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58 Cards in this Set

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alternate form reliability
the relationship between scores schieved by people when they complete 2 versions of a test that are judged to be equivalent
autonomic nervous system
N.S. division that regulates involuntary functions; innervates endocrine glands, smooth muscle and heart muscle and initiates the physiological changes that are part of the expression of emotion
behavioral observation
a form of behavioral assessment that entails careful observation of a person's overt behavior in a particular situation
brain stem
part that connects spinal chord with cerebrum contains pons and medulla oblongata and functions as a neural relay station
area of hindbrain concerned with balance, posture and motor coordination
cerebral cortex
thin outer covering of each of the cerebral hemispheres; it is highly convulted and composed of nerve cell bodies which constitute the gray matter of the brain
cerebral hemispheres
either of the 2 halves that make up the cerebrum
clinical interview
general term for conversation between a clinician and a patient that is aimed at determining diagnosis history cuased for problems and possible treatment options
construct validity
the extent to which scores or ratings on an assessment instrument relate to other variables or behaviors according to some theory or hypothesis
content validity
the extent to which a measure adequately samples the domain of interest
corpus callosum
the large band of nerve fibers connecting the 2 cerebral hemispheres
criterion validity
the extent to which a measure is associated in an expected way with some other
CT or CAT scan
refers to computerized axial tomography a method of diagnosis in which X rays are taken from different angles and then analyzed by computer to produce a representation of the part of the body in cross section; often used on the brain
the lower area o fthe forebrain containing the thalamus and hypothalamus
ecological momentary assessment
form of self observation involving collection of data in real time (e.g. diaries) regarding thoughts, moods, and stressors
electrocardiogram (EKG)
a recording of the electrical activity of the heart made with an electrocardiograph
electrodermal responding
a recording of the minute electrical activity of the sweat glands on the skin, allowing the inference of an emotional state
electroencephalogram (EEG)
a graphic recording of electrical activity of the brain usually of the cerebral cortex but sometimes of lower areas
front lobe
the forward or upper half of each cerebral hemisphere in front of the central sulcus active in reasoning and other higher mental processes
fuctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
modification of magnetic resonance (MRI) which allows researchers to take pictures of the brain so quickly that metabolic changes can be measures resulting in a picture of the brain at work rather than its structure alone
ridges or convultions of the cerebral cortex
a collection of nuclei and fibers in teh lower part of the processes such as metabolism, temp, and water balance
intelligence test
standardized means of assessing a person's current mental abilities for ex the Standford Binet test and the Wechester Adult Intelligence scale
internal consistency reliability
degree to which different items of an assessment are related to one another
limbic system
the lower parts of the cerebrum made up of primitive cortex; controls visceral and bodily changes associated with emo and regulates drive motivated behavior
magnetic imaging resonance (MRI)
a tech for measuring the structure of the living brain . the person is placed inside a large circular magnet that causes H atoms to move, the return of the atoms to their original positions when the current of the magnet is turned off is translated by a computer into pics of brain tissue
medulla oblongata
an area in the brain stem through which nerve fiber tracts ascend to or descend from higher brain centers
3 layers of noneural tissue that envelop the brain and spinal chord. they are dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia matter
the sum of the interacellular processes by which large molecules are broken down into smaller ones, releasing energy and wastes and by which small molecules are built up into new living matter by consuming energy
middle part of the brain that consists of a mass of nerve fiber tracts connecting the spinal chord and pons, medulla, and cerebellum to the cerebral cortex
Minnesota Multiphase Personal Inventory (MMPI)
a lengthy personality inventory by which individuals are diagnosed through their true false replies to groups of statements including states such as anxiety, depression, masculinity-feminity, and paranoia
a physician who studies the nervous system especially its structure, funtions, and abnormalities
neuropsychological tests
psycholoigst tests such as the Luria-Nebraska that can detect impairment in different parts of the brain
a psychologist concerned with the relationships among cognition, affect, and behavior on the one hand and the brain on the other
in anatomy, amass of nerve cell bodies (gray matter) with in the brain or spinal chord by which descending nerve fibers connect with ascending nerve fibers
occipital lobes
the posterior area of each cerebral hemisphere situated behind the paretal lobe and above the temporal lobes, responsible for reception and analysis of visual info and for some visual memory
parasympathetic nervous system
the division of the ANS that is involved with maintenance it controls many of hte internal organs and is active primarily when the org is not aroused
parietal lobe
middle division of each cerebral hemisphere, situated behind the central sulcus and above the lateral sulcus; the recieving center for sensations of the skin and bodily positions
personality inventory
a self report questionnaire by which an examinee indicates whether statements assessing habitual tendencies apply to him or her
PET scan
computer generated picture of the living brain created by analysis of radioactive particles from isotopes injected into the bloodstream
an area in the brain stem containing nerve fiber tracts that connect the cerebellum with the spinal chord and with motor areas of the cerebrum
psychological tests
standardized procedures designed to measure a person's performance on a particular task or to access his or her personality
the discipline concerned witht eh bodily changes taht accompany psychological events
projective hypothesis
the notion that highly unstructured stimuli as in Rorschach are necessary to bypass defenses in order to reveal unconscious motives and conflicts
projective test
a psychological assessment device emplying a set of standard but vagu stimuli on the assumption that unstructured material will allow unconscious motivations and fears to be uncovered ex) Rorscach
reactivity (of behavior)
the phenomenon whereby behavior is changed by the very fact that it is being observed
reticular formation
network of nuclei and fibers in the central core of the brain stem that is important in arousing the cortex and maintaining alertness, in processing incoming sensory stimuli and in adjusting spinal reflexes
Rorschach Inkblot test
a projective test where the examinee is instructed to interpret a series of 10 inkblots reproduced on cards
self monitoring
in behavioral assessment a procedure whereby the indiv observer and reprots certaina spects of his or her they silently talk to themselves
somatic nervous system
the part of the NS that controls muscles under voluntary conditions
the process of constructing an assessment procedure that ahs norms and meets the various psychometric criteria for reliability and validity
structured interview
an interview in which the questions are set out in a prescribed fashion for the interviewe. assists professional in making diagnostic decisions based upon standarized criteria
sulci (fissures)
a shall furrow in the cerebral cortex seperating adacent convultions or gyri
sympathetic nervous system
the division of the ANS that acts on bodily systems for ex) contracting the blood vessels, reducing activity of the intestines and increasing the heart beat to prepare the org for exertion, emotional stress, and extreme cold
temporal lobe
a large area of each cerebral hemisphere situated below the lateral sulcus and infront of the occipital lobe; contains primarily auditory projection and association areas and general association areas
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
a projective test consisting of a set of black and white pictures reproduced on cards each depicting a potentially emotion laden situation. the examinee presented with the cards one at a time is instructed to make up a story about each situation
white matter
the neural tissue partiuclarly of the brain and spinal chord consisting of tracts or bundles of myelinated (sheathed) nerve fibers
continuous cavities with in the cerebral canal of the spinal chord and that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid