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27 Cards in this Set

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the process which axons become coated with myelin

Corpus Callosum

a long thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain allowing communication


left side of the brain controls the right, the right side of the brain controls the left

Impulse control

the ability to control an impulse, denying an immediate response to an idea or behavior


to preserve a thought or action for a long time (staying on one activity)

injury control/harm reduction

practices that help to reduce harm and injury

primary prevention

actions that prevent harm (laws)

secondary prevention

actions that avert harm in a high risk situation (slamming on the breaks to stop a car accident)

tertiary prevention

actions that are immediate to keep from continuing pain (Emergency Room)

Child Maltreatment

intentional harm to, or avoidable endangerment of, anyone under 18 years

child abuse

any action to purposefully harm a child in any form or fashion

substantiated maltreatment

harm that’s been reported, investigated, and verified

reported maltreatment

harm that’s been reported


anxiety caused by past trauma

permanency planning

finding long term living for children

foster care

a legal system, public supported, in which a child is placed with another family and that family is reimbursed

executive function

ability to organize and prioritize thoughts which allows to anticipate, strategize and plan behavior

preoperational intelligence

piagets term for cognitive development 1-6 language/imagination

symbolic thought

understanding words and items can refer to something else (flag = country)


believing natural object and phenomena are alive and have human characteristics


when a young child focuses on one idea


piagets term for children seeing the world from only their point of view

focus on appearance

when a child ignores the attributes that aren’t apparent (putting on a firefighters helmet and saying their a firefighter)

static reasoning

when a young child thinks that nothing changes. what is now will always be


when a young child thinks nothing can be undone


the amount of the substance stays the same even when the appearance changes

