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53 Cards in this Set

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Sugar Act
A law that was supposed to stop smuggling by lowering the tax on molasses imported by the colonists.
American Colonists who were determined to fight the British until American Independence was won.
Ideas or information designed to influence opinion
American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.
Rag figure representing an unpopular individual
Companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight on a minute's notice.
Sons of Liberty
Gang of rebel colonists led by Samuel Adams who terrorized British tax collectors and promoted rebellion against British occupation.
Boston Tea Party
Sons of Liberty dress up like Indians and toss 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor
Stamp Act
Placed a tax on all printed materials in the colonies- Newspapers, Wills, Pamphlets, Playing Cards...
Tea Act
Allowed the British East India Tea Company to get a tax break on tea shipped to the colonies
Townshend Acts
Placed tax on glass, tea, paint and lead.
Boston Massacre
British soldiers fire into a crowd killing five
Writs of Assistance
Gave British officials permission to search anywhere for smuggled goods and allowed "guilty until proven innocent" mentality.
To refuse to buy or trade with a certain person.
Coercive or Intolerable Acts
-Closed Boston Harbor until tea was paid for
-Banned town meetings
-Required colonists to feed and quarter soldiers
Incoming Money
Concord, Lexington, and the Old North Bridge
The first encounters between British regulars and colonial Minutemen "The shot heard round the world."
Paul Revere
"The British are coming!"
Samuel Adams
-Organized Committees of Correspondence
-Leader of the sons of liberty
-Owned a tavern
To cancel an act or law
Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)
British won the battle, but learned quickly that defeating the colonists would not be quick or easy.
A formal expression of opinion
Refusing to bring in certain goods from another country
A formal request
The introduction to a formal document
The belief that colonies exist to benefit the economy of the mother country is known as ____________.
Why did the British colonists object to the Proclamation of 1763?
Because it limited the settlement on the land that they won in the French and Indian war.
The main purpose of the Navigation Acts passed by England was to ensure that only __________ benefited from colonial trade.
The outcome of the Treaty of Paris 1763 resulted in which country losing colonies/territory in North America?
When colonists refused to buy any English products, the were participating in a ____________.
In order to avoid colonial conflicts with the Native Americans, the British Government passed this Proclamation-
Proclamation of 1763
What was a result of the French and Indian War that led directly to the American Revolution? (Think $$$)
Britain was in debt and had to tax the colonists to pay for the war.
How did the colonists protest the Stamp Act (1765) on colonial trade?
Boycotts were very effective because it created economic hardships for British ___________ and reduced their profits.
The slogan "No taxation without representation" referred to taxes enacted by British ____________________.
A person who sided with the King could best be described as a ______________.
A person who fought for independence and protested taxation could be best described as a _____________.
Which document is the below taken from?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that the are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....."
Declaration of Independence
Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
The primary purpose of the Declaration of ______________________ was to list the reasons the colonies should be free from ______________________.
The main goal of most of the British Acts (Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Navigation Acts, etc.) was to enable Britain to raise ________________ and control who the colonies could and could not _________________ with.
These British policies and acts angered the Americans and eventually led to the _________________ Revolution.
Briefly describe the purpose of each of the 4 sections of the Declaration of Independence.
1. Explains their reason for wanting to separate.
2 and 3. The rights they think they should have and their grievances with Britain.
4. Proclaims the existence of a new nation.
Many American colonists believed that British ____ laws were unfair because colonists lacked _______________________ in Parliament.
A basic idea stated by Thomas Jefferson in the _____________________ of Independence was that power to govern a nation comes from the ________________.
How did a Loyalist view Britain?
As their leader and mother country,
The era of Intolerable Acts, the First Continental Congress and Common Sense would likely be summarized as the _______________________________________________ Era.
To opposed something means to __________________________________________. Where the American colonists opposed to many of the British policies?
disagree with or go against something
Define Loyalist
Someone who is loyal to Britain
Define Patriot
Someone who wants independence.
Who did the Continental Congress appoint to be the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
George Washington
List four effects of the coercive acts.
1. Closed Boston harbor until Britain was paid back.
2. Banned all town meetings.
3. Allowed officers to be tried in Britain.
4. Forced colonists to quarter soldiers.
What was exported from the colonies to Africa?