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30 Cards in this Set

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Iron triangles consisting of __________, can often lead to such close relationships that regulation becomes difficult.
interest groups, administrative agencies, and the legislative committees.
For many people, the term _____ may suggest shady characters lurking in the halls of the state Capitol, attempting to bribe legislators
_____ believe that a few individuals still control enormous resources.
Organized labor has historically been more powerful than business interest groups in Texas.
According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the factors that impacts the power of an interest group?
it's ability to advertise on television.
__________ are a danger to the stability of the political system because of their unwillingness to compromise and tactics that cause public policy to come to a standstill.
Single Issue Groups
Most interest groups are careful about the way they spend their funds, contributing to those legislators who
supported them in the past, and serve on committees that have jurisdiction over their industry or area of concern.
Groups wishing to create and develop public support for a position on a specific issue often resort to
public relation campaigns
_____ believe that numerous and diverse interest groups competing for political influence in an environment of limited resources checks the opportunity for any one group to have an overabundance of power.
Pluralists believe that public officials are more _____ to the needs and interests of a greater range of Texans than in the past.
Influential pressure groups usually develop in states with
weak political parties.
To many Texans, lobbying is an unsavory business that puts the interests of the few ahead of the general welfare or the needs of the state.
David Truman argued that American politics cannot be understood primarily by group interaction.
In the broadest sense, _____ is "simply the practice of attempting to influence the decisions of government."
Pluralists believe that politics is basically
group interaction.
The National Rifle Association is an example of a
single issue group.
_____ are concentrated on only a narrow set of issues.
Interest Groups
People who join interest groups do so for a variety of reasons, including
personal and material benefits, social benefits and a sense of purpose.
Interest groups must decide which candidates they will back through campaign contributions, organized support, and endorsements.
Successful lobbying starts with the election of office holders sympathetic to a group's viewpoint on crucial issues.
Swayed in part by their beliefs in separation of church and state, many people think religious organizations have little or no justifiable role in the political process.
James Madison said the two basic problems with factions are
they impose their will on others and they harm the long-term interests of the nation.
Partly because Texas was, for many years, effectively a _____ state, pressure groups wielded considerable power.
Most interest groups concentrate on a wide range of issues.
_____ power in Texas is essentially structured around organizations, whether they are corporations, professional associations, or interest groups.
According to the text, the changing global economy has enhanced the role of _____ in developing the state's future.
higher education
Historically, political stability in Texas was achieved by competition and bargaining among _____ groups.
Pluralists argue that individual interests are inadequately represented through membership in interest groups.
Evidence suggests that the source of political power and influence lies somewhere between the _____ positions.
Interest groups often draft bills for formal introduction into the legislature.