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46 Cards in this Set

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(T/F) From is beginning, the Supreme Court has wielded immense power and demanded great respect


The Judiciary Act of 1789 clearly established the supremacy of the federal courts over the states


The Bill of Rights protected individuals liberties from state to government


Loose constructionists say that specified ends justify unspecified means


president washington fell for citizens genets charm and intrigues


americans almost universally praised the Jay Treaty


Washington proposed that America " Steer clear of permanent alliances, with any portion of the foreign world"


The war with France was called a "Quasi War" because was was never officially declared


The Alien and sedition Acts were clearly unconstitutional


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson remained bitter enemies throughout their lives


established the nations first cabinet

George washington

the first head of the department of state

thomas jefferson

the first secretary of the treasury

alexander hamilton

introduced the amendments that became the bill of rights

james madison

americas best known frontiersman

daniel boone

americas second president

john adams

the department heads who advise the president


paying debt with bonds that are to be recognized as currency


the national governments taking over all states debts


someone who allows great flexibility in interpreting the constitution

loose constructionist

someone who allows little flexibility in interpreting the constitution

strict constructionist

a party that supported the common people and favored a small, limited government


a party that supported industry, a growing centralized government and rule by property owners


independence movement that deteriorated into violence

french revolution

plot to bring america into the french war against britain

genet episode

america refusal to take side in the war between Britain and france

proclamation of neutrality

averted war with britain

jay treaty

violent attack against the government over taxes

whiskey rebellion

french seizure of american cargo

quasi war

americans humiliating peace negotiations with france

XYZ affair

declaration that the states have the right to nullify unconstitutional federal acts

virginia resolutions

adams effort to fill the judiciary with federalist

midnight appointment

what do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution?

the bill of rights

in what resolutions did james madison suggest that states have the right to secede when the federal government acts unconstitutionally?

virginia resolution

what act ensured that the federalists would have a lasting influence on the judiciary

the judiciary act of 1801

what did the south accept in return for locating the national capital in the south

assumption of state debts

what issue first opened debate over constitutional interpretation

creation of the national bank

the main objectives of the first national bank were to issue a unified currency and to ??

provide loans to local business

the federalist strongly supported

industry and commerce

the united states broke the treaty of alliance with france because ???

the french had overthrown their old government

the main effect to jay treaty was that it

averted war with britian

what caused the Whiskey Rebellion

opposition to an internal tax

the alien acts granted the president the power to

expel or imprison immigrants

the sedition act granted the president the power to

prohibit treasonous speech

the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions advocated


the end
