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27 Cards in this Set

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Specialized cells that send and receive info (nervous system)
Sensory Neurons
send info from sensory receptors to the brain by spinal chord
Motor neurons
neurons that send commands to glands, muscles and organs to do, cease, or inhibit something
connects sensory neurons (input) with motor neuron (output)
cell body of the neuron contains nucleus
Branch like extensions of soma that receive info from other neurons' terminal buttons
Extension of soma that receives info in the form of electrochemical impulses
Mylein Sheath
protective coating of fatty material around axon. (makes transmission of electrochemical charge faster)
Area composed of Terminal Button, Synaptic cleft and dendrite of another neuron
Glial Cells
Non neuron cells that supply neurons with support, nutrients and insulation (Grey matter)
Resting Potential
Stable negative charge of an inactive neuron
Action potential
Brief shift in a neurons electrical charge that causes the charge to travel down the Axon
Chemical messengers that are released by terminal buttons due to action potential. They travel down synaptic cleft and either activate or inhibit receptors on adjacent dendrites
Acetylcholine (Ach)
Neurotransmitter involved in muscle contractions and memory formation
neurotransmitter that promotes and facilitates movement as well as influencing thought.
Fam of neurotransmitters; play an important role in pleasure and control of pain
neurotransmitter; important in regulating sleep cycle, dreaming, aggression, appetite
Peripheral Nervous System
portion of nervous system containing nerves outside brain and spinal chord
bundle of axons routed together in peripheral nervous system
Somatic Nervous System
part of PNS; commands voluntary skeletal muscles and receives sensory info from muscle and skin.
Autonomic Nervous System
part of PNS controls movement of non-skeletal muscles with no voluntary control (heart, lungs etc.)
Sympathetic Nervous System
part of autonomic nervous system; activates energy resources to deal with threatening situations
Parasympathetic Nervous System
part of autonomic nervous system that acts to conserve and maintain the body's energy
Central Nervous system
spinal chord and Brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid
cushioning fluid that surrounds brain and spinal chord
Spinal Chord
Slender tube-shaped part of the central nervous system that extends from the vase of the brain down to the center of the back, made up of a bundle of nerves.
Automatic, involuntary response to sensory stimuli