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56 Cards in this Set

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Developmental psychology
branch of psychology: explores physical, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of development
Nature-Nurture Debate
debate over relative influences of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture) in determining behavior
Continuity model
proposes that development involves quantitative changes that occur in small steps over time.
Discontinuity model
Proposes developmental progresses in stages that involve abrupt, qualitative changes in cognitive ability and ways of interacting with the world.
longitudinal study
study that compares the same individuals at periodic intervals over an extended period of time
cross-sectional study
compares individuals of different ages of developmental levels at the same point in time
cohort effect
differences between age groups as a function of historical or social influences affecting those groups rather than age
male reproductive cell
An egg cell (ova)
Fallopian tube
strawlike tube between an ovary and the uterus through which an ovum passes after ovulation
the union of sperm with an ovum during secual reproduction
fertilized egg cell
germinal stage
prenatal development that spans the period from fertilaztion through implantation
female reprodcutive organ in which the fertilized ovum becomes implanted and develops to term
embryonic stage
stage of prenatal development from implantation through about eighth week of pregn. during which the major organ systems begin to form
developing organism at an early stage of prenatal development
neural tube
area in embryo from which nervous system develops
amniotic sac
uterine sac that contains the fetus
organ tha provides for exchange of nutrients and waste materials between mother and fetus
fetal stage
stage of prenatal development in which fetus develops, beginning around the ninth week of pregn. and lasting until birth of child
Spina Bifida
nerual tube defect in which the child is born wit a hole in the tube surrounding the spinal cord
an environmental influence oragent that may harm the developing embryo or fetus
common chilhood that can lead to serious birth defects if contracted by the mother during pregnacy (german measles)
sudden infant death syndrom
(SIDS) sudden and unexplained death of infants that usually occurs whn they are asleep in their cribs
fetal alcohol syndrome
(FAS) syndrome caused by maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy in which the child shows developmental delays and facial deformities
technique for diagnosing fetal abnormalities involving examination of extracted fetal cells
chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
technique of detecting fetal abnormalities that involve sexaminationof fetal material extracted from the chorion
membrane that contains the amniotic sac and fetus
down syndrome
a chromosomal disorder characterized by mental retardation and certain facial abnormalities
ultrasound imaging
technique for using high pitched sound waves to form an image of the fetus in the womb
rooting reflex
reflexive turning of the newborns head in the direction of a touch on its cheek.
eyeblink reflex
reflexive blinking of the eyes that protects the newborn from bright light and foreign objects
sucking reflex
rhythmic sucking response to stimulation of the tongue or mouth
moro reflex
inborn reflex, elicted by a sudden noise or loss of support, in which the infant extends its arm, arches its back, and brings its arms toward each other as though attempting to grab hold
palmar grasp reflex
reflexive curling of the infants fingers around an object that touches its palm
babinski reflex
reflexive fanning out and curling of an infants toes and inward twising of its foot when the sole of the foot is stroked
biological unfolding of the organism according to the underlying genetic code
characteristic style of behavior or disposition
enduring emotional bond that infants and older children form with their caregivers
process by which parents develop strong ties to their newborns, which may form in the first few hours following birth
strange situation
alinsworth method for assessing infants attachment ot the mother, based on a series of brief seperations and reunions with the mother in a playroom situation
internal working models
generalized expectations, developed in early childhood, about how others are likely to resond in close relationships
piagets theory, mental framwork for understanding or acting on environment
piages theory the process of adjustment that enables people to function more effectively in meetins the demands they face in the environment
piagets theory the process of incorporating new objects or situations into existing schemas
piagets theory the process of creating new schemas or modifying existing ones to account for new objects or experiences
object permanence
recognition that objects comntinue to exist even if they have disappeared from sight
symbolic representation
symbols that stand for names and experiences, specifically the words in a language
piagets theory, the tendency to see the world only from ones own perspective
animistic thinking
piagets theory the childs belief that inanimate objects have living qualities
piagets theory the inability to reverse the direction of a sequence of events to their starting point
piagets theory the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a situation at a time
piagets theory, the ability to recognize that the quantity or amount of an object remains constant despite changes in its outward appearance
formal operations
level of full cognitive maturity in piagets theory, characterized by the ability to think in abstract terms
zone of proximal development
Vygotskys theory, range between children present level of knowledge and their potential knowledge state if they receive proper guidance and instruction
Vygotsky's theory, tailoring the degree and type of instruction to the childs current level of ability or knowledge