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33 Cards in this Set

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What occurs during the Krebs cycle
The cycle oxidizes organic fuel derived from pyruvate
What does the Krebs cycle generate?
1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2 per pyruvate
The carbon that enters the Krebs cycle exits as what?
After the Krebs cycle, what accounts for most of the energy extracted from food?
NADH and FADH2 donate _____ to the electron transport chain. What does this power?
Powers ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation
The electron transport chain consists of what?
Proteins and other molecules which are a series of electron carriers embedded in the inner membrane (cristae) of the mitochondrion
In the electron transport chain, the electron carriers alternate ___ and ___ states as they accept and donate electrons
Reduced and oxidized states
In the electron transport chain, electrons drop in ____ as they go down the chain and are finally passed as ____.
free energy
Electrons + Protons + O2 = ?
The electron transport chain generates how much ATP?
None directly.
Electron transfer in the electron transport chain causes proteins to pump __1__ from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. __1__ then moves back across the membrane, passing through the protein complex, __2__, which uses the flow os __1__ to produce __3__. This process is called __4__.
1) H+
2) ATP synthase
3) ATP
4) Chemiosmosis
The electron transport chain + chemiosmosis = oxidative phosphorylation which produces how much ATP?
26 to 28 ATP
Cellular respiration of one glucose molecule will generate how much ATP for each molecule of glucose catabolized?
30 to 32 ATP
What method produces the most ATP?
Cellular respiration
Glucose not needed immediately is stored at what?
What process creates glycogen?
When ATP is needed, stored glycogen is broken down into what?
What process breaks down glycogen?
Glucose may be formed by what substances other than glucose? What process is this done by?
proteins, glycerol, lactic acid, and certain amino acids

Why don't most lipids not dissolve in water?
they are nonpolar, or hydrophobic
How are lipids transported in blood plasma?
Must be transported combined with proteins called lipoproteins.
Where are lipoproteins produced?
Liver and intestines
4 lipoproteins
VLDLs (very low density lipoproteins)
Chyomicrons function
transport dietary lipids to adipose
VLDLs function
transport triglycerides from hepatocytes to adipocytes
LDLs function
Carry about 75% of the total cholesterol in blood and deliver it to cells. Can deposit cholesterol in arteries
HDLs function
Remove excess cholesterol from body cells and blood and transport it to the liver for elimination
Functions of lipids
Structural molecules (phospholipids (cell membranes))
Bile salts, hormones, and vitamins
Adipose tissue stores excess lipids
Triglycerides in adipose tissue constitute ___% of all body energy reserves
Lipid catabolism (lipolysis)
Splitting of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol

Glycerol enters glycolysis

Fatty acids are broken down into 2 carbon molecules that enter the Krebs cycle as acetyl CoA
Lipid anabolism (lipogenesis)
Process of synthesizing lipids from glucose or some amino acids.
When does lipogenesis occur?
When individuals consume more calories than needed
Digested proteins are broken down into ____. How are these unlike carbohydrates and lipids?
Amino Acids
They are not stored