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37 Cards in this Set

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Model T
The most poplar mass-produced car by Ford. Thought to be the first mass-produced car.
Al Capone
Chicago gangster who ran a criminal empire bootlegging alcohol.
Samuel Insull
Businessman who worked to establish an electrical network throughout the country.
19th Amendment
Granted women the right to vote. Was not enough to make women truly equal.
Babe Ruth
Baseball legend who became one of the many new sports heroes of America.
Ernest Hemingway
An author who wrote about those who were alienated from society. He wanted redemption from the modern plight.
Roaring Twenties
The conservative time of economic prosperity following the First World War.
Sacco and Vanzetti
Two Italian Immigrants who had radical ideas. Were executed without being first found guilty of the crime they were suspected of.
Scopes Trial
Scopes was a teacher in Dayton, Tennessee who taught Darwin's theory of evolution. He was prosecuted and fined $100.
Clarence Darrow
The lawyer who defended Scopes during his trial. He was unsuccessful.
Racist group which was violently against anything not a WASP. Grew rapidly reaching membership of 5 million.
The belief that one should stick to a strict adherent doctrine.
Teapot Dome
Scandal that damaged Harding administration. Sec. of Int. Albert Fall took bribes in return for sale of lands to private corporations.
Albert Fall
Secretary of the Interior for Harding administration. Teapot Dome scandal would forever destroy the administration's image even though Harding had nothing to do with it.
Al Smith
Democratic candidate for the presidency in the election of 1928. Lost in a landslide but was the first to unite the cities behind him.
National Women's Party
Group that lobbied for full equality of women under the law.
Equal Rights Amendment
The Bill that would have given women complete equality with men. Was opposed by some because it threatened gender-specific legislation.
Charles Lindbergh
Flew from New York to Paris, over the Atlantic Ocean. Immediately became an international sensation.
A Mitchell Palmer-"Palmer Raider"
Mitchell Palmer used his office to arrest and deport hundreds of immigrants. Most of these immigrants were innocents whom he deported without trial.
Ezra Pound
Author who wrote about how materialistic and horrible American society had become.
TS Eliot
Wrote literature attempting to show the cultural and moral emptiness of modern man.
Sinclair Lewis
Wrote satirical pieces of literature which made fun of both small-town America and the city.
F Scott Fitzgerald
Wrote literature that showed the emptiness and lack of human concern of modern times.
Warren Harding
The Republican candidate during the election of 1920. He beat Wilson, starting a conservative period in America.
Calvin Coolidge
President after Harding. He saw it as his job to keep the country afloat. It was not his job to put out reforms.
Herbert Hoover
The last president of the roaring twenties. Won in the election of 1928 in a landslide.
Harding wanted the country to return to "normalcy". This meant to go back to the way things used to be before the time of progressive republicans.
18th Amendment
The amendment prohibiting alcohol. It worked but there were far too many problems with enforcing it. It was later repealed.
Sheppard-Towner Act
A federal act that provided funding for the care of mothers and their children.
Effects of Organized Labor
Labor union membership decreased during the 20's. They were not popular and proved unable to accomplish anything during the time.
National Origins Quota Act
A law which allowed the continued immigration of peoples from northern europe. Limited immigration from eastern europe, and especially asia.
Fordney-McCumber Act
The highest tariff ever placed on imported goods. There was a 60% tariff put in place. It aimed to eliminate the threat of a flood of goods from Europe.
yellow dog contracts
Contracts that managers had employees sign that forbade the worker to join a union.
Marcus Garvey
An African American man who set out to expand black pride and nationalism.
Red Scare
The fear that communist immigrants from eastern europe would take over the United States and destroy capitalism.
Volstead Act
The legislation in the Eighteenth Amendment that allowed for the prohibition of alcohol.
Andrew Mellon
The Secretary of the Treasury from 1921 to 1932.