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23 Cards in this Set

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Body composition: Human body can be divided in to _______ mass & body _______.



fat-free mass is composed of:







body fat comes in 3 types

1. Subcutaneous--just beneath the skin

2.Visceral--- inside abdominal wall

3.Ectopic-- located on or within organs

Weight management is as simple as balancing ____________ consumed with calories ____________in daily acivities



what term describes "the proportion of the body's weight that is fat"

percent body fat

True or False: genetic factors explain most cases of obesity ?

False, lifestyle is the key contributing factor.

BMI stands for

Body Mass index

BMI is a __________ of relative body weight that is based on the individuals (1) _________ & (2)__________


(1) mass

(2) height

BMI equation = ?

weight (kg)/height (m^2)

what are the BMI levels for :

a. underweight




a. < 18.5

b. 18.5-24.9

c. 25-29.9

d. 30-39.9.

However, because BMI doesnt distinguis between _______ weight & ______-free weight, it can very inacurate for a few group of people:

a. ?

b. ?

c. ?

a. muscular atheletes

b. short people

c. pregnant women

Ideal % of body fat for

a. men : ___%--25%

b.women: 16%--- _____ %

men : 7-25 %

women : 16-35%

Name two methods for measuring body compostion (relative amount of body fat mass to fat-free mass)

1. skinfold method

2. hydrostatic underwater weighting

Obesity ______mortality rates and can reduce life expectany by ___-20 years


10-20 yeats

True or False: Obesity is the reaon, for the first time in history, the current generaition of children have shorter life expectancies than their parents.

:( True

What are the 3 interrelated disorders associated with female athlete triad ?

1. abnormal eating patterns

2.excessive excercising

3.amenorrhea-- lack of menstrual period

Define nutrigenomics

study of how nutrients and genes react, and how genetic variations can cause people to ract differently to nutrients in food.

what is the name of the body shape most common amongst females ? Describe where majority of the fat appears in this specific body shape.

Pear (gynoid) -- fat mainly around the hip, upper thighs, and buttocks area.

what is the name of the body shape most common amongst males ? Describe where majority of the fat appears in this specific body shape.

apple (android)-- fat is carried around the upper body.

anorexia nervosa is best described as...

self-stravation due to a fear of gaining weight.

bulimia nervosa is best described as

frequent espisdoes of binge eating followed by purging (vommiting, use of laxitives) to prevent weight gain.

which of the 4 risk factors is the most signifcant risk factor for type 2 diabetes ?

a. smoking

b.low-fibre diet

c. overweight or obesity

d. inactivity

c.overweight or obesity

***all 4 are risk factors for type 2 diabetes

*** its esitmated that 90% of type 2 diabetes cases could be prevented if people adopted healthy lfestyle behaviours.

about what % of Canadian adults have a healthy body weight ?

a. 65 %



b. 38%