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21 Cards in this Set

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Taft-Hartley Act

This act restricted the power of labor unions by forbidding them from contributing to political campaigns and required union leaders to affirm they were not supporters of the Communist Party.

Operation dixie

1948 Bill efforts by the CIA after World War II to unionize Southern workers especially in textile factories

Employment Act of 1946

Visitation the claim that the government economic policies and to promote maximum employment production and purchasing power as well as keeping information local government commitment that was much shorter on specific targets and rules then it's liberal creators have wished that created the Council of economic advisers to provide the president with data and recommendation to make economic policy

Gi bill 1944

GI Bill of Rights Also known as Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 gave money to veterans to study in colleges, universities, gave medical treatment, loans to buy a house or farm or start a new business


The southern and southwestern states, from the Carolinas to California, characterized by warm climate and recently, rapid population growth


In 1947, William Levitt used mass production techniques to build inexpensive homes in surburban New York to help relieve the postwar housing shortage. Levittown became a symbol of the movement to the suburbs in the years after WWII.

Baby boom

An increase in population by almost 30 million people. This spurred a growth in suburbs and three to four children families

Yalta conference

When FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet; they agreed to wage war on Japan, to divide Germany into 4 equal parts, on the big 5's veto, and to hold free elections for the liberated countries

Cold war 1946-1991

The 45 year old diplomatics tension between the united states and the Soviet union that divided much of the world into polarized camps, capitalist against communists. Most of the international conflicts during that period, particularly in the developing world, can ve traced to the competition between the united states and the Soviet union

Bretton woods Conference 1944

Program established by agreement with the mexican government to recuit mexican algriculture where does to the United States make up for what time labor shortage in the far-west the program places until 1954 by Wendy has sponsored 4.5 million border crossing

United nations

International body formed in 1945 to bring Nations into dialogue and hopes to prevent further world wars much like the former League of Nations in addition the united nation was more realistic and recognizing the authorities of the big five powers and keeping peace in the world that's a guaranteed veto power to all permitted members of the security Council Britain China France the Soviet Union and the United States

Numerberg crime trails

Nazi leaders on trail for crimes

Berlin airlift flying food

Supplies to blockade west berliners

Containment doctrine

America strategy against the soviet union based on ideas of george kennon

Truman doctrine

Pledge of support for anyone fighting communist inspired threats

Marshall plan 1948

Massive transfer of aid money to help rebuild postwar western Europe intended to bolster capitalist and democratic governments and prevent domestic communist groups from riding povertt amd misery to power. The plan was first announced by Secretary of State George Marshall at Harvard's commencement in June 1947.

North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO)

Military alliance of western european powers and the United States and Canada estblished in 1949 to defend against the common threat from the Soviet union marking a gaint stride forward for European unity and American internationalism.

House Un-American Activity Committee (HUAC)

Investigatory body established in 1938 to root out "suvversion". Sought to expose communist influence in American government and society, in particular through the trial of Alger Hiss.

Fair Deal

President Truman's extensive social program introduced in his 1949 message to Congress. Republican and southern democrats kept much of his vision from being enacted, except for raising the minimum wage, providing for more public housing, and extending old-age insurance to many more beneficiaries under the social security act.

National Security Council Memorandum Number 68 (NSC-68) 1950

National Security Council recommendation to quadruple defense spending and rapidly expand peacetime Armed Forces to address Cold War tensions it reflected a new militarization of American foreign policy but the huge cost of retirement were not expected to interfere with what seemed like the Limitless possibilities of postwar prosperity

Korean war 1950-1953

First Hot War of the Cold War the Korean War began in 1950 when the Soviet back North Koreans invaded South Korea before meeting a counter-offensive by UN forces dominated by the United States the war ended in stalemate in 1953.