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47 Cards in this Set

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Fig 5-1
An OB model for studying individual Differences
Represents an individual's capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning and problem solving
Spearmans stated that cognitive performance is determined by 2 types of abilities
General Mental Ability for ALL cognitive tasks ("G")

Specific cognitive ability for the task at hand
Gardner's 8 Multiple Intelligences (MIs)
<b>Linguistic</b>--Potential to learn and use spoken and written languages

Logical-mathematical--Potential for deductive reasoning

Musical--potential to appreciate, compose and perform music

Bodily-Kinesthetic--potential to use mind and body to coordinate physical movement

Spatial intelligence-potential to recognize and use patterns

Interpersonal-Potential to understand, connect and effectively work with others

Intrapersonal-potential to understand and regulate oneself

Naturallist-potential to live in harmony with one's environment
Practical Intelligence
the ability to <b>solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experience</b> in order to adapt to your environment/circumstance
the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity

how you

Big 5 Personality Dimensions

Review Table 5-1



Emotional Stability

Openness to experience

<b>Conscientiousness has the strongest positive correlation with job performance and training performance
Proactive Personality
someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

Proactive people identify opportunities and act on them, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs.
Personality Testing in the workplace

Table 5-2
tool used for making decisions about hiring training and promotion is commonplace.

however, a panel of industrial organizational psychologists concluded that the typical personality test is NOT A VALID PREDICTOR of job performance
**Core self-evaluations (CSE)
Represent a broad personality trait comprised of four NARROWER individual personality traits.

-Generalized Self-efficacy
-Locus of Control
-Emotional Stability
Self Esteem
a belief about one's own self worth based on an overall self-evaluation.
Self Efficacy
"I can do that"

a<b> person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task</b>.

arises from the gradual acquisition of complex cognitive, social, linguistic, and/or physical skills through experience
Learned Helplessness
the severely debilitating </b>belief that one has no control over one's own environment.</b>
Fig. 5-2
Self Efficacy Beliefs Pave the Way for Success or Failure
Sources of Self Efficacy Beliefs
Prior Experience

Behavior Models (observing others perform a given task)

Persuasion from others

Assessment of physical/emotional state
People program themselves for success or failure by enacting their self-efficacy expectations
Self-Efficacy Managerial Implications
Recruiting/selecting/job assignments

Job design

training & development


goal setting and quality improvement




Internal Locus of Control
belief that an individual is in control of the events and consequences that affect their lives
External Locus of Control
thows who believe their performance is the product of circumstances <b>beyond their control
Emotional Stability
Individuals tend to be relaxed, secure, unworried, and less likely to experience negative emotions under pressure

Organizational citizenship behavior

Counterproductive work behaviors
a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.

Values represent GLOBAL beliefs that influence behavior across all situations.

ATTITUDES related ONLY to behavior directed towards SPECIFIC objects
3 components of attitude


Affective Component
piece of an attitude that contains the feelings or emotions one has about a given object or situation
Cognitive Component
reflects the evaluation or belief one has about an object or situation.
Behavioral Component
refers to how one intends or expect to act toward someone or something
Cognitive Dissonance
represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when his or her attitudes or beliefs are incompatible with his or her behavior
3 Ways to reduce Cognitive Dissonance (psychological tension)
Change your attitude or behavior

Belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior

Find consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones
Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
Fig. 5-3

predicts behavior under the individual's control
complex, relatively brief responses to particular information or experiences that change psychological and/or physiological states.
Fig 5-4
Positive and Negative Emotions

<b>Negative Emotions</b>--Goal Incongruent

<b>Positive Emotions</b>--Goal Congruent
Emotional Intelligence
the ability to manage oneself and ones relationships in mature and constructive ways
2 Streams of OB research on emotions provide additional interesting insights
<b>Emotional Contagion</b>--you can catch or transfer a mood

<b>Emotional Labor</b>--Linked cause to exhaustion--when you fake being happy or satisfied
Fig 5-1
An OB Model for Studying Individual Differences: Enthronemental/External Context

Individual Differences affect Individual work outcomes
the combination of STABLE physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity
Big 5 Personality Dimensions (OCEAN)

Table 5-1
Openness to experience




Neuroticicm (Emotional Stability)

<i>Conscientiousness is most closely correlated to Job performance
True Colors Exercise

<b>4 Diff. Types of Personalities</b>

<b>Orange</b>-Sales, Politicians, Dancers

<b>Gold</b>-Manager, Librarian, Finance, Accountant

<b>Blue</b>-Social Work, Healthcare, Consulting

<b>Green</b>-Engineers, psychologists, Consulting, Economists, IT
True Colors & Teams

D&C 84:109-110-Just because someone has different strengths/abilities from you doesn't mean you don't need them or that you are better--"the body has need of every member..."
<b>Orange Player:</b> We can all profit from their attitude as a stress buster/reducer to keep us from taking life TOO seriously.

<b>Gold Team Player:</b> are the stabilizers of our society who will prevent us from living in Chaos.

<b>Blue Player:s</b> Harmonizers their love and support will comfort us in our effort to be the best we can be.

<b>Green Players:</b>rely on them to provide vision to keep us growing in a positive direction--problem solving, innovative ideas/solutions
Self esteem
belief about ones own self worth based on an overall self-evaluation

total evaluation of self worth--do you have a positive self image?
a person's belief about his chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task
Learned Helplessness
severely debilitating belief that one has no control over one's environment
You can have high self esteem and LOW self-efficacy?
Internal Locus of Control
People who believe they can control the events and consequences that affect their lives
External locus of Control
those who believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control
Research Lessons
Internals display greater work motivation

Internals have stronger expectations that effort lead to performance

There is a stronger relationship between job satisfaction and performance for internals than for externals

Internals obtain higher salaries and greater salary increases than externals
Emotional Intelligence

Office Clip
ability to manage oneself and ones relationships in mature and constructive ways

<b>4 Components</b>
-Self Awareness (being aware of the emotions you're experiencing and how to control them)

-Social Awareness
-Relationship Management