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124 Cards in this Set

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As a cosmetologist, understanding the concept of human anatomy is primarily restricted to:
muscles, nerves, cirulatory systems, and bones of head, face, neck, arm, lower legs and feet!
the study of functions and activities performed by the body structures
the dense active protoplasm, found at the center of the cell
the protoplasm of the cell that surounds the nucleus
the study of the human body; the science of structure of organisms or of their parts
the balloon to contain the protoplasm, allowing certain substances to pass though
cell membrane
the study of the many tiny structures found in living tissue; miscorscopic anatomy
how many types of tissues are in the body?
what r the types of tissues in the body?
connective, epithelial, liquid, nerve, muscular
name the body systems
circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, endocrine, excretory, nervous, digestive, integumentary, muscular, skeletal
how many bones in the skeletal system?
name movable joints
elbow, knee, hips
name unmovable joints
pelvis, skull
how many parts is the skull divided, and what r they called?
2 - cranium and facial skeleton
how many bones n the cranium? name them
8 - occipital, parietal, 2 temporal, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid
how many bone in the facial skeleton? name the bones involved in facial massage
14 - 2 nasal bones, 2 lacriminal bones, 2 zygomatic bones, 2 maxilla, mandible
Forms the forehead
hindmost bones of the skull
form the sides of the head in the ear region
form the side and crown of the cranium
small, thin bones located at the front inner wall
lower jawbone, largest and strongest of the face
form the bridge of the nose
bones of the upper jaw
form the prominence of the cheeks
u shaped bone at the base of the throat
the chest; elastic, bony cage
should blades
12 pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax
7 bones of the top part of the vertebral column
cervical vertebrae
the technical name for breastbone
name the smaller bones in the forearm. name the larger bone in the forearm
smaller - radius, larger - ulna
how many bones in the wrist? whats its technical name?
8, carpus
The ______ are the bones of the palm, and the _______ are the bones in the fingers, also called _______.
metacarpus, phlanges, digits
accessory bone; forms the knee cap
heavy, long bone; forms the leg above the news
smaller of the 2 bones, forms the leg below the knee
ankle bone of the foot
larger of the 2 bones, forms the leg below the knee
the foot is made up of how many bones? name the subdivided 3 categories and the number of bones in each
7 tarsal, 5 metatarsals, 14 phlanges
the study of the structure, function, and disease of the muscles is ________. the human body has over ______ muscles, which are responsible for approximately ____% of the body's weight.
myology, 600, 40
list the 3 types of muscular tissue
striated muscles, non striated muscles, cardiac muscles
_______ muscles, or _______ muscles are attached to the bones and are voluntary or controlled by will
striated muscles, skeletal
_______ muscles, or ______ muscles, are involuntary and function automatically, without conscious will
non striated, smooth
involuntary muscle of the heart
list the 2 functions of the striated muscles
assist in maintaining the body's posture, and protect internal organs
where are non striated muscles found?
digestive or respiratory systems
list ways that muscular tissues can be stimulated
massage, electrical current, light, dry heat, moist heat, nerve impulses, chemicals
which muscles should the cosmetologist be concerned with?
voluntary muscles that controls the movement of arms, legs, and feet
the broad muscles that covers the top of the skull is the _______. it consists of 2 parts, the ________ and the ________.
epicranius, the occipitalis and the frontalis?
the muscle that draws the scalp backward is the
the _______ muscle of the scalp raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead
what tendon connects the occipitalis and the frontalis?
epicranual aponeurosis
muscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward
auricularis posterior
muscle above the ear that draws the ear upward
auricularis superior
muscle in front of the ear that draws the ear forward
auricularis anterior
name the muscles that coordinate the opening and closing of the mouth. these are sometime referred to as the:
masseter, temporalis chewing muscles
the broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin is the
which muscle of the neck lowers and rotates the neck
the muscle located beneath the frontalis that draws the eyebrow down is the
the muscle that covers the bridge of the nose, lowers the eyebrows and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose is the
the muscle that forms the ring of the eye socket, closing the eye s the
orbicularis oculi
flat muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower jaw that compresses the cheeks and expels air between the lips
muscle surrounding the lower lip - lowers the lip and draws to one side
depressor labii inferioris
raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward
levator anguli oris
elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostrils
levator labii superioris
elevates the lower lip and raises wrinkles
flat band around the upper and lower lips that compresses, contracts, puckers and wrinkles lips
orbicularis oris
muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back as in grinning
muscle extending alongside the chin that pulls down the corner of the mouth
muscles from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth - elevate lips as in laughing
controls should blades
latissimus dorsi
enables closing of eye
orbicularius oculi
assists in swinging the arms
rotates arms
assists in breathing and raising arms
serratus anterior
lifts forearm and flexes albows
extends forearm
extends arm outward
turn how inward so that palm faces downward
rotates the radius outward and upward
bends the foot up and extends the toes
extensor digitorum longus
covers the front on the shin, it bends the foot upward and inward
tibialis anterior
covers outer side of the calf and inverts the foot and turns it outward
peroneus longus
originates on the lower surface of the fibula bends the foot down and out
peroneus brevis
attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot down
originates at the upper portion of the fibula and bends the foot down
what r the 3 principal muscles of the shoulders and upper arms?
bicep, deltoid, tricep
the muscles of the feet r?
extensor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, flexor digitorium brevis, abductor
3 main subdivisions of the nervous system
central, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous systems
a system of nerves that connect the outer parts of the body to the central nervous system - carries impulses, or messages to and from the central nervous system
peripheral nervous system
consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial - control consciousness and many mental activities, voluntary functions of the 5 senses
central nervous system
part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles - regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels and heart
autonomic nervous system
the ________ is the largest and most complex nerve tissue in the body, is contained in the _________ and weighs a little less than ____ lbs on average
brain, cranium, 3
how many pairs of spinal nerves extend from the spinal cord?
31 pairs
the primary structural unit of the nervous system
neuron is composed of
cell body and nucleus
treeliek branchings of nerve fibers extending form the nerve cell that receives impulses from other neurons
sends impulses away from t he cell body to the other neurons, glands, or muscles
whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connectiv tissue, through with implulses are transmitted
where do nerves have their origins?
the brain and spinal column
nerves that carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain
sensory nerves
nerves which carry impulses from the brain to the muscles
motor nerves
the motor nerve of the face is the
7th facial cranial nerve
list the most important branches of the facial nerve
posterior auricular nerve
temporal nerve
zygomatic nerve
buccal nerve
marginal mandibular nerve
cervical nerves
the principle nerves supplying the superficial parts of the arm and hand are the
digital nerve
radial nerve
ulna nerve
the nerve that supplies impulses to the knee, the muscles of the calf, the skin of the leg, and sole, heel and underside of the toes
tibial nerve
nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg
deep peroneal nerve
nerve that extends down the leg, supplies impulses to the muscles and skin of leg
superficial peroneal nerve
nerve that supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg
other names for circulatory systems
cardiovascular, vascular
circulatory system consists of
blood vascular & lymph vascular
structures between the chambers taht allow the blood to flow in only one direction
the upper, thin-walled chambers on the right and left
the lower, thick walled chambers on the right and left
the circulatory system that sends the blood from the heart to the lungs to be purified
pulmonary circulation
part of the circulatory system that carries the blood from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart
systemic circulation
there r approx ______ pints of blood in the human body, contributing to about _____ of the bodys weight. blood is approximately ______% water with a normal temp of ____F
the arteries that are locatede on either side of the neck and are the main sources of blood supply to the heard, face and neck are
common carotid arteries
supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose & internal ear
internal carotid artery
the artery that supplies blood tothe lower region fo the face, mouth and nose is the
facial artery
the artery that supplies blood to the upper lip and region of the nose is the
superior labial artery
the artery that supplies blood to the skin and masseter is the
transverse facial artery