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86 Cards in this Set

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The human body contains over _____ skeletal muscles, which constitutes 40-50% total body weight.
Skeletal muscle performs three important functions:
1. Force generation for ________ and _______.
2. Force generation for _______ support
3. Heat production during long periods of ______ stress.
locomotion, breathing
Muscles that decrease joint angles are called _______, and muscles that increase joint angles are called _______.
Individual muscle fibers are separated from each other and held in position by connective tissue called ______.
The outermost layer that surrounds the entire muscle is called the ___________.
As we move inward from the epimysium, connective tissue called the _________ surronds individual bundles of muscle fibers.
These individual bundles of muscle fibers are called a ________.
Each muscle fiber within the fasciculus is surrounded by connective tissue called the ___________.
Just below the endomysium and surrounding each muscle fiber is another layer of protective tissue called the ________ ________.
external lamina
Unlike other cells in the body, muscle cells are ___________ (have many nuclei).
Each individual muscle fiber is a thin, elongated cylinder that generally extends the length of the muscle. The cell membrane surrounding the muscle fiber cell is called the ____________.
Located above the sarcolemma and below the external lamina are a group of muscle precursor cells called _______ cells. These are undifferentiated cells that play a key role in muscle growth and repair.
True/False If muscle fiber cells are destroyed they cannot be replaced by cell division.
Satellite cells can contribute to growth during ________ ________ by dividing and contributing nuclei to existing muscle fibers. Increasing the number of nuclei within muscle fibers enhances the fibers' ability to synthesize ________ and, therefore, assists in muscle growth.
strength training
In a _________ _______, there is a certain volume of cytoplasm surrounding each nucleus. To keep this constant, new nuclei are incorporated into skeletal muscle fibers during growth, this occurs in hypertrophy and atrophy.
myonuclear domain
Beneath the sarcolemma lies the ________, which contains the cellular proteins, organelles and myofibrils.
________ are numerous threadlike structures that contain the contractile proteins and are composed of two major types of protein filaments: thick and thin.
Thick filaments are composed of the protein ______ and thin filaments are composed of the protein _____.
Located on the actin molecule itself are two additional proteins, _______ and ___________.
troponin and tropomyosin
Myofibrils can be further subdivided into individual segments called __________.
Sarcomeres are divided from each other by a thin sheet of structure proteins called a __ line or __ disk.
Mysosin filaments are located primarily within the (light/dark) portion of the sarcomere, which is called the ___ band, while actin filaments occur primarily in the (light/dark) portion of the sarcomere called ___ bands.
dark A
Light I
In the center of the sarcomere is a portion of the myosin filament with no overlap of the actin. This is the __ line.
Within the sarcoplasm of muscle is a network of membranous channels that surrounds each myofibril and runs parallel with it. These channels are called the __________ ________ and are storage sites for calcium, which plays an important role in muscular contraction.
sarcoplasmic reticulum
Another set of membranous channels called the _________ _______ extends inward from the sarcolemma and passes completely through the fiber.
Transverse tubules
These transverse tubules pass between two enlarged portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called the _________ __________.
Terminal cisternae
Each skeletal muscle is connected to a nerve fiber branch coming from a nerve cell. These nerve cells are called ______ _______, and they extend outward from the spinal cord.
motor neurons
The motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates are called a _____ _____.
motor unit
Stimulation from motor neurons initiates the contraction process. The site where the motor neuron and muscle cell meet is called the ____________ _______.
neuromuscular junction
At this junction the sarcolemma forms a pocket that is called the ______ ____ ______.
motor end plate
The end of the motor neuron does not physically make contact with the muscle fiber, but is separated by a short gap called the neuromuscular _____.
When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the motor nerve, the neurotransmitter ______________ is released and diffuses across the synaptic cleft to bind with _________ _____ on the motor end plate.
receptor sites
This causes an increase in the permeability of the sarcolemma to ______, resulting in a ___________ called the ___-______ potential
Muscular contraction is a complex process involving a number of cellular proteins and energy production systems. The final result is a sliding of ______ over ______, which causes the muscle to shorten and therefore develop tension.
The process of muscular contraction is best explained by the _______ _________ _______ of contraction.
sliding filament model
True/False Actin and myosin myofilaments do not change length during contraction.
During contraction, ______ myofilaments at each end of the sarcomere slide past the ______ myofilaments toward eachother. As a result the __ disks are brought closer together, and the sarcomere shortens.
As the actin myofilaments slide over the myosin filaments, the __ zones and the ___ bands narrow. The __ bands, which are equal to the length of the myosin myofilaments, do not narrow, because the length of myosin myofilaments does not change.
Myosin _____ _______ are are always attached to actin, but the strength of the attachment varies from "weak" bond to a "strong" bond.
cross bridges
The "pulling" of actin over the myosin molecule results in muscle (shortening/lengthening) and the generation of ______.
The term _______/_________ _______ refers to the sequence of events in which a nerve impulse (action potential) reaches the muscle membrane and leads to muscle shortening by cross-bridge activity.
excitation-contraction coupling
The energy for muscular contraction comes from the breakdown of ___ by the enzyme _______ _____.
myosin ATPase
Myosin ATPase is located on the "____" of the myosin cross-bridge.
The first step in the process of muscular contraction begins with a nerve impulse arriving at the ____________ _______.
neuromuscular junction
The action potential from the motor neuron causes the release of __________ into the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction, and ATC binds to receptors on the _____ _____ ______, producing an end plate potential that leads to depolarization of the muscle cell.
motor end plate
This depolarization is conducted down the _______ _________deep into the muscle fiber.
transverse tubules
When the action potential reaches the ___________ __________ and from the lateral sac, calcium is released and diffuses into the muscle to bind to a protein on the actin filament called _________.
sarcoplasmic reticulum
As calcium binds to troponin, there is a position change in _________ such that the active sites on the actin are uncovered. This permits the strong binding of a "cocked or energized" myosin cross bridge on the actin molecule.
The strong cross-bridge binding initiates the release of _____ stored within the myosin molecule producing an angular movement of each cross-bridge on the actin molecule.
True/False ATP is needed to break the strong binding state of the myosin cross bridges after muscle shortening has occurred.
What is needed to repeat the contraction cycle and if it is lost leads to fatigue?
The signal to stop contraction is the absence of the nerve impulse at the _____________ ________. When this occurs, an energy-requiring Ca++ pump located within the sarcoplasmic reticulum begins to move Ca++ back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
neuromuscular junction
The percentage of fast vs. slow fiber types contained in skeletal muscles can be influenced by _______, blood levels of ________, and the exercise habits of the individual.
In general, the two key biochemical characteristic of muscle that are important to muscle function are (1) the _________ capacity and (2) the type of _______ isoform.
The oxidative capacity is determined by the number of _________, the number of _________ surrounding the fiber and the amount of ________ within the fiber.
The importance of ATPase isoforms is the _______ that they degrade ATP.
In comparing contractile properties of muscle fiber types, three performance characteristics are important (1) maximal ______ production (2) speed of _________, (3) muscle _____ efficiency
Maximal force production is described as the force per unit of _____-sectional area.
The contraction speed of muscle fibers is compared by measuring the maximal shortening ______ of individual fibers. _____ represents the highest speed at which a fiber can shorten.
The efficiency of a muscle fiber is made by dividing the amount of ____ used by the amount of force produced.
______ __ fibers (also called slow-oxidative or slow-twitch fibers) contain large numbers of oxidative enzymes like mitochondria and are surrounded by more capillaries than any of the fibers as well as high concentrations of myoglobin.
Type I
True/False Type I fibers produce a FASTER Vmax compared to fast fibers and are LESS efficient than fast fibers.
______ ___ fibers (sometimes called fast-twitch fibers or fast-glycolytic fibers) have a relatively small number of mitochondria, have a limited capacity for aerobic metabolism, and are less resistant to fatigue than slow fibers. However, these fibers are rich in glycolytic enzymes which provide them with a large anaerobic capacity.
Type IIx
Type IIx fibers are less efficient than all other fiber types. This low efficiency is due to the high myosin ________ activity, which results in a greater energy expenditure per unit of work performed.
A second type of fast fiber is the ______ ___ fiber (also called intermediate fibers or fast-oxidative glycolytic fibers) and contain biochemical and fatigue characteristics that are between type IIx and type I fibers.
Type IIa
The specific tension of type IIx fibers is greater than type __ fibers.
Long distance runners utilize which fiber type more: Type I, Type IIx and IIa?
Type I
Track sprinters utilize which fiber type more: Type I, Type IIx and IIa?
Type IIx and IIa
Strength training can lead to an increase in muscle size through ___________ and force production.
Endurance exercise does not increase muscle size or strength but results in an increase in muscle ________ capacity (mitochondrial number increases)
What type of training can convert fast fiber types to slow fiber types?
Endurance training
Research has proven that during the first ____ days of muscle disuse, most of the initial atrophy occurs due to increased muscle protein breakdown.
___% of muscle mass is lost between the ages of 25-50 years.
Additional ___% of muscle is lost between ages of 50-80 years
As aging occurs, what type of fibers are lost and which ones are gained?
Fast fibers lost, slow fibers gained
__________ muscle action is referred to as a static exercise such as a plank.
Exercise that involves movement of body parts is called dynamic exercise or ________ exercise.
A muscle action that results in muscular shortening with movement of a body part is called _________ action.
An _________ action occurs when a muscle is activated and force is produced but the muscle lengthens.
If a muscle is given a single stimulus, such as a brief electrical shock applied to the nerve innervating it, the muscle responds with a simple _____.
During a muscle twitch there are three periods. Name them and their respective time periods.
Latent period ~5 ms
Contraction 40 ms
Relaxation 50 ms
Is the speed of shortening greater in fast fibers or in short fibers?
fast fibers
The amount of force generated during muscular contraction is dependent on the following factors:
1. types and number of motor _____ recruited
2. the ______ muscle length
3. the nature of the motor unit's ______ stimulation
The addition of muscle twitches is termed _________.
When the frequency of neural stimulation to a motor unit is increased, individual contractions are fused in a sustained contraction called a _______.
The peak force generated by muscle (increases/decreases) as the speed of movement increases. However, the amount of power generated by a muscle group _______ as a function of movement velocity.