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60 Cards in this Set

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electromagnetic radiation
light energy spetrum, how energy travels through space
distance between peaks/troughs of a wave.
number of waves(cycles) per second that pass a given point in space
Planck's constant (h)
6.626x10^-34 J.s
energies occur at specific values, not continuous
particles of light
each one deals with one electron individually
photoelectric effect
electrons emitted from metal surface when light strikes it
continuous spectrum
when white light passes through a prism
atomic line spectrum
each energy level is the position in PE relative to the nucleus
specific set, lines, not continuous
each level jump gives off photon with specific wavelength and frequency
E = ?
c=speed of light=3.00*
relationship between energy, frequency, and wavelength
If there is insufficent energy to remove the elctron the wavelength should be __________?
photoelectric effect occurs at ______________?
high frequency and energy
low wavelength
Bohr model
electrons travel in ciruclar orbits at differend energy levels
only works for hydrogen
quantum model
wave-like characteristics
ground state
lowest possible energy state
par of electrons
four types (spdf)
quantum numbers
characterization of orbitals based by series of numbers
principle quantum number
size and energy of the orbital
angular momentum quantum number
relative to the shape
(sphere, bumbshell, cloverleaf)
magnetic quantum number
identifies the orbitals

energy levels of electrons, similar PE

same exact PE
electron spin quantum number
identifies the specific electron
polyelectronic atom
atom with more than one atom
Aufbau principle
protons are added one by one to the nucleus to build up elements.
electrons are similarly added to the hydrogen orbitals, lowest energy level first
Hundt Rule
lowest energy configuration for an atom is the one having the max number of unpaired elecrons
valence electrons
electrons in the outermost principal quantum level of an atom
core electrons
inner electrons
first ionization energy
energy required to remove the highest energy electron of an atom
electron affinity
energy chance associated iwth the addition of an electron
ions containing the same number of electrons
more protons is smaller radius
lattice energy
change in energy that takes place when separated gaseous ions are packed together to form an ionic solid
which is bigger? cation or anion, compared to the non ionic atom
cation is smaller, closer to nucleus
anion is larger, farther from nucleus
how strong is electrostatic attraction?
depends on charge and distance between the charges
bond energy
energy required to break/form the bond
bond length
distance where energy is minimal
covalent bonding
electrons are shared by nuclei
2 nonmetals
single, double, triple bond
# of pairs of electrons
never single electrons
lone pairs
just 2 electrons, not bonded
bonding pairs
bond contains 2 electrons shared between to atoms
Lewis structure
shows the vlanence electron arrangment among atoms in the molecule
octet rule
each atoms is surrounded by eight electrons
when more than one valid Lewis structure can be written for a particular molecule
formal charge
difference bewteen the number of valence electrons on the free atom and the number of valence electrons assigned to the atom in the molecule
covalent bond
shared electrons
overlapping orbitals
electrostatic attraction(attraction of a negative to a positive)
the formation of a bond is always ___________?
breaking a bond is always _______________?
how to draw Lewis structures...
sum valence electrons
assume single bonds between atoms
complete octet of terminal atoms
place remaining electrons on central atom
evaluating formal charge
the most likely to be naturally found is the one with the formal charge closest to ZERO
molecular structure
three dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule
VSEPR model
valence shell electron pair repulsion
best arrangement of for a given number of electron pairs is the one that minimizes the repulsions among them
number of electron pairs=electron pair structure
3-trigonal planar
5-trigonal bipyramidal
nonbonding pairs require more room than bonded pairs.
equitoral have more space
ability of an atom to attract the shared electrons together
teh most electronegative element is F
separation of charge
unequal distribution of charge
greater difference=greater polarity
mizing of atomic orbitals to form special orbitals for bonding
sigma bond

pi bond
hybridized, covalent bond, regions overlap between two nuclei

non-hybridized, regions overlap when not between two nuclei
hybrid orbital
bonding orbital obtained when 2 or more atomic orbitals of the same atom combine to prepare for covalent bond info
form sigma bonds
how to hybridize
draw lewis structure
determine electron-pair geometry
specify hybrid orbitals needed

single bond-1sigma
double bond- 1sigma, 1pi
triple bond- 1 sigma, 2pi