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35 Cards in this Set

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-attractive forces are large enough to keep molecules together
-molecules can still move past each other; liquids flow
-molecules are close together; essentially liquids can not be compressed
the resistance of a liquid to flow,
-depends on the attractive forces between the molecules AND the geometry of the molecules
-polar molecules and complex structured molecules have a higher viscosity than nonpolar, and less complex molecules.
surface tension
A measure of the attractive forces exerted by molecules at the surface of the liquid;
-surface molecules are attracted by molecules beneath and to the side of them; not by any molecules above them
-the result is a net attractive forces pulling the surface molecules downward; this results in a ‘skin’ at the surface
-spherical shapes of droplets of water on a freshly waxed car
-water striders moving across the surface of water
-floating a needle on water
Substance that decreases the surface tension; includes soaps and detergents.
Conversion of a liquid to a gas.
Conversion of a liquid to a gas below the boiling point of the liquid (in an open container)
-all molecules are in motion;
-all molecules do not have the same kinetic energy;
temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy
-when molecules with sufficient kinetic energy hit the surface of the liquid, they can escape the liquid and form vapor
-this leaves molecules with a lower average kinetic energy as liquid; the temperature of the liquid is lowered; evaporation is a cooling process (alcohol on skin; perspiration; swimming;)

In a closed container, the molecules that become vapor collide with each other; energy is transferred and then as the molecules with lower kinetic energy strike the surface of the liquid, they can not overcome the attractive forces of the surface molecules and become part of the liquid again (condensation)
-both processes take place; eventually both processes are occurring at the same rate, an equilibrium has been established.
vapor pressure of the liquid
The pressure due to the vapor molecules at this equilibrium.
The vapor pressure of a liquid is dependent on the temperature of the liquid; increase the temperature, the vapor pressure increases.
Boiling point:
The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the external pressure.
Normal boiling point:
The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to 1 atm.
-At high altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is lower than at sea level. A liquid boils at a lower temperature in the mountains than at sea level.
-The boiling point of a liquid can be increased above its normal boiling point by increasing the pressure above it; water in a pressure cooker or an autoclave(sterilizer).
-Polar molecules have higher boiler points and lower vapor pressure than nonpolar molecules.
Van der Waals Forces:
The attractive forces existing between molecules;
-London forces: temporary (short-lived) dipole-dipole forces that can exist between molecules; this is the only type of attractive forces between nonpolar molecules
-Dipole-dipole interactions: the attractive forces existing between the partially negative end of one polar molecule and the partially positive end of another polar molecule; stronger than London forces

Hydrogen bonding: the attractive force between a hydrogen atom that is bonded to a small, highly electronegative atom (N, O, F) and an oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atom in the same molecule or another molecule
-water exhibits hydrogen bonding; it has a higher boiling point than other molecules of similar molar mass
-hydrogen bonds are stronger forces of attraction than London forces or dipole-dipole forces but not as strong as covalent bonds or ionic bonds
in a solid, the particles are packed close together in fixed positions; the only motion is a vibratory motion; solids do not flow
-the particles in many solids are arranged in an orderly, 3-dimensional pattern; they form crystals
-crystalline solids have a sharp, definite melting points; the stronger the attractive forces holding the particles together, the higher the melting point.
-polar molecular solids have higher melting points than nonpolar molecular solids
-in some solids, the particles have no regular pattern; these solids are amorphous solids; glass, rubber, plastics, asphalt
-amorphous solids, when heated, become soft, they do not have a fixed melting point
Types of Crystalline Solids
Ionic Solids:
Made up of positive and negative ions; the electrostatic forces between the oppositely-charged ions hold the crystal together
-have high melting points
-are hard and brittle
-many are soluble in water
-will conduct electricity when dissolved in water or melted
-examples: sodium chloride, barium oxide, etc
Covalent Solids:
-made up of atoms held together by covalent bonds
-have high melting points
-are extremely hard
-are not soluble in most solvents such as water and alcohols
-example: diamond
Molecular Solids:
-made up of molecules
-have low melting points
-held together by weak attractive forces such as London forces, dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonding
-are usually soft
-are poor or nonconductors
-examples: dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) and ice (solid water)
Metallic Solids:
-made up of metal atoms
-held together by metallic bonds, overlap of electron orbitals; electrons in these regions are mobile & good conductors of electricity
-good conductors of heat
-have a luster
-are ductile
-are malleable
-examples: copper, iron, silver, sodium
The number of moles of solute per liter of solution, or
M=moles of solute/L solution
p 187
The movement of solvent from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane. pie=MRT
p 193-194
hypertonic solution
The solute concenteration of the fluid surrounding red blood cells is higher than that of the inside of the cell, water flows from the cell, causing it to collaspe (crenation).
p 196
hypotonic solution
The solute concentration of the fluid is too low relative to the solution within the cell, water will flow into the cell, causing it to rupture (hemolysis)
p 196
Isotonic solutions
Solutions with the identical osmotic pressures. In that way the osmotic pressure differential across the cell membrane is zero, and no cell disruption occurs
p 196
Notes on hemodialysis
The process of waste removal, similar to osmosis.
p 201
Notes on hemodialysis
within the kidney
Semipermeable membranes in the kidneys , dialyzing membranes, allow small molecules (principally water and urea) and ions in solution to pass through and ultimately collect inthe bladder for elimination.
p 201
Notes on hemodialysis
artifical kidney
The process is called hemodialysis, undergoing a process similar to osmosis.
p 201
Notes on hemodialysis
In what way is dialysis similar to osmosis?
In dialysis the blood is "filter" by being pump through a semipermeable membrane.
p 201
Notes on hemodialysis
In what way does dialysis differ from osmosis?
Large molecules (including the waste products in the blood) and ions can pass across the membrane from the blood into a dialyzing fluid. The dialyzing fluid is isotonic with normal blood; it also is similar in its concentration of all other essential blood components.
p 201
Proper cell function in the regulation of muscles and the nervous system depends on the sodium ion and potassium ion ratio inside and outside of the cell.
p 200
Na+ dangers (low)
When blood concentrations become too low, urine output decrease, the mouth feels dry, the skin becomes flushed, and a fever may develop.
p 200
Na+ dangers (high)
When large amount of water is lost, diabetes, certain high protein diets, and diarrhea, may cause elevated blood Na+ levels. In extreme cases, elevated Na+ causes confusion, stupor, or coma.
p 200
The cations in the blood is neutralized by two major anions,...
Cl- and HCO(3)-

The chloride ion plays a role in acid base balance, maintenance of osmotic pressure, and oxygen transport by hemoglobin.
p 200
The Gas laws involve the relationship of four properties of gases
pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T(lil)k), & moles (n)
Ideal Gas
A hypothetical gas consisting of identical particles of zero volume, with no intermolecular forces. Additionally, the constituent atoms or molecules undergo perfectly elastic collisions with the walls of the container. Real gases do not exhibit these exact properties, although the approximation is often good enough to describe real gases.
An Ideal Gas follows the Kinetic Theory of Gases:
1-Gases are made up of very tiny particles; these particles are in constant, random motion.
2-The distance between the particles of gas is very large in comparison to the size of the particles themselves. (A gas is mostly empty space.)
3- All of the gas particles behave independently. They do NOT exert any forces of attraction (or repulsion) on each other.
4-Particles of gas move in straight lines. They collide with each other and the walls of the container without losing energy. Energy may be transferred from one gas particle to another but the total energy remains constant. Due to the collisions of the gas particles, the overall motion of the gas particles is one of a chaotic, zigzag motion.
5-The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature.
A barometer is used to measure
the air pressure.
Pressure units: mm Hg, torr, atm, pascal
760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 1 atm = 101.3 kPa
The pascal is the SI unit of pressure
Properties of Gases
-easily compressed
-expand to fill a container
-readily diffuse; light molecules diffuse more rapidly than heavier molecules
-low density; (volume occupied by a gas is mostly empty space)
-exert pressure when particles undergo collisions