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26 Cards in this Set

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The Qur'an is the

holy book of Islam.

The Qur'an contains

Muhammad's teachings.

The city of Makkah was important to Muslim tradition because

it was the birthplace of Muhammad.

Makkah was a prosperous city because

of it's location on trade routes.

In Muhammad's day, most Arabs and Makkans followed


Arabs pledged their loyalty to no central government so they were

loyal to their clans and larger tribes.

Arabs were united by cultural ties, especially

common language.

Muhummad was given the nickname "al-Amin"

which means trustworthy. This helped him to thrive and become a successful merchant.

Muhummad was concerned about

the effects of wealth and the worship of idols.


is the Arabic word for God.

Gabriel told Muhammad that

he was the messenger of God.

For Muslims, Islam was

a way of life and basis for creating a just society.

All believers in God

are equal; the rich share wealth

Muhammad taught people the following:

1. They must worship the one God.

2. All believers in God were equal.

3. The rich should share their wealth.

4. Take care of orphans and the poor.

5. Improve the status of women.

In 619 Abu Talib and Khadijah died. The same year Muhammad a miraculous event occurred.

He went on a Night Journey on a winged horse to Jerusalem. There he met with Jesus, Moses and Abraham. Then the winged horse took him through the seven layers of heaven where he then meets God. This is why Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims.

Muslims came under attack and were persecuted. A town called Yathrib pledged Muhammad protection if he

moved there and brought peace between feuding tribes.

When Muhammad moved to Yathrib (Madinah) he developed

a new Muslim community there.

Muslims emphasized brotherhood of faith over

the ties of family, clan and tribe.

Muhammad preached

charity, forgiveness, and generosity.

When Muhammad died, Abu Bakr (his friend and father-in-law) became the first caliph which means

Muslim ruler.

Muslim government was led by the caliphs and was called

the caliphate.

Caliph Umar continued to expand the Muslim empire by

conquest (control by military force).


are the majority of Muslims and accepted Mu'awiyah (leader of the Umayyads) as caliph.


the minority of Muslims, believed that only the people directly descended from Muhammad through Fatima and son-in-law Ali should be caliph.

As the newly expanded Muslim empire spread, it became more diversified, Two things helped unite the diverse people.

1. Islam 2. The acceptance of Arabic language.

It was not policy to force people to convert to Islam, but some non-Muslims converted because

1. They had a belief in the message of Islam.

2. They had social pressure to join the ruling group.