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31 Cards in this Set

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The developmental process that produces genetically programmed changes with increasing age
a fertilized ovum
a developing baby from the point where the major axis of the body is present until all major structures are present, spanning from 2 -8 weeks after conception
developing baby during the final phase of development in the womb
Any external agent, such as a chemical, virus, or type of radiation, that can cause damage to the zygote, embryo, or fetus
The view that people are born with some knowledge (approach to language)
An innate mechanism, hypothesized by Chomsky, that contains the grammatical rules common to all languages and allows language acquisition
Language acquisition device
Speech by caregivers to babies that relies on short sentences with clear pauses and high pitched voice
Child-directed speech
An overly broad use of a word to refer to a new object or situation
an overly narrow use of a word to refer to a new object or situation
The set of rules that determines how words can be organized into an infinite number of acceptable sentences in a language
speech that packs a lot of information into a few words, typically omitting words such as the, a, and of
telegraphic speech
a mistake that occurs in speech because the child applies a newly learned rule even to cases where it does not apply
overregularization error
A narrow window of time when a certain type of learning or some aspect of development is possible
critical period
In Piaget's theory, a mental structure that organizes perceptual input and connects it to the appropriate responses
In Piaget's theory, the process that allows the use of existing schemas to take in new sets of stimuli and respond accordingly
In Piaget's theory, the process that results in schemas' changing as necessary to cope with a broader range of situations
the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be immediately perceived
object permanence
the Piagetian principle that certain properties, such as amoun or mass, remain the same even when the appearance of the material or object changes, provided that nothing is added or removed
In Piaget's theory, the inability to take another person's point of view
In Piaget's theory, a manipulation of the mental representation of an object that corresponds to an actual physical manipulation
Concrete operation
In piaget's theory, a mental act that can be performed even with an abstract concept
Formal operation
fear of being away from the primary caregiver
separation anxiety
The beliefs, desires, values, and attributes that define a person to himself or herself
The culturally determined appropriate behaviors for males versus females
gender roles
A situation in which there are moral pros and cons for each of a set of possible actions
moral dilemma
The time when hormones cause the sex organs to mature and secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts for women and a beard for men, to appear
The period between the onset of puberty and, roughly, the end of the teenage years
A study in which the same group of people is tested repeatedly, at different ages
longitudinal study
A study in which different groups of people are tested, with each group composed of individuals of a particular age
cross-sectional study
The effects of maturation and learning on personality and relationships
psychosocial development