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38 Cards in this Set

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Define Behaviorists

Psychologists concerned only with what people/animals do, and the circumstances in which they do it

What kind of explanations do behaviorists strive for?

The simplist

What are the assumptions of behaviorism?

Determinism, ineffectiveness of mental explanations, and environment molds behavior.

What's determinism?

The idea that things happen for a reason (every behavior has a cause)

What is ineffectiveness of mental explanations?

that behaviorism is more about the current behavior not past experiences and mental elements

What does environment molds behavior mean?

More on the nature side, you are who you are based on your experiences

Name 2 famous behaviorists

BF Skinner and Jacques Loeb

What is stimulus response psychology?

The attempt to explain behavior in terms of how each stimulus triggers a response

Why do behaviorists explanations in terms of thoughts?

Previous events and current stimuli are responsible for thoughts, and therefore the events and stimuli are the real causes of behavior. (environment causes thoughts which cause behavior)

How did Loeb explain why certain animals turn toward the light?

Light from the side caused greater muscle tension on one side of the body on a caterpillar. That made the muscles on one side move more vigorously than those on the other side. This imbalance of movement continued until the light stimulation on both sides was equal.

Who began classical conditioning with what study?

Ivan P. Pavlov with the dog salivation study

What is classical conditioning?

The way in which an organism learns a new association between paired stimuli

What is the unconditioned stimulus? What is the acronym?

An event that automatically elicits an unconditioned response; UCS

What was the unconditioned response? What is the acronym?

The action that the unconditioned stimulus elicits; UCR

What is a neutral stimulus? What is the acronym?

A stimulus that produces no specific response; NS

What is a neutral response? What is the acronym?

No response from the neutral stimulus; NR

What is a conditioned stimulus? What is the acronym?

Previously the neutral stimulus, the stimulus that preceeds the conditioned response; CS

What is the conditioned response? What is the acronym?

Whatever response the conditioned stimulus elicits as a result of the conditioning procedure; CR

What happens if the conditioned stimulus is unfamiliar to the subject?

They will learn the conditioning faster

At the start of training the CS elicits ___ and the UCS elicits ___. After many repetitions of the CS followed by the UCS, the CS elicits ___ and the UCS elicits ___.


Identify the CS, UCS, CR, and UCR:

Every time an army drill sergeant calls out "Ready, aim, fire," the artillery shoots, making a painfully loud sound that causes you to flinch. After a few repetitions, you tense your muscles after the word "fire," before the shot itself.

CS: "Ready, aim, fire!"

UCS: Loud gunshots

CR: tensing

UCR: flinch

What is extinction?

To extinguish a classically conditioned response, repeatedly present the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus

When does extinction occur?

When the subject no longer predicts the UCS after the CS

What is spontaneous recovery?

A temporary return of an extinguished response after a delay

In Pavlov's experiment on conditioned salivation in response to a buzzer, what procedure produces extinction? What procedure produces spontaneous recovery?

To produce extinction, Pavlov should repeatedly sound the buzzer and not bring out food. To produce spontaneous recovery, he should wait a few days then sound the buzzer.

What is acquisition?

Original conditioning process that establishes or strengthens a CR

What is stimulus generalization?

Occurrence of the CR in reaction to stimuli that resemble the CS

Give an example of stimulus generalization.

Little Albert; After being scared when he was with white rats made him have a phobia of all fuzzy white objects,

What is discrimination?

Responding differently to two similar stimuli that predict different outcomes

Give an example of discrimination

When two odors are almost identical but one produces a shock and one does not, people learn to differentiate between the two.

What is drug tolerance?

Users of certain drugs experience progressively weaker effects after taking the drugs repeatedly.

When someone develops tolerance to the effects of a drug injection, what are the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response, and the unconditioned response?

CS: Taking the drug (Injection)

UCS: The entrance of the drug into the brain

CR: body's defense against the drug

UCR: Body's defense against the drug

How did researchers measure drug tolerance in rats?

They got them addicted to morphine (got drug tolerance), then gave them salt water injections, and finally one morphine injection which showed a decrease in tolerance.

What is Pavlov's explanation of conditioning?

Presenting the CS and the UCS at the same time causes growth in the brain

What is temporal contiguity?

Wiring in the brain changes so they become physically connected through the neurons

What is the blocking effect?

The previously established association to one stimulus blocks the formation of an association to the added stimulus.

If classical conditioning depended entirely on presenting the CS and UCS at nearly the same time, what result should the experimenters have obtained in Rescorla's experiment?

Group 1 and 2 of the rats should have responded equally to the CS regardless of how often they received the unconditioned stimulus at other times.

