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59 Cards in this Set

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Functions of a muscle system
heart beat
constriction of blood vessels and organs
tempersature regulation
the ability to shrink and return to original size
the ability to respond to stimuli (muscles stimuli are nerves)
the ability to be streched
the ability to stretch and return to original state
muscle cell membrane
muscle cell cytoplasm
sarcoplasmic reticulum
specialized ER in skeletal muscle that stores Ca++
muscle cell
rod shaped structures within a cell
actin (thin) and myosin (thick) filaments inside of the myofirils
bundles of myofibers
loose CT within fasciculi surrounding myofibers
heavier CT which makes up then wall of fasciculi
dense collagenous CT surrounding bundles of fasciculi coving of muscle also called fascia.
sheets of dense CT that covers body underneath the skin. in muscle it is the same as the epimysium.
the functional unit of a muscle fiver.
protein strand that coils around the actin, which hides the myosin head binding sites.
smaller globular proteins attached to tropomyosin and actin when cell is at rest. Also binds to calcium.
Striations in skeletal muscle
caused by actin and myosin fillaments
z disk
a protien that attaches to the actin.
troponin's binding sites
actin, tropomyosin, and calcium.
motor neuron
neuron that is responsible for motion.
neuromuscular junction
where the neuron and muscles come together.
AP moveing down a membrane because the AP stimulates an Ap at the next location
Synaptic vessicles
contain neurotransmitters
postsynaptic membrane
the sarcolemma of the muscle cell.
neurotransmitter that binds to the postsynaptic membrane
Formed when myosin heads attached to the actin.
ATP binds to myosin head, then breaks down to ADP + P, the myosin head then pulls away from the actin. when they release the myosin head attatches to the next actin stite causing a racheting motion and contraction of muscle
Motor unit summation
the process of using all the recruited motor units
motor unit recruitment
when one motor unit is not enough to cause a strong enogh contraction more motor units are stimulated. which creates a graded contraction
graded contraction
recruiting more than one motor unit.
caused by increased frequency of AP traveling down sarcolemma. the contraction becomes fused.
incomplete tetanus
caused when muscles have some time to relax.
complete tetanus
due to no time to relax.
after all motor units are recruited, there can not be a stronger contraction, becuase there is nothing left to add.
isometric contraction
the length of the muscle does not change, but the amount of tension increases during a contraction
isotonic contraction
when the length of the muscle changes, but the amount of tension does not.
muscle length vs. muscle tension
the longer the muscle is stretched the more tension it has, unless stretched too far then the myosin can not reach the actin.
psychological fatigue
when you dont think that you are capable of doing any more work.
muscular fatigue
when your muscles run out of ATP. cross bidges are not forms so tension declines.
Synaptic fatige
at the neuromuscluar junction, the high AP frequency is releasing too much ACH.
Sources of ATP
creatine phosphate
aerobic respiration
anaerobic respiration
storage form of glucose(important becuase it is used in aerobic respiration to form 38 ATP or anearobic respiration to form 2 ATP)
Creatine Phosphate
storage of ATP, stored in the muscles, when muscles are using up ATP and build up ADP, the CrPO4 releases the stored energy. ADP + CrPO4= creatine + ATP
Aerobic respiration
when oxygen is available. uses pyruvic acid (which is made from glucose) goes through TCA cycle to make CO2, water and 38 ATP. can use other fatty acids as energy.
Slower but longer lasting.
Anaerobic respiration
when oxygen is not available. glucose yields 2 ATP. this and the breakdown of CrPO4 is used for Fast contractions for about 3 minutes. produces lactic acid which is removed into the blood>liver>glucose
Oxygen debt
panting to get oxygen into the body, convert lactic acid into glucose in the liver. and restore the ATP, CrPO4 and others that were used up.
Slow twitch
more mitochondira
contract slowly
good blood supply
use aerobic respiration more than anaerobic
lots of myoglobin
ATP is broken down slowly
use lipids as well as glycogen for energy
Fast twitch
skeletal muscles
fast contractions
ATP broken down faster
large myofibers
densely packed-powerful
fewer mitochondria
use anaerobic respiration
fatige fast
contract fast for short time
increase size of muscles significantly and fast. not safe.
structure of smooth muscle contractile elements
actin and myosin complexes are loosely arranged (there are fewer)
actin attaced to dense bodies
dense bodies are attached to intermediate fiibers
when actin slides over myosin, the muscle cell gets shorter and fatter.
general info of smooth muscle
contracts slower, relaxes slower, and effects are mroe widespread throughout a sheet of muscle. RMP is not as negative as in skeletal muscles.
most common
in digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts
many gap junctions, to spread cotraction.
function as a single unit.
doesnt need a stimulus from the brain. spontaneous depolarizations due to leak of Na+ and Ca++
less common, may occur in sheets/bundles/or single cells. fewer gap junctions. function as individual units
pacemaker areas
develop AP's faster, so they set the pace of the waves of depolarization.
cardiac muscle
striated, uninucleate, involuntary, leaky cells, pacemaker, intercalated disks (gap junction to allow the wave of depolarization to pass quickly between cells.