo Savonarola
-dominican friar
-against wealth
-became ruler of city, outlawed homosexuality
-"Bonfire of Vanities"
-burned at stake at same spot as bonfire