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21 Cards in this Set

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______ may have no symptoms of have unilateral leg edema, extremity pain, warm skin, erythemia, and a systemic temperature greater than 100.4 38c
Deep vein Thrombosis DVT
What is a positive Homans sign?
pain on forced dorsiflexion of the foot when the foot is raised.
WHat is a classic sign of DVT
positive Homans sign
If the inferior vena cava is involved in a DVT, what may be edematous and cyanotic
lower extremities
If the superior vena cava is involved in a DVT, where would the symptoms take place
in the upper extremities neck, back, and face
What is the most serious complication of a DVT?
pulmonary embolism
chronic venous insufficiently
phlegmasia cerulea dolens
This results from a valvular desctruction allowing retrograde flow of venous blood
chronic venous insufficiency
What are some signs and symptoms that may develop in a patient with a CVI?
pesistant edema
increased pigmentation
secondary varicosities
cyanosis of the limb when it is placed in a dependent position
How long does it take until a patient starts to develop signs of a CVI
several years following a DVT
___________ is A swollen blue painful leg is a very rare complication which may develop in a patient with severe lower extremity dvt
phlegmasia cerulea dolens
Why would gangrene occur secondary to venous obstruction
becasue of arterial occlusion
What blood lab study is looked at when there is an elevation suggestive but not diagnostic of pulmonary embolous
An elevation if patient has underlying blood dyscrasia; decrease possible if patient has polycythemia, alteration possible becasue of drug interaction is a description and abnormal finding of what blood laboratory studies?
platelet count
bleeding time
This diagnostic study is a determination of venous flow in deep femoral, popiteal and pesterior tibial veins
a venous doppler evaluation
the normal finding of spontaneous flow with variation transmitted by respiration cycle, tell me what the abnormal finding would be using this doppler
absence of flow augmentation with distal compression and proximal release
this is a combination of ultrasound imaging techniques and doppler capabilitis to determine location and extent of thrombus within veins
Duplex scanning
Duplex scanning is most widely used to test for what disorder
This is a X-ray determination of location and extent of clot using ontrast media to outline filling defects; development of collateral circulation defined
venogram (phlebogram)
this is used in means of determining the presence of pulmonary embolism and extent of resulting lung damage, abnormal findings of mismatch between ventilation and perfusion componenets; frequently inconclusive
lung scan
this is an x-ray that determines by using contrast media the location and the size of a pulmonary embolism
pulmonary angiogram
This type of CT scan obtains continous slices allowing visualization of the entire anatomic areas such as the lung data can be computer resonstructed to allow for a 3-d picture
Spiral Ct scan