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25 Cards in this Set

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Why is climate change a global issue

Polluting generated in one country can be carried elsewhere and the effects of pollution are felt beyond borders

What was the Kyoto protocol? What was its purpose?

Proposed in 1997 and it was a international attempt to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to reduce Carbon emissions by 20 percent

How is the spread of disease a global issue?

Because people can move around so quickly the spread of viruses is much faster

What does the world health organization do?

Monitors and controls health threats

What is the avian flu influenza

The avian flu also known as the bird flu is thought to be the next deadly pandemic

What is absolute poverty

Condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs including food water sanitation facilities health shelter education

What's a NGO

Non governmental organizations

What is odious debt

If a despotic power incurs a debt not for the needs or in the best interest of the state but to strengthen its despotic regime

What is the universal declaration of human rights

Rights that all citizens of the world are entitled to

What was the conflict in darfur

Coflict between the west and the east for land the government supported in the systematic genocide of the people from the west (darfur)

What is the WTO

Maintains that the world trade system promotes peace by helping to resolve disputes stimulate economic growth and reduce inequality

What is responsible government?

A government that answers to the people

What is the national anti poverty organization

They advocate for poor people

Why is the CBC NFB and CRTC

They are all distinctly Canadian and broadcast things that Canadians can watch

What is the program called katimavik

It's a program that's gives the opportunity to people 17-21 to travel Canada

What is national unity

Identifying with others that belong to the same nation

What is western alienation

Western Canada feels alienated because of the government allocated money never goes to Alberta

What does patriated mean

Transferred from the control of the British government to that of the Canadian government

What is is equalization payment

The federal government collects taxes from individuals and businesses across the country

What is an inherent right

A right that exists because they occupied their land and governed themselves for thousands of years before the Europeans came

What's the Nisga's agreement

The agreement that guarantees the nisgas nation the ability to keep their land and govern themselves

What are economic nationalists

People who believe that a country's businesses and industry's should be protected

What is a cosmopolitan

They borrow adopt and adapt values from many cultures

What is asymmetrical federalism

All provinces and territories would not share power with the federal government in the same way

What is ultranationalism

Extreme form of nationalism