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80 Cards in this Set

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The electron cloud is the _____ from the _______ to the ____ ________ in the (outer) electron
space; nucleus; last electron
The electron cloud provides ____, _____, and ______ to the atom
size, shape, and volume
any region around the nucleus where electrons with similar energy move
Energy level
the 3-dimensional path an electron probably takes within an energy level
electron transition occurs when:
--an electron gains enough energy to jump to a higher energy level
--when the electron returns to its ground state energy level, it gives off the energy it gains as light of a color that is characteristic to the element
the amount of energy lost or gained by an electron ______
the higher the ______ _____ occupied by an electron, the more energy the electron has
energy level
evidence for energy levels comes from the ____-________ _______ of the elements
line-emission spectra
the higher the energy level occupied by an electron, the easier it is for the electron to ______ from the atom
the energy levels of an atom get closer together the _______ ____ they are from the nucleus
farther away
earlier scientists believed that electrons behaved as particles
DeBroglie’s Duality Theory
DeBroglie proposed that electrons behave as _________ and _____ (dual wave-particle nature)
particles and waves
DeBroglie proposed that electrons be considered as _____ confined to the _____ around the nucleus. Thus they exist in only specific ___________ like a wave. Since E=hν, the frequency of the “electron wave” depends upon its ______
waves; space; frequencies; energy
DeBroglie's Duality Theory is supported through experimentation with ___________ and ____________
diffraction and interference
the bending of a wave as it passes by the edge of an object
the overlapping of waves
scientists wanted to know the location of electrons in atoms
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg’s idea involved the _________ __ _________
detection of electrons
electrons are detected by their interaction with _______
since electrons and photons have similar energy, _______ can knock individual electrons off course (remember—we see an object by seeing the light reflected off the object)
__________'s ____________ _________ states that it is impossible to determine the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle at the same time
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Schrodinger studied electrons as _____
his equations describe the ________ _____ and determine where electrons are most likely located at a give point in time
electron cloud
used to show that electrons do not travel in ________ ______
definite orbits
his wave equations laid the foundation for the _______ ______
Quantum Theory
_______ ______ describes mathematically the behavior of electrons and other small particles
Quantum Theory
an electron occupies the lowest orbital that can receive it (electrons enter the orbitals closest to the nucleus first)
Aufbau Principle
no 2 electrons in the same atom can have the same set of 4 quantum numbers (at most, an atomic orbital may contain 2 electrons with opposite spin)
Pauli’s exclusion principle
orbitals of equal energy are each occupied by one electron before an orbital is occupied by the 2nd electron. All single electrons in a occupied orbital must have the same spin
Hund’s rule
electrons that are not in the highest occupied energy level
inner-shell electrons
pair of electrons with opposite spin in the same orbital
electron pair
arrangement of electrons in an atom
Electron Configuration
each atom has a distinct ________ ____________ because each atom has a distinct # of electrons
electron configuration
electrons in atoms tend to arrange themselves in the _____ ______ ______ ________ (______ _____)
lowest energy levels possible (ground state)
there are _ types of electron configuration
types of electron configuration:
--electron configuration notation using superscripts to represent electrons
--orbital notation using blanks and arrows to represent orbitals and electrons
--noble gas notation as a short cut for elements in periods 3-7
In electron configuration, the ______ _____ (n) is written 1st as a coefficient
energy level
In electron configuration, the ________ is written 2nd (s,p,d,f) according to the blocks on the PT
In electron configuration, the number of electrons in a particular sublevel is written as a ___________
In orbital notation, use the ___________ and ________ ______ from the EC
coefficient and sublevel letter
In orbital notation, use blanks to represent ________
an s sublevel has _ blank written above it
a p sublevel has _ blanks written above it
a d sublevel has _ blanks written above it
an f sublevel has _ blanks written above it
use arrows to represent ________
up arrows mean a _________ spin and go into the orbital blank _____
clockwise; first
down arrows mean a _______ _________ spin and go into the orbital blank ______ after each blank has 1 up arrow
counter clockwise; second
short cut to write out EC and ON for elements after neon
Noble gas Notation
describe the energy state and location of electrons as determined by Schrodinger’s equations
Quantum Theory
there are _ quantum numbers indicated by the letters:
4; n, l, m, s
the first 3 result from solutions from ___________'s ________
Schrodinger’s equations
--1st (n) indicates the ____ ______ _____ the electron is in
main energy level
2nd (l) indicates the _____ __ ___ _______ the electron is in
shape of the orbital
3rd (m) indicates the ___________ of the orbital in space
the 4th (s) describes the ___________ _____ of the electron that occupies the orbital (the clockwise or counter clockwise spin of the electrons)
fundamental state
The 1st Quantum Number is called the _________ _______ ______
principal quantum number
The 2nd Quantum Number is called the _______ ________ _______ ______
angular momentum quantum number
The 2nd Quantum Number refers to the electron’s ________ and the _____ __ ___ _______ the electron is moving in within its energy level
sublevel; shape of the orbital
In the 2nd Quantum Number, 4 sublevels exist:
s, p, d, f
In the 2nd Quantum Number, each electron moves in a probable path within a sublevel known as an _______
orbitals can hold _, _, or _ electrons
0, 1, or 2
except for the ___ ______ _____, different shapes exist for a given value of n
1st energy level
each atomic orbital is designated by the _________ _______ ______ followed by the letter of the sublevel the orbital is in
principal quantum number
1s sublevel is the _ _______ in the 1st energy level
s orbital
2p sublevel is the set of _ ________ in the 2nd energy level
p orbitals
a 4d orbital is part of the _ _________ in the 4th main energy level
d sublevels
In the 3rd Quantum Number, atomic orbitals can have the same shape but different orientation around the _______
The 3rd Quantum Number is called the ________ _______ ______
magnetic quantum number
The 3rd Quantum Number tells a ________ ______ an electron is in at a given point in time along the x, y, z axis
specific orbital
the total number of orbitals at a main energy level equals __
each orbital can hold at most _ _________ with opposite spins
2 electrons
to tell the difference between a sublevel and an orbital, we can use the _______ _______
quantum numbers
sublevels have the quantum numbers _,_ and contain all similarly shaped orbitals within an energy level
an orbital has the quantum numbers _,_,_ and is a single allowed location for electrons
n, l, m
The 4th Quantum Number like Earth, electrons spin on an ________ ____
internal axis
electron spin either _________ or _______ _________ within their orbital
clockwise or counter clockwise
as electrons spin, they create a ________ _____
magnetic field
refers to the _________ of an electron’s spin
maybe either +__ or -__
+1/2 or –1/2