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24 Cards in this Set

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encoding, storing, recall (not the same as learning)
not the same as learning
involves first perceiving se particular stimulus event, and then translating or coding the information so it cab vr more easily stored.
is the process by which encoded material is retained over time. how we put into econdinh or organizing new memories.
the ability to access information that was properly encoded and stored in memory.
Models of memory
sensory memory

short term memory

long term memory
Sensory Memory
type of memory that briefly holds info coming in from the senses.
Iconic Memory
visual memory blinking, eye, shake
Echoic Memory
memory for auditory info. (sound)
Rehearsal memory
repeating info in hopes you remember
process of grouping items into longer meaningful units to make them easier to remember.
credit cards
Long term Memory
type of memory that has virtually limitless capacity and hold info from a few mins to a lifetime
Procedural Memory
memory for how to perform certain activities or skills. (riding a bike tie shoes etc.)
Episodic Memory
memory of the experiences of your own life.
Semantic Memory
non personal memory for factual data such as classroom materials.
Eidetic Imagery
the very rare ability to retain amounts of visual info with great accuracy for several mins. (photographic memory)
Mnemonic Devices
system of organizing info in a meaningful way to make it easier to recall at a later time.
meaninfhl arrangements of letters
Maintenance Rehearsals
saying it over and over
Elabortative Rehearsal
own examples in learning something new
Retroactive inference
Occurs when newly acquired information interferes with a recall of order memory
Proactive interference
Encouragement old information already in long-term memory interferes with one's ability to recall newly acquired information
Primacy effect
Memory is best for items at the beginning of a list
Recency effect
Memory is best for items at the end of the list
Organic amnesia
Loss of memory due to altered physiology of the brain such as a traumatic brain injury