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52 Cards in this Set

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Define stress

Nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. Arousal in both physical and mental platforms.

Define Stressor

Trigger or stimulus that prompts a stressful reaction

Define Eustress

Pleasant/desirable stress

Define Distress

Unpleasant/threatening stress

This Canadian nigga is a Physician renowned for his research and writing in the area of stress since the 1930's

Hans Selye

What are the seven major stressors of stress

Cataclysmic events, Conflict, Frustration, Hassles, Life changes, Chronic stressors, Job stressors

These white niggas are early stress researches that believed changes of any kind required some adjustment in behavior or lifestyle. They invented the SRRS

Thomas Homes and Richard Rahe

What is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)

A scale that shows a correlation between stress and illness. It does not prove that stress actually causes illnesses.

Define a chronic stressor

A state of ongoing arousal in which the parasympathetic system cannot activate the relaxation response.

True or false: Or bodies were designed to handle acute, short-acting stress


Match the following:

Flight or fight Parasympathetic

Relaxation Sympathetic

Fight or flight = Sympathetic

Relaxation = Parasympathetic

What is the largest source of stress

Jobs nigga

Define Job stressors

Work-related stress, including unemployment, role conflict, and burnout

Define Role Conflict

Forced choice between two or more different and incompatible role demands

Define Bunout

State of psychological and physical exhaustion resulting from chronic exposure to high levels of stress and little personal control.

Define hassles

Small problems of daily living that accumulate and sometimes become a major source of stress.

Which stressor is a direct contributor to both initial and recurrent heart attacks.

Job strains

Define Role conflict

When a person is forced to take on two or more different and incompatible roles at the same time.

This nigga is a spokesman for the American Heart Association (AHA) is concerned that some people might conclude that all one has to do to avoid heart disease is to deal with one's job stress

Philip Greenland

What are the top three factors for heart disease

Smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

True or False: Hassles may be more significant than major life events in creating stress

True. Divorce could make little hassles like child care, finances, and working ours seem like large stuff.

Define Frustration

Unpleasant tension, anxiety, and heightened sympathetic activity resulting from a blocked goal.

Define Conflict

Forced choice between two or more incompatible goals or impulses.

What are the ten most common hassles for college students

1. Thoughts about the future

2. Sleep

3. Wasting time

4. Inconsiderate smokers

5. Physcial appearance

6. Too many things to do

7. Losing things/ Misplacement

8. Not enough time to do what I want

9. Meeting high standards

10. Being lonely. . . akon help me :'(

True or False: The more motivated we are, the more frustration we experience when our goals are blocked.


Define Approach- Approach

Forced choice between two options both of which have equally desirable characteristics. Easiest to solve

Define Avoidance- Avoidance conflict

Forced choice between two options both of which have equally undesirable characteristics. The most difficult to resolve

Define Approach-Avoidance conflict

Forced choice within one option, which has equally desirable and undesirable characteristics

Nigga, what's a cataclysmic event?

A hurricane nigga. No explanation needed

True or False: Under stressful conditions, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is dominant


Define what the GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome)

Selye's Three-stage (alarm, resistance, exhaustion) reaction to chronic stress.

The GAS occurs in three phases. What are they? And how are they activated?

1. Alarm, Resistance, and exhaustion

2. They are activated by efforts to adapt to any stressor, both physical or psychological

What four factors affect how well /how poorly we respond to stress?

Learning histories, genetic predispositions, personalities, and preexisting medical conditions.

One of the most interesting ways people differ in their stress response has to do with gender. Men more often _____- ______-_______ whereas women ______-_______-________

Men: Fight or Flight

Women Tend and Befirend

Oxytocin is released during stres in both men and women. In females, the higher levels of estrogen affect Oxycontin in what ways? And how do they collaborate to affect personality.

The estrogen enhances the affects of Oxycontin, which results in more calming and nurturing feelings.

What hormone in males reduces the effects of Oxytocin


We have two major brain-body pathways for dealing with stress. What are they?

1. sympatho-adreno-medullary (SAM) system

2. Hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis

What is the SAM (Sympatho- adreno -medullary) system

The body's initial, rapid-acting stress response, involving the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal medulla

* Stressors trigger a cascade of effects that begin when the brain's hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system

What is the HPA (Hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenocortical) axis

The body's delayed stress response, involving the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal cortex

Describe how the SAM system works

1. Stressors trigger a cascade of effects that begin when the brain's hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system.

2. The medulla of the adrenal glands is stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system

3. The adrenal than secrets Catecholamines ( esp. Norepinephrine and epinephrine) which activate bodily changes necessary for Fight or Flight

Describe how the HPA system works

1. The hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland

2. The cortex of the adrenal glands is stimulated by the sent signals and thus Corticosteroids are secreted.

3. The hormones released activate the body's energy supplies and help fight inflammation.

* This system is offten regarded as a "more direct communication between the brain the endocrine system"

True or Flase: A combination of the SAM system and the HPA axis allows us to effectively cope with life-threatening stressors.

True nigga

True or False: Researches often regard Cortisol as the key " stress hormone"

True my nigga

What are two key duties attributed to cortisol

1. Helps reduce inflammation

2. Promotes healing in the case of injury

In the step-by-step diagram list the three phases that run within the General adaption syndrome (GAS)

1. Alarm reaction

2. Stage of resistance

3. Stage of exhaustion

The following ten terms are to be arranged in their respective locations:

Corticosteroids, Adrenal cortex, Catecholamines, Fight or Flight, Adrenal Medulla, Endocrine System, Cortisol, Norephinephrine, Epinephrine, Pituitary.

SAM System HPA Axis

1___________ 1_____________

2___________ 2_____________

3___________ 3_____________

4___________ 4_____________

5___________ 5_____________


True or False: The SAM system provides an initial, rapid acting stress response thanks to cooperation between the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal medulla.


True or False: The HPA Axis responds more slowly but lasts longer. It also helps restore the body to its baseline state: Homeostasis.


______________ is associated with several disorders, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. It is an under aroused state where the glands become exhausted form the demands of chronic stress.

Hypo- cortisolism

Some individuals are chronically over aroused by stress. What is this called? This over-arousal can lead to hypertension, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, and even low-birth-weight infants.


Define what Pschoneuroimmunology is?

A new field that studies the interactions of pshycological