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39 Cards in this Set

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acute stress disorder

a mental disorder marked by anxiety and dissociative symptoms following a traumatic experience


a mental disorder marked by avoidance of places in which one might have an embarrassing or intense panic attack.


an emotional state that occurs as a threatening vent draws close and is marked by aversive physical feelings, troublesome thoughts, and avoidance and other maladaptive behaviors

anxiety sensitivity

a risk factor for anxiety-related disorders involving fear of the potential dangerousness of one's physical symptoms

anxiety-related disorder

A mental disorder involving overwhelming worry, anxiety, or fear that interferes with a person's daily functioning.

behavioral avoidance tests

An assessment technique for anxiety-related disorders that measure how close one can approach a feared object or situation.

behavioral inhibition

a risk factor for anxiety-related disorders involving withdrawal from things that are unfamiliar or new.

body dysmorphic disorder

A disorder marked by excessive preoccupation with some perceived body flaw

breathing retraining

a treatment technique for physical anxiety symptoms that involves inhaling slowly and deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.


a cognitive distortion involving the assumption that terrible but incorrect consequences will result from an event.

cognitive distortions

Irrational, inaccurate thoughts that people have about environmental events

Cognitive therapy

A treatment technique for cognitive symptoms of anxiety that involves helping a person think more realistically and develop a sense of control over anxious situations


Ongoing and bizarre ritualistic acts performed after an obsession to reduce arousal. These may involve checking, hand washing, ordering, counting, repeating words or phrases, or seeking reassurance from others.


emotional processing

a persons ability to think about a past anxiety-provoking event without significant anxiety.

emotional reasoning

A cognitive distortion involving the assumption that ones physical feelings reflect how things really are


exposure-based practices

Treatment techniques for behavioral symptoms of anxiety that involve reintroducing a person to a situation he/she commonly avoids.


An immediate and negative reaction to imminent threat that involves fright, increased arousal, and an overwhelming urge to escape.


An exposure-based therapy technique involving exposure to, and eventual extinction of, ones most intense fear.

Generalized anxiety disorder

A mental disorder marked by constant worry about non dangerous situations and physical symptoms of tension

informed consent

The practice of educating potential clients about the therapy process, especially variables that might influence their decision to seek therapy.

interoceptive exposure

a treatment technique involving exposure to, and eventual control of, physical symptoms of anxiety


a therapy technique that emphasized how a person can accept symptoms but still function in a given situation.


ongoing and bizarre ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that a person cannot control

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Personality disorder marked by rigidity, perfectionism, and strong need for control

panic attacks

a brief episode of intense fear and physical symptoms that increases and decreases suddenly in intensity. these symptoms are often accompanied by worry about their dangerousness and negative consequences.

panic disorder

a mental disorder marked by ongoing and uncued panic attacks, worry about the consequences of these attacks, and, sometimes, agoraphobia

post- traumatic stress disorder

a mental disorder marked by a traumatic event and the re-experiencing of the event through unwanted memories, nightmares, flashbacks, and images.


a treatment technique that involves educating a person about the physical, cognitive, and behavioral components of anxiety or other problems and how these components occur in sequence for that person.

relaxation training

a treatment technique for physical anxiety symptoms that may involve having a person tense and release (relax) different muscle groups

response (or ritual) prevention

a treatment technique for obsessive-compulsive disorder involving exposure to an obsession such as thoughts of dirty hands without engaging in a related compulsion such as hand washing

school refusal behavior

a child-motivated refusal to attend school and/or difficulties remaining in classes for an entire day.

separation anxiety disorder

a mental disorder marked by extreme and developmentally inappropriate distress when separation from home or close family members occurs or is anticipated.

social phobia

a mental disorder marked by panic attacks in, and avoidance of, situations involving performance before others or possible negative evaluation


thought-action fusion

a risk factor for obsessive-compulsive disorder involving a belief that thinking something is the same as doing it.


a largely cognitive construct that refers to concern about possible future threat.

worry exposure

a treatment technique for generalized anxiety disorder involving extensive concentration on an anxious thought and alternatives to the worst-case scenario