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95 Cards in this Set

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Name two types of socialisation

Primary ( influenced by parents )

Secondary ( influenced by society )

Name some reasons why someone might want to adopt


Adopt a family member

Disadvantaged child

Couple carries genetic defects


What can a single parent family be the result of



Adoption by a single parent

An absent parent ( in the army etc )

Surrogacy arrangement

Single woman giving birth after rape

Who looks after children in a care home

Members of the local authority ( care workers etc )

Are foster carers paid to look after children


What 2 things influence your sexual role

Nature and nurture

2 N's

Why might parents apply pressure on you to have a baby

They might want to be grandparents

What are some bad reasons for wanting to have a baby

Have someone who will love you

Improve a relationship

Prove that you are mature

Peer pressure

What should you consider before deciding to have a baby

Are you healthy enough?

Are you too young or old?

Are you willing to change your lifestyle?

Do you have enough money?

Do you have suitable housing?

Define contraception

The deliberate prevention of a pregnancy

Name two methods of emergency contraception

The morning after pill


Contraception that you take after unprotected sex

What are 3 natural methods of contraception

Natural family panning

Withdrawal ( coitus interruptus )

Abstinence ( not having sex )

Who can prescribe the morning after pill



Family planning clinics

How does NFP work

It identifies the fertile times in the menstrual cycle

Is the condom 100% effective

No ( 98% )

What two methods of contraception prevents STI's

Femidom and condom

How long is the implant effective for

3 years

When is emergency contraception needed

After unprotected sex

What is semen made from

Sperm and seminal fluid

How long is the menstrual cycle

28 days

How many chromosomes are there in every cell in the body

46 ( 23 pairs )

Where are eggs stored


What are the signs of pregnancy

A missed period

Frequent urination


Enlarged breasts

Metallic taste in mouth

Morning sickness

How do you calculate the estimated delivery date

The last day of your period then add 280 days ( 9 months and 7 days )

At what point in the pregnancy can a miscarriage happen

Before 24 weeks

At what point in the pregnancy can a stillborn happen

After 24 weeks

What is an ectopic pregnancy

When a fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tube

What does viable mean

Able to survive

What is the average length of a pregnancy

37-42 weeks

What foods should you avoid during pregnancy


Milk products


Undercooked meat



What are some causes of infertility

Blocked fallopian tube

Thick cervical mucus

Hormone imbalance

Insufficient sperm


What does IVF stand for

In vitro fertilisation

What causes FAS

The mother drinking alcohol while she's pregnant

Foetal alcohol syndrome

What are the three trimesters of pregnancy

1-3 months

4-6 months

7-9 months

In months

How much does an average newborn weigh

7 and a half pounds

What is vernix

A white substance coating the baby

What is lanugo

Fine hair that keeps the baby warm

What is the amniotic sac filled with

Amniotic fluid

What can ultra sound scans confirm

Foetal age and size



Number of foetuses

What are the roles of midwives

Conduct book-in visists

Carry out routine tests

Arrange scans

Run ante-natal classes

Deliver babies

Give general advice

What do hand held notes include

Name, address, contact number

General health


Birth plan

Ante natal assesments

Where are eggs released from

The ovaries

What are the advantages of a home birth



No hospital routines

More people can be present

What are the advantages of a hospital birth

Emergency equipment

Midwives always available

Restricted visiting (mother can relax)

Epidural anaesthetic

What is the domino delivery scheme

When a community midwife accompanies the mother to the hospital and delivers the baby

Disadvantages of epidural anaesthetic

Can't have it at a home birth

Cause head and back aches

Increases the length of labour

Disadvantages of pethidine

Can make the baby drowsy

Can make the mother disorientated

Disadvantages of entonox

Wears off quickly

The mother may feel sick

The pain isn't completely removed

Gas and air

Disadvantage of a TENS machine

Can't be used in water births

Don't work when the pain is intense

Disadvantages of a water birth

Difficult to set up at Homs births

Can't be used with pethidine

Are only suitable for low risk pregnancies

What temperature should a birthing pool be kept at

37 degrees

What are the signs that labour has started



Water breaking

What is breech

When the baby is born feet first

Whats the name for artificially started labour


How long does it take to recover from a C-section

Up to 6 weeks

How does an incubator help premature babies

Helps breathing by filtering air

Keeps them warm

What are the characteristics of premature babies

Breathing problems

Small size

Weak immune system

Red, wrinkled skin

A large head

What tablets can you take during pregnancy


When does the umbilical cord fall off

After 7-10 days

What is tested on an Apgar test






The test done after the baby is born

What nutrient is needed for growth and repair


What nutrient provides energy


What is the function of iron

Carried oxygen into the blood

What is the function of vitamin B

Releases energy

What is the function of fluoride

Protects teeth

What are children at risk of if they are obese

Type 2 diabetes

Heart disease

High blood pressure

Joint and bone problems

What is colostrum

The first milk after birth. Contains protein and antibodies. Clear liquid that turns yellow

What are the advantages of breastfeeding

It is free

Helps with bonding

No preparation

Contains antibodies

Easy to digest

What are two methods of sterilisation

Steaming and chemical sterilisation

What is weaning

The gradual introduction of food to babies

Signs that a baby is ready to wean

They are hungry after feeds

Want feeding more often

Chew on hands

Wake up in the night

What age should you start weaning

6 months

How can you encourage healthy eating habits

The family should eat the same meal

Do not bribe or force

Small portions

Balanced meals

Make food look attractive

What are the 4 areas of development






What are milestones

Guidelines for when major achievements will happen ( walking and talking etc )

What are two types of grasps

Tripod and pincer

When holding a pencil

What is the difference between fine and gross motor development

Fine= small movements

Gross= large movements

What two ways can feelings be expressed

Negative and positive

What should you check for when buying toys

Have a safety mark ( kite mark )

Are non toxic

Are non flammable

Are washable

Are age appropriate

Want are the 6 different types of play







How long should you hold burns under water

10 minutes

What are some signs of illness

Raised temperature



Joint pain

Pale skin


Breathing problems

What gives children swollen glands and an earache


What is a normal body temperature

37 degrees

What are the symptoms of measles


Sore throat

Watery eyes

Red skin

How should most mild illnesses be treated

With paracetamol and lots of rest and fluids

For example mumps and chicken pox

How can you make a hospital stay easier for children

Bring activities

Explain what will happen

Stay by their side

How can SIDS be prevented

Use a firm mattress

Ensure the room is at the right temp

Tuck covers in a well

Put a baby on their back

What are the benefits of fresh air

Improves appetite

Improves sleep

Encourages development

What Should newborn baby clothes be


Non flammable

Easy to remove

Appropriate for the weather

Easy to wash

What should newborn baby clothes not have on them

Ribbons or other small accessories

What are the advantages of disposable nappies

No washing is required

They are absorbent

Easy to use

Different sizes

How should you wash your baby

Top and tailed

How can you make sure your bathroom is safe

Always supervise the baby

Lock away the medicine cabinet

Slip resistant bath

Keep harmful objects high up

What are 3 safety symbols

Kite mark

CE mark

Lion mark