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17 Cards in this Set

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How are elements arranged in the periodic table?

In order of atomic number, so that elements with similar properties are in columns known as groups

Why is the table called a periodic table?

Because similar properties occur at regular intervals

Why do elements in the same group have similar properties?

They have the same number of valance electrons which gives them similar chemical properties

Before the discovery of protons, neutrons and electrons how did scientists attempt to classify elements?

They arranged them in order of atomic weights

What was the problem with this?

The table was incomplete so some elements were placed in inappropriate groups

How did mendeleev overcome some of the problems?

He left gaps for elements he thought hadn't been discovered and changed the order in some places

What made it possible to explain that order based on atomic weight wasn't always correct?

Knowledge of Isotopes

The majority of elements are...


Metals form what type of ions when they react?

Positive Ions

What are elements in group 0 called?

Noble Gases

Properties of Noble Gases


Do not easily form molecules

^due to stable arrangements of electrons

Bp increase as you go down the group

What is group 1 elements called?

Alkali metals

How many valance electrons do group 1 elements have?


Properties of group 1

Reactivity of the elements increases going down the group

What are the elements in group 7 called?


Properties of halogens

7 valance electrons


Consists of molecules made of pairs of atoms

Down the group : the hight the relative molecular mass, mp and bp

Reactivity decreases down the group


A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from an aqueous solution of its salt