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47 Cards in this Set

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Robert Walpole
British Statesman generally regarded as the first Prime Minister of Great Britain. (August 1676-March 1745)
he deliberately trfrained from a strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts.
he believed that relaxed trading restrictions would stimulate commerce.
Privy Council
central administrative agency for the government as a whole.
since the no colonial office in London, real authority rested in the Privy Council, the admiralty and the treasury. These agencies were responsible for administering laws at home as well as overseas, none could concentrate on colonial affairs alone.
Benjamin Franklin
born in Boston in 1706.
one of the founding fathers of the USA
he was a leading author, printer, satirist, politician, postmaster, scientist, and civic activist.
he was one of the agents that went to England to talk to the London officials to talk to them about the conditions in the American colonies. he represented Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts
New France
area in North America colonized by France in 1534.
Paltry Wages
paltry = insignificant; worthless; lacking importance
Albany Plan
proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754. it was an early attempt at forming a union of the colonies under one government.
a conference of colonial leaders meeting in Albany to negotiate a treaty with the Iroquois. The delegates stayed on to talk about forming a colonial federation for defense against the Indians.
Franklin proposed the plan to the delgates. The plan was that Parliament would set up in America "one general government"{ for all colonies, and each colony would retain it;s present constitution. When the Albany Plan was [resented to the colonial assempblies, none apporved it.
French and Indian War
war between Great Britain and France in North America . it changed the balance of power both in North America, and the whole world. it cemented England's role as great commercial and imperial nation. it also cemented England's control of most of the settled regions of North America.
1754 - 1763
became a world wide conflict known as the seven years war.
the French and Indian war became an economic burden for the North American colonists
Louis XIV
King of France from 1643-1715
known as the "sun King"
believed in the divine right of kings.
created a centralized state, governed from the capital of France.
his search for national unity and increased world power caused theexpansion of the French presence in America .This , along with religious and commercial tensions caused the French and Indian War.
Missionary Zeal
drew large numbers of French Jesuits into the interior for search of potential converts.
Louis Joliet
French explorer of the 1760s
traveled with Father Jacques Marquette by canoe from Green Bay on Lake Michigan to the junction of the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers.
Father Jaques Marquette
French Jesuit missionary who founded Michigan's first European settlement. Along with Louis Joliet, first European to see and map the northern Mississippi River.
Rene Robert Cavalier
french explorer ,
explored the Great Lakes of the US and Canada, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf of Mexico. he claimed the entire mississippi river for France.

in 1682 he claimed the area around the delta of the Mississippi river for France. he named the area Louisianna in the King's honor.
The Iroquois Confederacy
the 5 Indian nations (Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Oneida) that had formed a defensive alliance in the 15th century.
they had been the most powerful tribal presence in the Northeast since the 1640s.
King Williams War
the first of the French and Indian wars.
produced a few indecisive clashes between the English and the French in northern New England.
Fort Necessity
July 3, 1754
one of the first battles of the French and Indian War
George Washington's only military surrender.
contributed to a series of military escalations that resulted in the Seven years' War
William Pitt
English secretary of state
in 1757 he began to transform the war effort in America by bringing it for the first time fully under British control.
he began planning a military strategy for the North American conflict.
Siege of Quebec
The army of General James Wolfe struggled up a hidden ravine under cover of darkness , surprised the larger forces of the Marquis de Montcalmand defeated them.
Quebec fell on September 13 1759.
marked the beginning of the end of the American phase of the war.
Peace of Paris 1763
February 10 1763
(also known as the Treaty of Paris)
signed by Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal.
It ended the French and Indian War. it marked the beginning of an extensive period of British dominance.
Proclamation of 1763
issued October 7 1763 by King George III.
forbid settlers to advance beyond a line drawn along the Appalachian mountains.
it would allow London to control the westward movement of the white population.
Grenville Ministry
a british government headed by George Grenville which served between april 1763 -0 july 1765 .
it was formed after the Earl of Bute resigned as Prime Minister.
Sugar Act
april 5 1764
passed by the English Parliament
increased the colonists' concerns about the intent of the British Parliament and helped the growing movement that became the American Revolution
Currency Act
name of the several acts that British Parliament passed. They regulated paper money issued by the colonies of British America. The acts sought to protect British merchants and creditors being paid in depreciated colonial currency
Paxton Boys
vigilante group that murdered 20 native americans . they were Presbyterian Scots-Irish frontiersmen from centrak Pennsylvania.
Regulatory Movement
North Carolina uprising (1764-1771)
citizens took up arms against corrupt colonial officials.
the movement was unsuccesful, but some historians consider it a catalyst to the American Revolution.
Stamp Act
merchants and lawyers were obliged to buy stamps for ships' papers and legal documents. tavern owners were required to buy stamps for their licenses. Printers were had to buy stamps for their newspapers and other publications. even though the economic burden of the Stamp Act was relatively light, the colonist grew angry because of the precedent it seemed to set.
Virginia Resolves
a set of resolutions introduced by Patrick Henry declaring that Americans possesed the same rights as the English. especially the right to be taxed only by their own representatives. the Virginians should pay no taxes except those voted by the Virginia Assembly, and that anyone advocating the right of Parliamernt to tax Virginians should be deemed an enemy of the colony.
Sons of Liberty
political group made up of American Patriots that originated in the pre-independence colonies. the group was designed to incite change in the British government's treatment of the colonies in the years after the French and Indian War
The Tories
colonists who sided with the British crown during the American Revolution.
Mutiny Act
act passed yearly by Parliametn for governing the British Army. originally passed in 1689 .
Quartering Act
required the colonists to provide quarters and supplies to the British troops of America. the troops were settled in North America to protect the colonists from Indian or French attack and to defend the frontiers.
Townshend Act
Charles Townshend disbanded the New York assemnly until the colonists agreed to obey the Mutiny (Quartering Act). he levied new taxes on various goods imported to the colonies from England.
Navigation Act
Parliament passed a law to keep Dutch ships from the English colonies.
they were designed to regulate colonial commerce more strictly.
Boston Massacre
march 5 1770
a crowd of dockqorkers began pelting the sentries at the customs house with rocks and snowballs. one of the soldiers was knocked down, and several soldiers fired and killed 5 colonists.
the Boston Massacre became a symbol of British oppression and Brutality,
Samuel Adams
leading figure of in fomenting public outrage over the Boston Massacre.
he was the most effective radical in the colonies.
he was particularly inclined to view public events in stern moral terms. he became a voice expressing outrage at a British oppression
those colonists that remained loyal to ENgland.
Coercive Acts
also known as the Intolerable Acts.
made it a martyr to residents of other colonies and sparked new resistance up and down the coast.
colonists that wanted the colonies to form its own country,
Gaspee Incident
an act of rebellion.
angry residents of Rhode Island boarded the British Schooner the Gaspee, set it on fire, and sank it in the Narragansett Bay.
Tea Act
Britain’s East India Trading Company the right to export
Merchandise directly to the colonies without paying any of The navigation taxes. The Tea Act was passed because The East India Trading Company was on the verge of Bankruptcy and had a surplus of tea boxes that it could Not sell to England. The act enraged influential colonial Merchants, and it revived American passions about the Issue of taxation without representation.
Daughters of Liberty
an informal organization of women that occasionally mocked their male counterpartsas insufficiently militant.
First Continental Congress
delegates from all 13 colonies except Georgia were present in the First Continental COngress of 1774. they made 5 major decisions.
they rejected a plan for a colonial union under British authority. They endorsed a statement of grievances. they approved a series of resolutions. they agreed to a boycott of trade with Great Britain, and they agreed to meet again in the spring.
JOhn Adams
american politician
2nd american president.
Battle of Lexington and Concord
battle that marked the beginning of the American Revolution.
General Thomas Gage
served as commander in chief of the north american forces including the direction of the British response to the Pontiac Rebellion
Paul Revere
celebrated for his role as messenger in the battles of Lexington and COncord.
John Dickinson "Letters to a Farmer"
made clear that britains policies were wrong.
The Massachusetts Circular
letter from sam adams regardng townshend acts. and not being represented by parliament,