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128 Cards in this Set

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dense connective tissue that binds a large number of fascicles which sheathes entire muscle
thin filaments
thick filaments
sarcolemma indents into muscle cell at junctions of A and I bands forming what?
reverse tubule (T tubule) which run deep into muscle cell between cross channels, or terminal cisternae, of the elaborate smooth endoplasmic reticulum called sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
What are SR terminal cisternae called that abut a T tubule on each side?
muscle fibers are enclosed in delicate, areolar connective tissue sheath called?
several sheathed muscle fibers wrapped by perimysium, forming bundle of fibers called what?
fascicle, or fasciculus
epimysia blend into deep fascia, coarser sheets of dense connective tissue that bind muscles into functional groups and into strong cordlike tendons or sheetlike _______, which attach muscles to each other or indirectly to bones
muscles movable attachment is ________and fixed attachment is _______?

What is the time in which cross bridges are active called?
the period of contraction
what are striations caused by?
myofibril arrangement
What is the effect of the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) on the muscle cell membrane?
to modify its permeability properties temporarily
Why are the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscle important? three reasons.
bundle the muscle fibers together, increasing coordination of their activity, add strength to the muscle provide a route for entry and exit of blood vessels and nerves to the muscle fibers
Flexor carpi ulnaris flexes the what?
The transversus abdominis functions mainly in what?
compression of the abdominal contents
sternocleidomastoid muscle attaches to what?
the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process
Which fibers are stretched and relaxed when a prime mover is active?
antagonist fibers
What separates the neuron and muscle fiber membranes?
synaptic cleft
What is the connective tissue ensheathing a bundle of muscle cells?
Which fibers are stretched and relaxed when a prime mover is active?
antagonist fibers
Before a muscle cell can be stimulated to contract again, what must occur?
WHat does the extensor hallucis longus do?
extends the great toe
The serratus anterior is known as what?
the boxer muscle
fibers that depend on oxygen delivery and aerobic mechanisms
Slow (oxidative), fatigue-resistant fibers
a neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates make up the functional structure called what?
the motor unit
What is a resting potential caused by?
a difference in the concentration of certain ions inside and outside the cell.
Bundled together, myofilaments form what?
What movements are the group of muscles which cross elbow joint and move forearm responsible for?
flexion, extension, pronation, and supination
Both actin and myosin are found in which band?
A band
What function does G actin have?
bearing the active sites to which the myosin heads attach during contraction.
What are the indentations of the sarcolemma into the muscle cell at junctions of A and I bands forming reverse tubule (T tubule) which run deep into muscle cell between cross channels, or terminal cisternae, of the elaborate smooth endoplasmic reticulum called?
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis does what where?
extends and abducts the wrist
What regulates the prime mover by providing resistance?
Contraction of muscle in which the muscle contracts as it lengthens
Eccentric contraction
What are inside axon terminals?
many mitochondria and vesicles containing neurotransmitter chemical called acetylcholine (Ach)
Which fibers are stretched and relaxed when a prime mover is active?
antagonist fibers
Type of fibers that have few mitochondria
fast glycolitic fibers
What is a resting potential caused by?
a difference in the concentration of certain ions inside and outside the cell.
muscles primarily responsible for producing a particular movement
prime movers or agonist
What is the area where SR terminal cisternae abut a T tubule on each side called?
A contraction in which the muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called what?
Powerful wrist flexors that also stabilize the wrist during finger extension is what?
the flexor carpi ulnaris
Extensor pollicis longus and brevis does what?
extends the thumb
muscles that oppose or reverse a movement
Neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction
What is always present in the synaptic cleft of a neuromuscular junction?
When a motor neuron fires, what happens to all of the muscle fibers?
What is the dense connective tissue that binds a large number of fascicles which sheathes entire muscle called?
Flexor digitorum profundus is a what?
slow-acting finger flexor.
The tibialis posterior muscle works towards what?
plantar flexion
What are inside axon terminals?
many mitochondria and vesicles containing neurotransmitter chemical called acetylcholine (Ach)
What does the extensor hallucis longus do?
extends the great toe.
Ability to be stretched or extended
What is the area where SR terminal cisternae abut a T tubule on each side called?
What regulates the prime mover by providing resistance?
Oxygen storage molecules in muscle
Which group of muscles cross shoulder joint to insert on humerus and move arm are trunk muscles that originate on the axial skeleton or shoulder girdle
subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, deltoid
Contraction of muscle in which the muscle contracts as it lengthens
Eccentric contraction
Smooth muscles that act like skeletal muscles but are controlled by autonomic nerves and hormones are what?
multiunit muscles
Flexor carpi ulnaris flexes the what?
junction between a nerve fiber (axon) and muscle cell
neuromuscular, or myoneural, junction
What muscle has a convergent arrangement of fascicles?
The pectoralis major
The transversus abdominis functions mainly in what?
compression of the abdominal contents
Bundled together, myofilaments form what?
The anconeus muscle abducts what during forearm pronation?
the ulna
What is the force of muscle contraction controlled by?
multiple motor unit summation or recruitment.
very fast-acting myosin ATPases and depend upon anaerobic metabolism during contraction
Fast (oxidative or glycolytic), fatigable fibers
What antagonist can also be prime movers?
biceps muscle (prime mover of elbow flexion) is antagonized by triceps (prime mover of elbow extension)
has only one nucleus, no sarcomeres, and no gap junctions
multiunit smooth muscle
flexor digitorum longus flexes what?
the toes
The serratus anterior is known as what?
the boxer muscle
Type of fibers that have few mitochondria
Fast glycolytic fibers
What is the time in which cross bridges are active called?
the period of contraction
Which group of muscles cross elbow joint and move forearm?
muscles forming musculature of humerus. They arise from humerus and insert in forearm bones
Fibers that contain abundant amounts of glycogen
Fast (oxidative or glycolytic), fatigable fiber
teres major is a synergist of the what? What does it do?
latissimus dorsi; it extends, medially rotates, and adducts the humerus.
What function does G actin have?
bearing the active sites to which the myosin heads attach during contraction.
What is a powerful forearm extensor.
triceps brachii
Flexor digitorum profundus is a what?
slow-acting finger flexor.
What happens to the H zones when a muscle fiber contracts?
they disappear
teres major is a synergist of the what? What does it do?
latissimus dorsi; it extends, medially rotates, and adducts the humerus.
High energy compound in muscle
creatine phosphate
Type of fibers that have few mitochondria
Fast glycolytic fibers
The anconeus muscle abducts what during forearm pronation?
the ulna
Which group of muscles cross elbow joint and move forearm?
muscles forming musculature of humerus. They arise from humerus and insert in forearm bones
a sprint by an Olympic runner represents the use of which fibers?
The transversus abdominis functions mainly in what?
compression of the abdominal contents
What is used for maintaining posture, stabilizing joints, and generating heat.
Some muscle contraction
What are thick filaments called?
Before a muscle cell can be stimulated to contract again, what must occur?
What helps keep food between the grinding surfaces of the teeth during chewing?
The buccinator
Type of fibers that have few mitochondria
Fast glycolytic fibers
The I band contains only which filaments?
actin (thin) filaments
What are the indentations of the sarcolemma into the muscle cell at junctions of A and I bands forming reverse tubule (T tubule) which run deep into muscle cell between cross channels, or terminal cisternae, of the elaborate smooth endoplasmic reticulum called?
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
What runs at right angles to the axis of the muscle.
transversus fibers
Smooth muscle appears to lack what?
troponin, sarcomeres
Special 4 characteristics of muscle are?
excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity
Contraction of the muscle in which the muscle shortens and does work
concentric contraction
masseter is what?
the main chewing muscle.
What is the force of muscle contraction controlled by?
multiple motor unit summation or recruitment.
The I band contains only which filaments?
actin filaments
What muscle has a convergent arrangement of fascicles?
The pectoralis major
What antagonist can also be prime movers?
biceps muscle (prime mover of elbow flexion) is antagonized by triceps (prime mover of elbow extension)
used in smiling
zygomaticus major and minor
used to suck in your cheeks
used in blinking and squinting
orbicularis oculi
used to pout (pulls the corners of the mouth downward)
depressor labii inferioris
raises your eyebrows for a questioning expression
used to form the vertical frown crease on the forehead
corrugator supercili
your kisser
obicularis oris
prime mover to raise the lower jawbone
tenses skin of the neck during shaving
commonly used for intramuscular injections (three muscles).
Deltoid or
Vastus lateralis or
Gluteus Maximus or
Gluteus Medius
The insertion tendon of the ________ group contains a large sesamoid bone, the patella.
The triceps surae insert in common into the __________ tendon.
calcaneal or achilles
The bulk of the tissue of a muscle tends to lie __________ to the part of the body it causes to move.
The extrinsic muscles of the hand originate on the 1.__________, 2.__________, and 3.__________.
Most flexor muscles are located on the 1.__________ aspect of the body; most extensors are located 2.__________. An exception to this generalization is the extensor-flexor musculature of the 3.__________.
protrudes lower lip; wrinkles chin
perpendicualr cross channels at the A and-I band junctions are what?
terminl cisternae and always occur in pairs
What is the major role of SR?
regulate intracellular levels of ionic calcium
closes mouth; purses and protrudes lips (kissing and whistling)
orbicularis oris
draws corner of mouth laterally; compresses cheek holds food bertween teeth during chewing
raises and furrows upper lip; opens lips
levator labii superioris
draws corner of lip laterally; tenses lip; zygomaticus synergist
various parts can be activated individually; closes eyees, produces blinking, squinting and draws eyebrows inferiorly
orbicularis oculi
draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly; wrinkles skin of forehead vertically
corrugator supercilii
draws lower lip inferiorly
depressor labii inferioris