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51 Cards in this Set

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Germinal Period
Formation of germ layers
Embryonic period
organ systems develop, no real growth in size
Fetal period
-Fetus grows
-maturation of organs
Where does fertilization occur?
In the fallopian tube
Perivitelline space
Allows only one sperm to enter. A protective barrier to keep other sperm out.
When does the egg undergo final maturation step?
When sperm reaches egg.
Ability to develop into wide range of tissue
What do trophoblast cells become?
What doe inner cell mass of blastocyst become?
What protects the placenta from mother's blood?
What structure is for the fetus to attach to the placenta?
In germ layers, what does the ectoderm become?
Anterior surface
In germ layers, what does the endoderm become?
Posterior surface
What does the embryonic disk become?
THe fetus
What makes up the embryonic disk?
Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Once all three germ layers develop, it is the end of the germinal period.
What germ layer does the nervous system develop from?
What structure causes the formation of the neural tube?
Oropharyngeal membrane is what part of gut formation?
Superior- mouth
Cloacal membrane is what part of gut formation?
inferior- rectum
How do limb buds develop?
Tissue is laid down in proximal to distal sequence
The GI tract is made from what germ layer?
Celom eventually becomes what?
Cavitites, eventually become thoracic, abdominal cavities, etc
Skin is derived from what?
Epidermis- Ectoderm

Dermis- Mesoderm
Nervous system is derived from what germ layer
Circulatory system is derived from what germ layer?
The septum secundum and septum primium create what?
The foramen ovale of the fetal heart
What is the foramen ovale?
In a fetal heart, a hole connecting L and R atrium. Oxygen comes from mother's oxygenated blood.

Closes post-natally. That is the biggest post natal change
Respiratory system is derived from what germ layer?
Urinary system is derived from which germ layer?
Reproductive system is derived from what germ layer?
In kidney development, what is the pronephros?
First urinary structure to develop, eventually degrades
In kidney development, what is the mesonephros?
Appears second and operates for a limited time.
In kidney development, what is the metanephros?
Eventually becomes the kidney.
In the reproductive system development, what is the paramesonephric duct?
the FEMALE reproductive tract is formed from this (uterus, vagina, etc). Causes mesonephric duct to degrade.

Forms uterine tube and developed because gonadic ridge produces estrogen.
In the reproductive system development, what is the gonadal ridge?
Critical organ, primitive gonad (testes or ovaries)
In the reproductive system development, what is the mesonephric duct?
the MALE reproductive tract is formed from this (seminal vesicle, prostate, penis, etc). Also causes the paramesonephric duct to degrade.
What is vernix caseosa
Waxy coat of protection on the fetus. Formed from waste in fetus.
First step of parturition:
Starts from the fetus (pituitary).

ACTH released from fetal pituitary- fetus is stressed.
Second step of parturition:
Fetus releases adrenal cortico steroids and that changes placental secretions.

The change in placental secretions is decrease progesterone and increase estrogen.
Third step of parturition:
-The myometrium starts to contract.
-This stimulates oxytocin to release from mother's pituitary.
-This causes more uterine contractions and it cycles.
What is a major post-natal change?
the foramen ovale closes and the two atria are separated.
Genes are a portion of ___.
alleles are the same
alleles are different
Each gene has __ alleles
Dominant and Recessive genes
dominant masks effects of recessive genes
Sex-linked traits
Traits affected by genes on sex chromosomes (X&Y)
Actual set of alleles a person has for a give trait.
Physical appearance/expression of that gene (blue eyes)
Dominant recessive
dominant masks recessive
Dominant & Recessive share expression.

ex: instead of tall or short, the person is medium height